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The Larger Battle

Posted on Fri Aug 28th, 2020 @ 11:58am by Damask Hul & Jela Valla
Edited on on Fri Aug 28th, 2020 @ 11:59am

2,094 words; about a 10 minute read

Chapter: Chapter VI: The Last Bastion
Location: Bruta's Office, Mooko City, Öetrago
Timeline: A few weeks after "Matriarch Framed"


She raised her head and looked across the city; still magnificent in its own way, but a symbol of the oppressive power of the Civus heard, now tainted by the otherworldly corporate presence of GalataWerks and whatever 'devil' was now aiding them.

"We shall go for now and gather ourselves back on the continent," the motherly Ithorian continued, "I have the matter of my transition to settle with the Herd, which shall not be easy but, in some ways, I will no longer have to worry about my actions reflecting on the Elenca people."

Eyeing the younger Ithorian, Mumin added, "Llim, I will need you to return to Diplomat Thort and report on what has happened here and what you have learned about this cyborg. He told me he has connections that are no friend of GalactaWerks and now is the time to use them."

Llim bowed his head in acquiescence to Mumin's request. "Of course. I am happy to help," he answered. "Jiljoo," he started to ask his Twi'lek friend, "shall we go together?"

The green-skinned woman flashed him a little smile before shaking her head, "I think I should help sort out things with ze' herd," she spoke without her usual flair and enthusiasm but with the same kindness, not unlike Mumin, "Elenca has been my family too and I must decide if I want to still follow zem' without Mother Mozo."

Mumin looked over her three companions with a warm glow, "You have all been so very faithful. A Herd is a group you place your faith in; a people you would fight for because it represents the values you wish to uphold. Perhaps more from Elenca will join us, but they must not get involved in a cause they did not sign up for. In many ways, we have already begun our own new Herd amongst ourselves and, if we all do our part, then Öetrago will surely continue to be free."


This is an unfortunate situation Mr Thort,” the shimmering cyan figure of Damask Hul was imposing even over a HoloCommunicator as he stood there with his arms tucked behind his back and a thoughtful grimace wrapping his face, “The emergence of the ÖetraGrow corporation should have given us an abundance of evidence of GW involvement on your planet, but somehow this Wowron Unger character and his associates have managed to divert everyone’s attention in completely the wrong direction.

It was very early in the Öetragan day and Bruta had come to his small office in Mooko City to place the call to Coruscant at a time convenient to the busy Centrality Senator. Through the tall buildings, splatters of rich orange sunlight cast long strips across his wall. The Ithorian diplomat reached backwards and pushed a control to tint the glass slightly to preserve the clarity of the projection.

Hul continued, “And what makes matters worse…

“The connection to me,” Bruta completed the sentence, furrowing his own brow in frustration. He was not angry with Mumin; he had long since passed the point where he could see any wrongdoing in that woman. However, the unsanctioned actions taken by his former partner and her new so-called Liberty or “Uru” Herd had unwittingly allowed Unger to create a smokescreen to disguise the true issues surrounding their infiltration and exploitation of Öetragan-run restoration and regeneration projects. While Mumin and her followers struck blows at ÖetraGrow, they were painted as terrorists who would threaten innocent citizens in their efforts.

Hul straightened up, casting a large red eye across the Ithorian, “Yes, quite. While they have yet to play that card, I feel that particular connection dangles like a guillotine above us, ready to be dropped should you personally make a move against them. Not only your connection to Mumin but your former assistant, Llim, is also part of that group.

“He never formally resigned,” Bruta pointed out, “Although at this point…”

Let’s keep it as ‘former assistant’ for simplicity’s sake,” the Duros sternly interjected, “Don’t let your feelings for the boy cause you both harm. The best thing we can do for all involved is play down your association and keep your interaction with ÖetraGrow to a minimum.

It was Bruta’s turn to grimace, “With the greatest of respect Senator Hul, this is my fight and I cannot simply sit aside and do nothing.”

Damask was not visibly irritated but he did look away from Bruta, as if pondering something in the distance, “This is everyone’s fight, Diplomat Thort. What is happening on your world is a microcosm of what is happening across the Galaxy at this very moment. I have as much to lose, if not more so, from the loss of private, local enterprise on Öetrago. GW will not stop here; every foothold they secure in the Galaxy multiplies their chances of securing their next acquisition.

Hul looked back down, ready to fully acknowledge the older diplomat once again, “But, there is a place for you in this fight and, indeed, in the larger fight against this slinking corporate takeover of the Republic. There is also the matter of your son.

“Bomoor?” Bruta perked up at the name, the fatigue of the early hour no longer hanging over him, “Is there word of him?”

Ah, there is indeed,” the Duros seemed pleased he had plucked the right chord, “If it is acceptable to you, I would like to bring an associate of mine into the call: Agent Jela Valla of the Intelligence Office. She has made progress in locating your son and can update you better than I.

“Of course,” Bruta nodded.

The visage of a female Twi'lek replaced that of the Republic's vice chancellor, the light-crimson hue of her skin barely conveyed by the shimmering holographic communication device. Presumably, this agent was in a different location from Hul, but the system confirmed that the Duros was still listening to the conversation between them.

In a very precise military fashion, Agent Valla clasped her hands behind her back and set her legs slightly apart, as if standing 'at ease' before a senior officer.

"Good day, Diplomat Thort," she greeted the Ithorian, inclining her head just slightly out of respect for the Republic representative. "Our paths have not crossed before, but I have recently learned a great deal about you and your family, sir, given these recent developments," Valla went on, tone serious but polite. "Regarding your son, former Jedi Knight Bomoor Thort; he has kept interesting company since before and following his resignation from the Reborn Jedi Order, as I have no doubt you are aware, and they are making significiant progress in tackling the threat from a Force-wielding death cult philosophically opposed to the Jedi and Republic. Your son has played a pivotal role in this, and their journey has taken them across the galaxy, both in and out of Third Republic space. Most recently that I could divine, they visited the capitol of the Outer Rim Alliance."

There was a punctuated pause, and Valla's eyes could be seen flicking away from Bruta just quickly, as if she was waiting for some off-screen confirmation from Hul, whom was likely still visible to the TRIO agent. "If my sources are to be believed, a Rift Knight has enlisted them to investigate GalactaWerks entanglements with the Bastion Moff Empire."

The Ithorian had seemed keen to comment during the agent's enlightening report but had held his tongue. He now seemed to be synthesising this information before he elected to respond, "I was aware Bomoor was in a dark place. I had managed to gather some details about his last assignment against this Force cult and had worried about where that path had drawn him, but you say he has continued to fight against this evil? Yes, that sounds like something he would take a stand against and I can see why he might feel strongly about it too."

He slumped slightly, this fact giving him some ounce of reassurance, but then remembered the now masked presence of Hul on the call and straightened up, "But now you tell me he has elected to help a member of the Rift Knights? He spoke of them once, many years ago before he became a full Jedi but I did not know he had contact with them still. How does the Bastion Imperials and GW fit into all this? They seem like the last sort to conspire together."

Once again, Valla seemed to look off-viewer, but her posture and focus remained professional. "That is privileged information, Diplomat Thort," she managed after a few seconds, the refusal to discuss it further delivered politely, as though the Twi'lek actually regretted not being able to share more. "But, and I state this in the full awareness Senator Hul does not opposed such a declaration, it is a priority of the Office."

Bruta gazed into the rosy-red face of the operative as she continued to look away, feeling a sense of honesty within her indicated by her almost sad reluctance to be more open. A refreshing change from Hul, who was persuasive but not at all open with the facts.

"I see," Bruta said when she elected to turn back to him, "Then please tell me how I might contact my son. If I can reach him, I know I can get through to him."

Damask's voice sliced in, calm but firm as usual, although he remained off-screen, "You may provide THAT information to Mr Thort, Agent Valla. I can vouch for his cooperation with TRIO's policies in any matters relating to this investigation."

Valla nodded. "I'll have the details forwarded to your private terminal, Diplomat. The vessel they are using is an old Corellian smuggling ship, named the Red Raptor." She could be seen entering some commands from her end of the communications. "They use a variety of false transponder codes and aliases, for themselves and the vessel. The Reborn Jedi Order has taken an avid interest in your son and his friends. Currently, the vessel is flying as the Ruby Shyyyo, but they frequently employ the Crimson Craaw, as well."

Bruta felt slightly sick at the idea of his son having to use such methods to conceal himself from danger in the galaxy. He knew that the Republic was not perfect, but could it not even protect a Jedi Knight who has given his life in service that very Republic, just as Bruta thought he had in taking on his own role as a diplomat.

"Thank you, Agent Valla," he nodded slowly, "I am more determined than ever to find my son and will not forget the part you and the Vice-Chancellor have played in this. You will have an ally in me, should you need it."

Before Valla could respond, the figure of Damask Hul flickered back into view, "That is very reassuring to hear, Mr Thort, as there is a big part you and your son have yet to play. Until that time, however, you will continue to have our support in locating the crew of the Red Raptor and protecting your son from those that would wish him harm."

Bruta could not determine whether Hul intended to sound ominous about the future, but he could not really focus on that now. He had the first real lead on Bomoor's whereabouts and he was grateful.

"Thank you," he repeated, then queried "I will contact your office again when I have made some more progress then?"

"That would be most appreciated," Hul nodded, "Until then, I bid you farewell and good luck."

The call ended and the Ithorian was once again left alone in his office with neither the gaze of spies or senators upon him. He tilted back again and adjusted the window tint, allowing the now-brighter daylight to seep in. From beyond the city, a streak of shimmering light cut a path across the water, connecting the main continent to Mooko island like a sparkling bridge. Bruta set his eyes upon the spectacle for a moment before a ping from his terminal wrenched him away.

It was the data transmission from Agent Valla; his own bridge between himself and his son. Now Bomoor was closer than ever and he would find him.



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