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Palatial Congress

Posted on Wed Oct 17th, 2012 @ 12:04am by Thane & Axion & Nala Sao & Bomoor Thort & Berry & Kip Hoddai & Sev Rezer & Zorbo the Hutt & Trey† & Mentis

1,586 words; about a 8 minute read

Chapter: Chapter I: Web of Fate
Location: Grogga's Palace, Nar Shaddaa
Timeline: Late, Day Two

Night-time had descended upon Nar Shaddaa, for what little that meant. Whilst Nal Hutta - the Huttese 'Glorious Jewel' - continued to hang overhead, just visible through the ever-present fog and heavy light pollution, there was little else to discern the time of day, although this was less the case with this particular sector of the smuggler's moon.

Although in prime Hutt Cartel territory, this region was solely owned and maintained by Grogga the Hutt's personal stake in the criminal syndicate; security was high, only vessels permitted to enter the airspace were not shot down, and it was nigh on impossible to access... unless you were invited or well-prepared, as many were on this particular night.

Grogga, although often deemed particularly charitable for one of his kind, was still a very inscrutable, intelligent and wary customer, preparing for every eventuality, and using his vast wealth and power to ensure his security and ongoing existence, defending against rivals and those who would support and work for them. His palace - a masterpiece typical of Hutt designs - was nestled within the centre of the sector dedicated to him. Massive walls surrounded the entire complex, agriculture from numerous worlds made up extravagant gardens, carefully maintained to be sure they could survive in the inhospitable Nar Shaddaa atmosphere. All about, sentries and turrets were up to protect the palace, and there was a surprising lack of neon light in Grogga's stronghold area and the overall lack of ambient light and the new construction that made it darker, harder to see in, required visors.

The tactics of the Hutt had been curious as well and they had steadily whittled down the invaders throughout the contest, wiping away swaths of them until they realized what was happening and began to become more cautious; then Grogga's men changed the game again.

To start, as they resisted they fell back and forced Zorbo's men into narrow passages and lanes between buildings, only to detonate them when their own men were clear and holding the next inner section. Whole platoons of men went down in one explosion and there had been a half-dozen of those before Zorbo (and the Cult) had gotten wise to the tactic).

In addition, those with visors and visual enhancers had been blinded by UV/IR flashers that went off at irregular intervals and changed orientation, catching people when they were unaware. They also screwed up the heat locks of portable missiles fired at groups, causing them to veer off-course.

At this stage the invaders had attempted to bring in their new heavy weapons, just recently bought for this purpose, only to have over half of those explode almost as soon as they were fired, killing their support teams.

Then, when they had tried using long-range weapons and stealth, they had run afoul of proximity detonators and corrosive bombs that destroyed armor and weapons and what was encased in them alike.

This, they had realized then, was a war and Grogga had a general who had been waging it against them for weeks, if not months, prior to this very night.

Thane had been amongst those to use that to his advantage this night, as well as numerous other factors that would serve his and his allies' purpose. Nestled within one of the alien trees near to Grogga's Palace, he could plainly see the great golden statue of a grotesquely obese Hutt that served as the decoration just beyond the main entrance to Grogga's abode, and just beyond there, he could hear the large battle that had begun a short while back growing closer. Zorbo the Hutt's Consortium and his Cult of Axion allies had launched their attack, and were pushing further and further into the complex, nearing the palace itself.

Blaster bolts, lightsaber blades and screams of both victory and death could be heard, and Thane was certain his own allies would hear the commotion. Near the entrance, but also well-hidden, were the rest: his friend Bomoor, the young Bería and the Mandalorian bounty hunter Sev Rezer. Once the entrance was cleared, they would make their own move, and once he got the signal, he would break into the 'Vault' - the part of the palace Grogga kept all of his artefacts and trinkets.

Once in, it would only be a matter of finding the Kaiburr crystal shard, defeating Axion, and using the Red Raptor to escape. A modified vessel of Grogga's, Rezer had suggested it as a viable escape route; with very little information on it and nothing official, there was nothing stopping them. With his lightsaber hilt already gripped firmly in his hand, he listened and watched carefully for when he could make his move.

Berry’s brows furrowed mightily, her grip on the thick bush-branch tightening as the sound of someone dying reached her ears. He was very far away, but the feeling of life leaving was felt deeply by the young part-Aquar. This was almost as bad as with Asidra…the bodies falling all around her, everyone fighting with the last ounce of strength. It wasn’t enough, though, and her sister—

Berry frowned worriedly up at Tall Guy. “When can we go?” She was only here so she could leave the moon with them, but this was so much. She frowned at what they could see of the entrance, her brow dark. “Not a lot of people are moving since they’re all dead. Well, mostly.”

Sev glanced at Berry. "Do you ever shut up?", he said bluntly before turning to Boomor. "We should move now. I'll take point and attract fire. You pick up any stragglers that cross my rear. Let's go."

Berry grinned stupidly. Stragglers that cross his...butt! She could always count on Eye Guy to make her laugh. And he was probably going to use his lasers. She watched eagerly, a little bummed she had to go with Tall Guy (at least she'd have less chance of dying).

Bomoor nodded to Rezer and allowed him to move out of cover first. He turned to Beria, "This time, I really need you to stay close and keep moving. This is going to be very dangerous," Bomoor looked at the beaming girl, wondering if his words had any effect at all, "Right, let's go then."

The pair made their way out of their hiding spot by the palace entrance. The path was fairly clear but Axion had been sure to post some of Zorbo's goons to defend their exit. Sev made quick work of them with his blaster before Bomoor caught up with him, "Nice work," Bomoor nodded, "But there are sure to be cultists inside so let's remain cautious."

Sev nodded. "Of course. This is far from over. Not until we get to Axion himself." The Mandalorian walked carefully his rifle at the ready. But, it seemed that Axion and his people were making a real hole into Grogga's defenses.

The front of Grogga's glorious palace had been blasted open leaving only smouldering walls and bent metal. The group made their way inside and into the main foyer, which was in slightly better shape than the entrance - elaborate pillars and carvings still stood firm amongst the chaos. Bomoor held an arm out and caught Rezer, "Wait!" he hushed, "There are people ahead, I can feel them. I can't tell if they are Dark Jedi or not, this whole place is swamped in dark-side energy."

"What's new?", muttered Sev. "Whoever they are, they're in the way of our objective. We'll blast them move on."

With that Rezer advanced slowly, but already very attentive to the corridor ahead, and how that created a natural ambush place. Unless, of course, the corridor got "enlarged". He raised his left arm and several small explosives were fired from his wrist. All of them attached at the far wall. "Now, we let the Rancor shows its teeth before we blow it out of our way", he muttered.

A cultist appeared from behind a column, carrying a pistol. Sev fired twice and the threat was gone. "We'll have an attempt of ambush ahead, but, I prepped the area for an explosion", he warned Boomor.

Berry pouted slightly in disappointment. Was there such thing as laser bombs? She sighed, looking around.

The Jedi stepped forward, automatically pushing Berry backwards in anticipation of her enthusiasm, and ignited his lightsaber and held it above his head in both hands, "Good, if you draw them out I will try to deflect any fire coming our way."

With a blast, the back pillars shattered, creating an immediate smokescreen in the far corner of the room. Lasers began to fire randomly from the dust cloud - most flew past the group but Bomoor caught a few with his weapon and threw them back towards their shrouded foes. While he could not directly see those in the room, the consular could make out several enraged forms in the force.

Sev Rezer raised his right arm and from his wrist the flamethrower spit a great deal of fire towards the smokescreen. There were cries of surprise and pain ahead. "Let's move, now", he said calmly, like he was taking a stroll. He turned his flamethrower off and brought his rifle up and took point.

There were a few laser fired towards them and a gamorrean ran past Sev, towards Berry and Boomor. He carried a spear. "Hostile approching", Rezer warned as he burned another enemy with his rifle.



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