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En Route

Posted on Fri Sep 18th, 2020 @ 10:55pm by Bomoor Thort & Mentis & Thane & Amare & Reave & Kalen "Rex" Vickers
Edited on on Sat Nov 7th, 2020 @ 2:53pm

4,525 words; about a 23 minute read

Chapter: Chapter VI: The Last Bastion
Location: Red Raptor
Timeline: Day Three, Week Five

Thane stood central in the cockpit of the Red Raptor, his gold-rimmed eyes reflecting the luminescent streaks of the hyperspace-addled vortex brightly. His arms were tightly crossed against his chest, garbed as he was in his form-fitting black ensemble, giving him a minimalist, militaristic look.

They had left Quesh the previous day and had resumed their course for the border of the Bastion Moff Empire, to the galactic north. Current estimations indicated they would arrive at their destination within three more days of hyperspace flight, with only minor course corrections needed to adjust for the Judicial security patrols the Third Republic maintained against the rump state of the Second Empire.

Raising his hand to brush away a loose tangle of hair that slipped across his pale forehead, Thane also turned to examine the nearby navigational readout, just as he sensed Bomoor nearing the cockpit, too, having been alone for a short time, in peaceful contemplation of the events awaiting them, as well as those of Quesh.

"There are dozens of probes and unmanned relay stations on both sides of the neutral zone," the Sith said aloud to his friend, who was no doubt summoning him to the other room, where the others - including a recuperating Amare - would be gathering to discuss their tactical course of action. "G2 has been analysing the latest star charts and the HoloNet data on fleet movements and deployments. Whatever means GalactaWerks is using to gain access to Bastion without the Republic obviously noticing, it must be through sectors and systems the Company is monitoring and managing itself.

Thane pointed at the small two-dimensional display. "The loosest concentration of pure-GW forces seem to be here, just beyond Muunilinst." He glanced back before Bomoor replied even to that. "Is Amare awake?"

"For some time now, yes," The Ithoran answered his friend, leaning over the rear cockpit chair to see the displays, "She has been unsettled and Mentis informs me she has been in the training room alone."

Amare's refusal of full medical treatment since her blaster wound on Quesh had been met with little resistance from both Bomoor and Thane. The matter with her brother was considered dealt with: she had gotten them into that mess with the pirates but she had equally resolved it, turning it into a profitable venture for the crew and, additionally, had provided some resolution as to the events that transpired all those years ago on that transport ship. If Amare wanted to feel that pain, then neither of the former Jedi felt it beneficial to deny her that.

Shunting himself upright again, Bomoor inclined his head towards the door, "Come, I’ve established communications with Sev on the main communications terminal. With his knowledge of the Mandalorian-Bastion border and G2’s charts, we can plot our own route into Bastion space."

Thane offered a low hum of acknowledgement and turned to follow his friend. Whilst he had accepted nor directly challenged his apprentice's decision regarding her wound, he had reservations about allowing injuries to fester. Even the strongest of bodies, fuelled as they may be by the Force or simply the dark side of that power, could surrender to pain or biological damage.

For now, it was her decision to make, especially after what had transpired.

When they reached their strategy room, they found everyone present, with Rex and Mentis listening to Reave as he waved a droid component in the air in front of them. They stopped when Thane and Bomoor entered and drifted into a vague semi-circle around the central projector.

Amare stood quietly in the corner, gazing melancholy to the floor, dressed as if having just arrived from a workout session in spite of her condition. She wore long black form-fitting athletic pants with her shoto hanging from a belt loop at her waist. Her arms were folded contemplatively against her chest which was covered by a royal purple strapless crop top. Her blue abdomen--which was starting to show the faintest signs of six-pack definition--was exposed and covered in sweat as was the rest of her exposed skin. She had come a long way in physical development since that night her scrawny, skinny little self had first found a hiding spot in the ship's cargo bay.

She gingerly placed a hand to her left shoulder as Thane and Bomoor entered the room, which was still heavily bandaged from the blaster bolt she took back on Quesh. She had denied all bacta treatment offered to her, and instead opted for one of Useless' cheaper kolto patches with only a trifling dose of analgesic which was intended for nothing more than minor impact trauma and superficial lacerations. She had assured her master that the pain need only be managed, the antiseptic and burn treatment creams added to the patch, however, were necessary to prevent the spread of the peculiar Nautolan reaction to blaster wounds, also known as pulsed laser infection. She needed to feel as much pain as tolerable. Thane did not seem to disagree that it helped her focus, and she had noticed that it made the fresh memory of her former brother's brutal execution playing over and over in her head seem less and less meaningful with each viewing, like repeating a word too often, or watching a bad motion picture multiple time made by nihilistic artists.

Shortly before Thane and Boomor entered the room, Amare had divvied up the spoils from Quesh to Rex, Reave, and Mentis. With the help of her friend from House Renliss of the Bounty Hunter's Guild--whom she previously assisted back on Lorrd--she was able to secure a digital reward for Capo Wolph's head after the holographic video and genetic proof of his demise were transmitted and verified. In addition, while the other pirates under Capo were little-known ex-slaves with no substantial bounties on their heads, Amare did secure a small fortune of physical credit chits with Rex's help taken from Capo's secured belongings which she also divided to her cohorts. It wasn't enough for them to buy a moon, let alone a new ship, but it was fair compensation for risking their lives over a family reunion that went horribly wrong.

Amare had opted to set aside her share for Thane and Bomoor to use for essential supplies for the ship and crew, enough to cover at least a month or two's worth including fuel and maintenance for the ship. Thane may have had access to considerable private resources that was starting to grow after the Sleheyron job, but even he didn't have infinite zeroes attached to his bank accounts, and she owed them for risking their lives as well. She may have become a Sith intended to be power hungry and ambitious like all the dead ones before her, but she still hadn't yet lost her sense of honour, especially when it came to paying one's debts.

Aside from money, the few items she kept from Capo's base were her father's musical guitar-like instrument, "Wolph's Harp", her adopted father's blaster sidearm (the one Capo shot her with), and her adopted mother's electrum-pressed lekku bangles. Each bangle shining and lovingly polished to a soft gold sheen that would make perfect replacements for the cheap brassy ones given to Amare on Sleheyron. However, she was not yet prepared to wear them until she completed her new outfit based on designs worn by previous Sith Lords as viewed from the Telos Holocron.

She had assured Thane that none of the items were for sentimental value, but rather reparations for Capo's betrayal. The blaster was highly customized, and, after disassembly, was discovered to have contained rare small parts that may prove useful for her new lightsaber; the bangles were already a promised inheritance as it was tradition for Nautolan mothers to pass lekku decorations to their daughters, or to other close female friends in case one's family line was coming to an end; and the guitar in particular would be a reminder of her past failures and Capo's wrath, a seed for her sense of vengeance, and a motivator for her journey into the dark side. There was also some subtle radiance to it that was felt through the Force, and she believed that alone was worth exploring, especially knowing from her recent holocron studies that the Force could alter the properties of inanimate objects in many strange ways. One day, she thought, she would destroy the instrument in a fit of rage, or perhaps give it to someone she deemed worthy, or sell it for drinking money, but for now, its presence would torment her, and that was exactly what she needed for what was to come next.

Bomoor walked over to the communications panel and clicked a button to resume the call to the Mandalorian Exile leader, his familiar Human form appearing holographically beside them as though he were present in the meeting.

“Thank you for holding Sev,” Bomoor inclined his wide head to the Mandalorian, “We are all assembled but we will skip introductions for now and get right into it.”

Thane nodded solemnly in greeting to the Mandalorian, without saying a word. The pair had enjoyed a grudging relationship of mutual understanding since their last meeting, but they had not yet discussed the absence of Bería properly.

"Of course. It's not like I have an entire clan dependin' on me", quipped Sev without any trace of emotion on his face or voice.

The Ithorian nodded over to Thane indicating he should begin.

"None of us ever entered Bastion or directly dealt with Imperial forces; very few alive in the Third Republic or its affiliates have any formalised or normalised relations with the state or its citizens, so tightly-regulated are its peoples, technologies and borders," Thane explained to them, a galactic map projected between them.

A large amorphorous navy-blue blob swamped much of the image, being the gargantuan and unwieldly Third Galactic Republic representation, whilst far-smaller brown, green and crimson shades denoted Hutt Space, Manda'toma and the Bastion Moff Empire, as per the most recent stellar cartographic updates they had obtained for the Red Raptor. Some information regarding caches, bases and other intelligence relating to the Hutts had also been taken from Quesh, and was still in the process of being analysed by G2 and the navicomputer.

"Or so we thought, anyway. You are all aware of what Theon has uncovered and why we intend to enter Bastion space," the Sith Lord continued, looking at each of them, even Rex, in turn. "GalactaWerks manages a great deal of the Republic's naval presence since the Second Conflict; the Judicials are spread thinly as they continued to struggle to monitor Alliance worlds and movements, so the Company has found its way into another avenue of power in these darker and farther-flung regions. Given the collateral damage that was incurred in the most recent Bastion-Mandalorian War, they've all the excuses they need to maraud around here, claiming they're preventing any Exile incursions."

Rex made a noise. From his leaning position, he removed the toothpick he had been chewing and used it to gesture at the map. "It's not that damn ludicrous, really. Mandos get themselves everywhere, and this is rich Exile territory. Time I spent with GW... Well, a lot of it was patrolling trade routes, fending off Manda--uhh... pirates."

Thane's eyes glanced back to Bomoor, and even briefly to Mentis, too. "We are aware of how they conduct themselves - and of the antipathy between the parties." He pressed a button and the map zoomed in to the crimson shading. Individual sectors and worlds became visible, along with some basic fleet movements, all appropriately marked for easy viewing. "What we need is a reliable way in. We can't tip off the Company or the Judicials - we'd just get arrested or at least end up in a firefight... and we need to get to Bastion itself, at the heart of their little empire."

Reave, looking up from the large droid component he had been swearing at just moments before, babbled something in his native tongue.

Rex nodded and interpreted. "Little guy's asking what the Imps' rule on interlopers is."

That almost prompted a small smile from Thane. "No-one is entirely sure. Stories are scant enough as it is about life inside the Moff state. Mostly, it's folk that got caught up in their last war, or the occasional rumour that is spread from unreliable sources. That in itself, I believe, is informative." He gestured up at their target. "They either kill their prisoners, which could be hugely counter-productive, or they simply keep them, in some manner. I imagine interrogation is a lucrative business for them. Especially since their supposed alliance with GalactaWerks, they must have some interest in the wider galaxy, and whilst they'd know more than us about those not from within, their knowledge must still be... thin."

"Something we could use to our advantage," Bomoor inched closer towards the map, his creased skin becoming highlighted in strips of holographic blue, "If we were to offer them a tempting-enough prize, say, a ship with a curious transponder signal, we might get ourselves a ride right back to Bastion. It would be risky, though."

"Getting a ship in is one thing, but what happens when they find all of us aboard?" Mentis commented carefully, attempting to mask his disturbance at this suggestion from the Ithorian, "Axion dealt with the Hutts and the Mandalorians but never the Imperials so I cannot offer any suggestions on how to negotiate with them if we are captured."

"Hardly anyone in the Galaxy has dealt with them for centuries, which will hopefully make them as curious about us as we are about them," Bomoor attempted to be reassuring, not just for Mentis, but for his own sake as well, "The only one of us with any inkling of what Imperial tactics are like is Sev, which I hope will give us a significant advantage in correspondence with the data Thane has been analysing. He has identified a border region where the GW presence is at its weakest. That might be our best point of entry, if Sev agrees."

Sev nodded. That sector of space only had a small outpost and it twice a day the sensors got blind by the solar wave from the secondary star of the system. That would give a quick ship twenty minutes to cross the outpost's sensor net and go to hyperspace. It was close but possible. "If you want to be incognito, that would be best way. The only problem is not crossing to Imperial Space but how to survive enough to get somewhere", Sev added.

A wave of nausea started to creep up on Amare and she placed her good hand to her forehead, her eyes closed, trying will her body to cease its bad timing. She felt a warm rushing through her body that lasted for a few seconds, and the nausea stabilized, but the pain in her wounded shoulder did not change.

"We need to know about what we're getting into out there," Amare said to Thane, her voice strained a bit under her suffering. "Send me ahead, master. If there's a way for me to infiltrate a GW ship bound for Bastion space, I'm sure I can find it."

Rex was the one that most visibly responded to that suggestion, shifting the weight from one foot to the other. "We could do it, yeah," he said after a moment, whilst the others seemed to consider the Nautolan's suggestion. "But she'd have to find an isolated ship, and then she's either gotta find a way to get us or the Raptor along for the ride." Instead of addressing the group, he now gestured towards Amare herself, whom he had grown more comfortable with in more recent weeks. "I mean, I think I should come with you."

At that, Reave hissed something offensive at Rex and kicked his shin, making the Human yelp and grasp the wounded limb. He raised his hand ready to swat the Jawa, but soon thought better of it as the behatted Tatooinian squared up to to Rex('s knees), and raised the old piece of droid he had claimed on Quesh threateningly at his friend.

"I think we have a different option," Thane said, not caring for the usual spectacle between Reave and Mentis, even though he had formed some begrudging respect with the Jawa, who had inherited many of Sev's previous responsibilities as the ship's de facto master-at-arms. "Your ability to form the chrysalis, Amare." He glanced quickly to Bomoor and the others. "I think that would be sufficiently intriguing enough to Bastion forces. With the help of some GW codes and trickery, I believe we should be able to slip their net. We just need to present the rest of us as non-threatening, or even conceal ourselves in some way."

"You mean, you wanna smuggle us?" Rex said, having backed away a little from Reave, even though he was still glancing awkwardly at the dimunitive creature as he spoke.

Thane nodded, a rare show of acknowledgement to the actual smuggler. "It is a smuggling ship."

Amare's eyes widened a bit at the mention of her strange power. It was the last suggestion she had expected from her master. The very idea of its use intrigued her, for she had greatly enjoyed its use each time, but thus far its appearances had been very situational.

"The chrysalis?" she asked Thane with a confused expression. "I'm not sure I understand. I've never had conscious control over it; it's mostly on instinct. Each time it has formed, I was close to death. It enhanced the effects of the bacta tank on me after Yavin, and it helped me absorb the azoth that cured the poison which nearly killed me on Korriban. Even if I knew how to control it, how does it help us get into Bastion? Do you want me to form it in front of their people as some kind of show of power?"

Bomoor shifted with unease, quickly grasping the depth of Thane's suggestion through their bond, "Pushing her that far, Thane, even in a controlled environment, could just as easily kill her as provoke the ability. We just don't know enough about it."

Mentis looked at the blue-skinned Force user, looking into her as though gauging the mystical essence she carried, "This arcane power; this 'chrysalis'. Could it disguise your true nature? You could be yet another artefact for the Imperials to acquire. That is, until you re-emerge."

Amare pondered the question for a few seconds and shook her head before she replied, "No...I think it's not meant for disguise. It's...well, it's like an egg, and it's mostly transparent. I feel changed in it...reborn even. The problem is that while inside, I don't see so much as feel, and the sensations are overwhelming. I can sense everything around me, recall old memories with perfect clarity, even reach out to Force-sensitive minds to communicate, but it all feels like I'm dreaming at the same time. What's worse is that I can't take anything with me in it such as a weapon. I would be helpless. The Bastion men could blast me, or choose to destroy the ship, and I'm not sure I could stop them. Master, if you truly want me to use the power, I will do so gladly as I crave to learn more about its secrets, but it's very risky."

"As ever, my young apprentice, I have faith in your ability," Thane responded, effectively to both Bomoor and Amare. He was standing straighter now, his manner more authoritative. "This time, we will be the masters of how the chrysalis is formed, rather than instinct or nature prompting the 'mechanism'. With the right focus and stimuli, I believe you will be able to enact the talent with greater ease than you suspect - and you will become something far too alluring for the Bastion forces to simply overlook, when they find the Raptor adrift in their space. Besides, any other sort of study would lack empirical value, conducted in any manner of sterile way."

He allowed a small smile to slip over his face as he spoke to the Nautolan. If it had meant to be reassuring, it perhaps fell short, as it looked more conspiratorial. "As you mentioned; you have the ability to commune with other Force sensitives during your time within the chrysalis. Bomoor, Mentis and I can enter Force-bound comas, making us impossible to detect, or at least to appear as corpses, if discovered. Amare, you'll be able to awaken us when the situation is appropriate or necessary - potentially, honestly, to recover you."

Thane then turned to Rex and Reave. "Reave has already mastered the tight spaces of this ship and could conceal himself artfully, anyway, his meagre lifesigns of little consequence."

Reave prepared to screech something at the Sith Lord but Rex put a hand out. Mercifully, the Jawa just about heeded the non-verbal warning. "And me, Thane?" The former smuggler quickly asked, a rare occasion in which he actually addressed the other Human by his name, which genuinely seemed to briefly amuse the other.

"Drugs," Thane replied simply. "I believe Useless will be able to replicate a similar experience to the one Bomoor, Mentis and I will induce." He glanced quickly to Mentis, offering him a less-savoury expression than he had the others, before looking back to Rex with a false smile. "I am certain your friend will be sure to wake you from your deathly slumber."

Mentis offered a nod towards Rex, seemingly conveying a trust between the two of them that the Rattataki would not let Rex come to harm.

"You will not go alone with him," said Sev, gaze bearing down on Mentis. "I'll come along. My Second will take care of the clan for now", he made a motion to turn off but added something before it the screen went off. "And I don't need anything. I always come prepared. I'll be waiting". The screen turned black.

"As taciturn as ever," Thane remarked with a raised eyebrow, but he was undoubtedly satisfied to have their Mandalorian companion returning to the fold, especially for this objective.

"If Sev is willing to join us, then we will certainly be a force to be reckoned with." Bomoor suggested to the room in general, "That is, assuming we are all correctly revived. I presume we can instruct the droids to monitor our conditions as well. With some guidance from Useless."

He turned to Thane, stroking his long, creased neck where the smallest of brown beard hairs were beginning to protrude, which was a first for the Ithorian, but put down to the hectic events of late and long periods without sleep, "Okay, it's not the safest of plans, but I think this could work. We will have to assume that those found will be presumed dead and taken to a morgue, either on a larger ship or on the planet. Reave can keep an eye on the ship and make sure the droids don't get tampered with."

He turned to their Nautolan companion, "As for Amare, I don't know where they take you but you may have some awareness from within your chrysalis of where you are being taken. We may rely on you to awaken us through the Force when we have been successfully captured, so to speak."

"And if I can't?" Amare asked grimly. "Do either of you have a backup plan?"

Bomoor angled his eyes into a slight frown, "We do not have the luxury of many options in this situation. Your lack of faith in your abilities would not do in the Jedi and is certainly not what your master expects of you."

'Lack of faith'? Is he serious?! Amare inwardly bristled at Bomoor's denigrating remark. She lowered her gaze back to the floor and shook her head. She was far too exhausted and consumed with pain and despair to bother igniting another shouting match with the Ithorian again. Once, Bomoor's words may have rung true, but she had enough successful accomplishments in the past year to squarely debunk his unfair assessment of her faith in the Force.

Bomoor looked over at Thane's face, which betrayed no emotion, even with their bond. The Ithorian sighed and relaxed his face, "Look, I know this mission does not further our cause against Axion but this goes back a long way for Thane and myself. Our faith in the Republic and the Jedi has been eroded over many years and this may be our first chance to get a glimpse at the rot that has driven us to where we are today. I know you all have our own quarrels with the powers that be in this Galaxy and perhaps you don't think this is your fight, but we need everyone on board if we are to succeed here."

Whilst Bomoor addressed the remainder of the room to determine their support and feelings - which chiefly fell to Rex, Mentis and Reave - Thane had kept his impassive expression between Amare and his friend, stoic but interested.

At hearing the prompt, Rex crossed his arms a little awkwardly but he did not abadon any of his recently-coveted machismo. Even so, he glanced to his Rattataki companion first. "If Mantis is in on this... Well, yer probably gonna need me to make this work properly. You guys may have magic tricks, but you don't know GW - not like I do."

This time, the exchanged glances between Thane and Bomoor did not relate to Amare. "We have had our fair share of dealings with your former employers, smuggler," he said coolly. "But I expect your friend has priorities appropriately aligned with his sponsor here." He nodded to the Ithorian.

"Besides," the nascent Sith continued, "the galaxy is bigger than Axion and his cult; our concerns are broader than dark-siders and Forcely jewels."

Some months ago, their galaxy had been no larger than the objectives laid down by the Jedi Order, and the months since had seemed filled with nothing more than the pursuit of Axion. Clearly, matters were shifting into new alignment - a gradual shift that had not been so readily noted aloud, until now. On that note, Thane's mind drifted briefly to the recent activities conducted on Sleheyron and Coruscant, and the magnificent holocron sealed away in their vault.

"The vault's security will need to be set to its maximum," Thane also noted. "Our allure must be limited to the macabre and our bodies - not the true trinkets we conceal with us aboard the Raptor."

It was not necessary to say there was no chance would be taken in even concealing their gathered relics anywhere beyond their physical reach.

"We should eat well, rest and prepare," Thane stated with more than a thin measure of conclusion. "In a few days, Mandalorian in tow, we break into the Empire.


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