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Wed Dec 9th, 2020 @ 8:45pm

Sev Rezer

Name Sev Rezer

Position Bounty Hunter

Character Information

Written by Mau
Title(s) Alor'aan (Jericho)
Gender Male
Species Mandalorian (Human)
Age 43
Class/Occupation Bounty Hunter
Affiliation Manda'toma (formerly)
• Clan Rezer

Himself (Mandalorian Exiles of Jericho)
Alignment -10
Born 1,175 ABY, Mandalore, Manda'toma
Homeworld Mandalore
Weapon(s) of Choice Heavy Laser Rifle/Rocket Launchers/Heavy Pistols/Darts/Blades
Clan Rezer Beskad RezerBeskad.png

Physical Appearance

Height 1, 86 meters (6' 1)
Skin Colour White (tanned)
Weight 92 kg (14st 5lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel (organic) / Green (cybernetic)
Physical Description Sev Razer is a well built man, made for personal combat. He's not very impressive at first, but he is stronger than he looks. Deceiving his enemy with a frail appearance is a good trick and Sev uses it constantly.

He carries several scars that his former job brought him, but keeps them, to honor each target he killed. All of them were warriors and fought until the end. Some battles brought to him more than scars, with one costing him an eye and an arm.
Form of Dress Sev wears typical Mandalorian Defender armor, well-reinforced with cortosis ore, and with several weapons attached to it, ranging from a rocket launcher, electric whip, cortosis blades, to even poison darts and paralyzing darts to be released from the armor's wrists.

He also wears no helmet, since he prefers that his targets see that he has no fear, although he has one in his possession. Under the armor, he wears a simple white shirt and grey pants.
Prosthetics/Cybernetics Bionic left arm, cybernetic eye

Important Figures

Mentor(s) Zrad Rezer† (Mandalorian, disowned) - killed by Sev on Jericho, 1,217 ABY
Raidoner Ordo (Mandalorian, bounty hunter)
Mentee(s) none
Lover(s)/Partner(s) none
Children none
Father Sar Rezer (deceased)
Mother Mell Rezer (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other A few scattered members from the Rezer Clan all around the galaxy.
Notable Kills Zrad Rezer - Jericho, 1,217 ABY


Personality & Traits

General Overview Sev Rezer was born to be a warrior, like any Mandalorian. His honor was to fight and to die well doing what was best for his Clan. But events of the past made him change his view.

He was betrayed and as such he holds no great trust for anyone. He sees the galaxy as a grey place, without any black and white situations; everything depends on what you gain from that scenario.

He's cynical, and has neither patience nor mercy for the weak. He knows when he must retreat. He's a survivor and he'll keep living by ending other people's lives. One thing is clear, though: Sev Rezer doesn't like to be manipulated.
Strengths & Weaknesses Rezer is strong willed and very well trained to resist a Jedi mind probe. He's also fast enough to avoid a lightsaber.

However, as much he thinks he can face any Jedi in a fight, past experiences have proven that he can't. He lost an eye and an arm trying to fend off two Jedi. He barely escaped with his life and despite that, he thinks he'll not make the same mistake again.
Ambitions Rezer's ambitions are hardly possible to know.

He's not part of a Mandalorian Clan anymore, so anything he does bears no fruit for the clan. He also doesn't seem to enjoy riches enough to live a luxurious life. No one exactly knows what he wants - probably not even him.
Interests and Hobbies There's nothing much in Sev that interests him aside his job as a bounty hunter. He's a master weaponsmith and builds and repairs his own weapons. Aside from that, he trains his body and mind to keep him ever-ready.
Languages Mando'a, Galactic Basic, Rodese, Huttese, Sullustanese and Wookiee.


Fighting Style He fights with all of the weapons he carries, but his usual method is to isolate his prey and then attack them with all his might. When that doesn't work, he waits until he can find an opening. In close combat, he's deadly against a normal person, but against a Jedi, he merely slows them down until he can overwhelm the Jedi's Defense.
Notable Abilities Being a Mandalorian and then a bounty hunter, Sev Rezer is able to build his own explosives, weapons, and even repair a Lightsaber with the proper tools. He's adaptable and good firing a weapon at distance.
Melee Very Good
Marksmanship Excellent
Lightsaber Poor
Force Sensitivity None
Force Ability Unknown/None
Engineering Good
Computers Average
Piloting Very Good
Medical Average
Charisma Good
Stealth Good
Specific Skills/Abilities *Sev is able to find his targets, no matter where they go. It's like a sixth sense. Whether luck or ability, he always gets his targets. Dead or Alive.

*His experiences with Jedi made his mind strong against mind tricks and other mind invasions made by any force sensitive. And after facing his own fears from a dark entity in Tython, his mind became very slippery for Jedi or Dark Jedi to attempt to control or influence.
*His years training and being a bounty hunter made his aim get almost perfect. At least that's the rumor.

History Born on Mandalore, Sev Rezer was son of a small Clan Leader and his wife, Sar Rezer and Mell Rezer. The Clan Rezer, at the time, was allied with Clans Ordo and Cadera. The Rezer Clan was part of group of Mandalorians that called themselves the "Mandalorian Defenders", and had differences with another group of Mandalorians, called "Exiles" (although they called themselves the "True Mandalorians") all because of the Mandalorian Civil War centuries past. The Defenders had been the successful combatants, founding Manda'toma - the rarely-mentioned Mandalorian nation.

The alliance the Rezer Clan had with the others wasn't stable, and they were always at odds with each other over any small thing. Several skirmishes occurred, and it was during this time that Sev grew to become a full Mandalorian warrior under the tutelage of his elder cousin, Zrad, and - following tradition - would become the next leader of the Clan, assuming no one was able to beat him in a challenge.

But also during this time, Mandalore was visited by small group of Jedi - an incredibly rare occurrence in the years following the New Mandalorian Crusade. They approached Sev's father and asked him for permission to walk freely in the clan's territory as they searched for a supposed Dark Jedi agent. Sar Rezer denied them the right of passage and had secretly offered protection for the so-called agent. The agent was, in fact, an old Mandalorian that had killed a Jedi and stolen a holocron. The Mandalorian was no Dark Jedi, but he was working for someone that wanted the Holocron.

The Jedi at first went on their way, but it was just a ruse. They returned at night and infiltrated the Rezer camp, finding the old Mandalorian. As it was Sar Rezer's duty to offer protection to a fellow Mandalorian, the Clan attacked the Jedi with full force. It was an onslaught, despite the fact the Jedi attempted to escape. Sar Rezer and his warriors were killed one by one by the retreating Jedi, and as they escaped, Sev's mother - already grief-stricken by her husband's death - made a suicide run with a transport to kill all of the Jedi. However, using the Force, one of the Jedi, a Rodian, was able to make the transporter change direction and veer away. Mell Rezer, losing control of her transport, hit a mountain and was killed instantly.

This, coupled with the ruinous Fifth Bastion War, during which time Zrad Rezer betrayed and abandoned Manda'toma, Rezer Clan was reduced to forty warriors. Sev tried to take over the leadership and turn things around, but the other clans didn't wait. Clan Ordo attacked in the same day, and destroyed everything they could find. All Sev, as a young man of only 20, could do was survive. He escaped Mandalore, and his journey took him to Nar Shaddaa. There, he mustered all of his hate against the Jedi - whom he blamed for the destruction of his Clan - and started his career as a Jedi hunter.

After a few Jedi were killed by him without reasons other than his own, he was contacted by several different people, which he suspected were all go-betweens of the real client. This client not only contracted him to kill Jedi, but he offered specific targets and the means to get to the Jedi. With time, Sev became very good at killing them, and he made his name in the Underworld.

But that also made him become too bold. After he was contracted to kill a Corellian Jedi named Rell Graeff, Sev travelled to Corellia to face him ...only he wasn't alone. With him there was another Jedi - the same Jedi that had made his mother crash into the mountain back on Mandalore: Jedi Master Teevo Kavdo. Filled with anger and blind to the risks, Sev attacked both at once. It was a hard fight, where Sev ignored Graeff and went straight for Kavdo, and that was his undoing. As his attacks with rifles, grenades and a flamethrower overwhelmed the Rodian, wounding him gravely, Rell Graeff attacked Sev's left side, succeeding in taking his arm off. Although near-blind with pain, Sev was able to dodge a slash that would have taken his hand, but instead took his left eye.

Knowing he would die soon if he stayed there, Sev was able to use his jetpacks and flew off, but not before leaving a thermal detonator for Graeff to take care of him.

For days, Sev was in a bacta tank in an underworld medical facility, healing his wounds, but not all of the bacta in the galaxy could bring his arm and eye back. He had time to think about his actions as he floated there; his error had been to forget who he was. His thirst for revenge had made him stray too far from the Warrior path a Mandalorian followed. When he finally left the medical facility, with a bionic arm that was stronger than it looked and had a sythetic flesh covering it, as well as an artificial eye, Sev decided to return to the path of a Mandalorian.

It was on Nar Shaddaa that he met his future mentor and bounty hunter, Raidoner Ordo. At first, Sev wanted to see him dead, simply because was an Ordo. But soon, after Raidoner beat him fairly, it was clear to Sev that Raidoner was more than Ordo: he was the best Ordo he had ever met and that was enough to accept the older man's teachings. Raidoner was in his twilight years as a bounty hunter and he was glad to teach the trade to someone. He didn't like Clan Ordo and often said that "just because your born into a clan, doesn't mean you have to like them".

In time, Sev Rezer became an infamous bounty hunter himself, one that it was not good to have against you. Deep down, though, Sev knew his actions as a Jedi Killer would one day catch up with him, but he now wouldn't kill a Jedi unless it was a necessity. He didn't like Jedi and preferred them dead, but he no longer had such a hatred for them. They would just be a target, just like anyone else.