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Thu Mar 29th, 2018 @ 9:03pm


Name Trey†

Position Cultist

Character Information

Written by Joseph (late posts), Hanh
Title(s) None
Gender Male
Species Human
Age Unknown (Looks 19)
Class/Occupation Dark Jedi Assassin
Affiliation Cult of Axion
Alignment -25
Born Unknown
Died Late 1,217 ABY - killed by Mentis at one of the former Cult of Axion sanctuaries
Homeworld Unknown
Weapon(s) of Choice Double-Bladed Lightsaber TreySaber.png

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0''
Skin Colour White
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Trey is a slim but solidly built young man. His brown hair is always mussed. His eyes can enlargen to almost child-like proportions and are always on the lookout for something to amuse him. His smiles come easy, mostly cheeky and at the most inappropriate times. At almost all times a half-smile is at least on his face, although his eyes can be distant.
Form of Dress Trey wears simple clothes that don’t draw attention, unless he is attending a function. He likes to crash in style.
Prosthetics/Cybernetics None

Important Figures

Mentor(s) Axion (Human, Dark Jedi Master)
Mentee(s) None
Lover(s)/Partner(s) None
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Whoever is useful to him at the time.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Trey is as charming as they come. With his youthful appearance, he is a master manipulator and is always laughing. He finds both pleasure in receiving and dealing pain, and revels in this versatility. He is extremely mercurial, his actions determined by his whims and his boredom. He is quite childish.
Strengths & Weaknesses Trey lies extremely well and is skilled at being underestimated. He only thinks of himself. He is very vulnerable to distractions, and can seem human when least suspected. His recklessness is a double-edged blade.
Ambitions He wants to always keep himself amused and surprise people with pain. As such, he is willing to discipline himself if it means more power to do what he wants…for a time. He craves the pleasure brought to him from the dark side.
Interests and Hobbies Giving and getting pain, socializing, using people
Languages Basic, Huttese, Twi’leki


Fighting Style Sneak attacks are primarily used. When it comes to a lightsaber, he reluctantly makes a mish-mash of Ataru and Soresu, with his agility being as extreme as his ferocity when in the throes of passion. His unpredictability is his strength in combat, manipulating the environment to his needs.
Notable Abilities Trey uses his mind for most of his Force abilities, most notably variants of mind trick. He is able to cajole and connive with much success, with or without the Force. Getting people to lower their guard allows him to move in the for the kill, figuratively and literally.
Melee Good
Marksmanship Good
Lightsaber Good
Force Sensitivity Good
Force Ability Very Good
Engineering Poor
Computers Poor
Piloting Poor
Medical Average
Charisma Very Good
Stealth Very Good
Specific Skills/Abilities Force Drain: Good
Force Speed: Average
Force Choke: Average
Force Lightening: Poor
Force Push/Pull: Average
Force Shadow: Average
Mind Trick: Very Good

Form I (Shii-Cho): Average
Form II (Makashi): Good
Form III (Soresu): Good
Form IV (Ataru): Very Good
Form V (Shien/Djem So): Average
Form VI (Niman): Poor
Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad): Poor

History Not much is known of Trey’s past. What is known is that he came from an extremely wealthy family with everything he wanted. His unpredictability and rashness must have shamed them, as he left them and embarked on a journey of hedonism and danger.
He joined the Cult as a means to an end, but found himself enthralled with the personalities within, particularly the leader. Thriving within such an environment, he quickly rose in the ranks and became a formidable force.

Following the failure of the Cult to obtain a kaiburr shard at the disastrous Battle of Jericho, Trey was killed by Mentis at one of the cult's sanctuaries, following on from months of abuse at the hands of the young Human. This act, whilst ending the lunacy of Trey, forced Mentis to flee from the cult.