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A High Council

Posted on Sun Nov 18th, 2012 @ 4:16am by Bomoor Thort & Thurius & Thane & Berry & Sotah & Jundal Quellus

2,507 words; about a 13 minute read

Chapter: Chapter II: Era's Dawn
Location: Jedi Council Chambers, Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Timeline: 1100 (Local Time), Day Five


It was true, despite Quellus' years of study and work within the order, his greatest achievement to date seemed to be maintaining the status quo. Removing or destroying anything that might supposedly drag the Galaxy back into darker times. Bomoor wouldn't be surprised if Quellus saw this as a great deed - as though his everyday actions kept the galaxy spinning. While the Ithorian respected Quellus and the council, he certainly had his doubts.

Precisely what the council would make of Thane and Bomoor's report could only be guessed at but they would certainly be finding out very soon.


Bright sunlight lit up every angle of the High Council Chambers, the circular room having windows facing inwards from every possible position, each with a series of high quality thrones, also facing inwards, set before them. Upon each sat one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the Reborn Jedi Order, everyone having been selected to serve on the High Council to represent the Order and handle the day-to-day affairs of the organisation, each with their unique abilities that gave rise to their high standing and undoubted power.

In the largest chair, coloured in the red and grey of the others, sat Jundal Quellus, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, and highest-ranking Jedi in the galaxy and - presumably - the most powerful of those present. A Chagrian, he was tall even by his own species' standards, and had impressive cranial horns, as well as two fleshy lethorns stretching down either side of his jowls, a sign of his advanced and respectable age. Equally impressive was his attire, which would be considered regal by the most vain of the many senators Quellus was known to associate with, but there was no doubt to the Grand Master's integrity, despite his common company.

Now, he leant back in his throne, arms resting on his legs as he formed a steeple with his fingers, a heavy brown casting a shadow over his deep, grey and thoughtful eyes. Quellus had remained silent throughout the report delivered to the High Council by Jedi Knights Bomoor Thort and Thane, two of the Order's most quizzical - but highly proficient - agents. Their most recent mission to Nar Shaddaa had proved most interesting - and even more disturbing.

It was Morla Dero who broke the thoughtful silence, though, the ancient Kaminoan and longest-serving member of the High Council had as a councillor even longer than Quellus himself, but their pair had shared the same venerated Jedi Master at different times - the powerful being known as Vodan, recognised as having been one of the late great Master Yoda of the Old Order's species - and who had trained many Jedi in his years of service, including several Grand Masters. Vodan had even been an apprentice of Junuun Waay - the reformer of the Order - and a Grand Master, almost like the start of a lineage that was being carried on through Quellus, who was a professed Waayist and proud, like most of the Council.

"So you let the Mandalorian live!?" The old woman croaked, a shaking, bony white finger pointed directly at the pair of Jedi, her voice raspy and full of annoyance, which was also reflecting in her narrowing - but still bulbous - paling eyes. "He is a confessed Jedi killer and mercenary, and you thought it best, based on some dream, to let the hunter survive?"

"My Master," Ven Kel Farr then interjected, who was indeed once an informal apprentice of the Kaminoan and her successor as chief archivist, "I somewhat believe this revelation of a dark side cult is somewhat more prevalent." A warrior-poet, Farr had mastered the use of the majestic and deadly saberstaff and earned his many facial scars during the Second Outer Rim Conflict, having since devoted himself to knowledge, though he was still one of the more battle-ready of the Council.

Hale Dunrar, a Neimoidian, agreed. "Indeed, my friend," he said as he then looked to the two young Jedi before them, neither dressed in typical Jedi garb, "how many were there in this group?"

Bomoor instinctively dipped his head towards Master Dunrar before replying, "We fought three of their strongest in Grogga's Palace - they escaped, but we encountered and defeated several other cultists on Nar Shaddaa. There are presumably more that were fighting Zorbo's war. Perhaps there are more elsewhere, we cannot be certain..."

The Ithorian trailed off as Master Vemrus let out a low groan. Several eyes, including Bomoor and Thane's shot towards the Iktotchi Seer. His eyelids were clenched shut and he held the arms of his seat firmly.

"Vemrus," came the soft, kindly voice of Ciera Olus, who was seated beside Vemrus, "Is something wrong? Are you having a vision?"

No reply came from Vemrus and attention shifted back to the two Jedi in the centre of the room, standing directly on a dark red spot in the marble floor.

The Quarran of the Council, Nillak, was the next to speak, after seemingly assuming that his ally was well enough. Although he spoke in Basic, his narrow mouth and alien tongue struggled to make the words coherent, odd sucking sounds interrupting certain pronunciations, but years amongst Humans and their ilk had made him quite proficient, as had years as a Jedi Watchman. "And what of this young girl - the Near-Human, Bería?" He asked, blue eyes shimmering.

Nillak's chief domain was the recruitment of new members to the Jedi Order, but Thane was certain the Master would not consent to the training of the young woman he had already formed a bond with. "She is naturally a very adept Force user, calling upon it with ease," he explained to the Council, "but untrained is largely unrefined and dangerous - to herself and others - but I won't bother asking if I can train her. The answer is already clear."

"These regulations exist for a reason, Thane," Sotah said simply and kindly to his former padawan, neither chiding not condescending as he addressed the Human, "because all-too-easily do they fall into darkness. I agree, many could be trained and would not become victim to such vices, like Luke Skywalker or his sister, but after all that has happened to the Third Republic and its forebears, the Jedi owe it to them to not repeat the mistakes of old, and endanger so much life."

"You are too brash and too young and eager, too sure of yourself to fully understand what this involved, boy," Dero rattled, her long white neck wobbling with her head as she spoke, looking as though it might snap at any moment. "Learn patience, and you may one day be warranted a padawan learner, but not this day, and not this Bería!"

Thane could not help but clench a fist, one that had so recently been covered in burns brought about by another figure who had taunted him. He was partly amused by the fact that he was also getting annoyed at himself for being so easily annoyed by this ancient woman; he knew he was better than her jibes, but a part of him still wanted to answer back, to prove a point. He knew he could be better than her.

"This is not the matter at hand," he said with some force. Unlike Bomoor, he had a more restricted respect for the Jedi Council. Some, like his Master Sotah, had shown themselves to be more open-minded and understanding, with a broader perspective, but it was most of them that bothered him. They spent more time debating their powers than using them for true purpose, hunting down their little threats rather than imparting wisdom and aiding the Republic as it should.

Even the ones who had served admirably in the Second Outer Rim Conflict, namely Ven Kel Farr and Master Dunrar had squandered their abilities, retiring from true service. Once again, he saw wasted opportunities and resources in front of him, and he could hear Darth Bane's words in his head as he thought on them.

Equality is a lie… A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow — those incapable of anything but servitude and a meagre, worthless existence.

Seeing the Jedi, Thane saw those able to rise above, do right and lead on to a glorious and better future, a stronger and just galaxy, but instead, they sat in their high chairs, destroying any such hope for that, crippling themselves and the galaxy with them. A waste, he thought for a third time.

As he glanced upon Master Gira Veldryl, however, he thought he something greater. Naturally, he found her more appealing to regard, anyway, as a younger member of the Council, with elegant features that were heavily pronounced by her unique all-white Arkanian eyes and hair. She had proven herself a capable warrior, with great restraint and individuality, as well as a will and ability to lead. She was a boon to the Council, and someone he genuinely respected - if only she would go that step further.

"The Dark Jedi Master Axion is out there, right now, gathering as many of those kriffing Kaiburr shards as he can, making himself all the more powerful with every waking moment," Thane declared to them, as impassioned as he could be, without treading over the line into self-righteousness, "and I ask for your permission in hunting him down and ending his blasted cult before it gains any more speed. If Bería should choose to join us, however, that would be down to her."

Bomoor perked up to aid his friend, "I do agree masters. We must go after the Kaiburr shards - the power they hold is undeniable. I felt it myself and I know that the Force is drawing us towards them. I also request that we be given this assignment."

Master Thurius, the Cerean Duelmaster and Bomoor's former mentor, suddenly addressed the Ithorian, "You cannot volunteer yourself for such an assignment, Bomoor. Even when hunting down Dark artefacts, we would not send you out without a Jedi Master. I whole-heartedly agree that the Order must take immediate action but I am sorry, this is far too dangerous for either of you."

"I don't see why not, Thurius," Gira Veldryl piped up, uncrossing her legs briefly before crossing them again, "I performed many solo missions before I was granted a seat on the council. Maybe this is exactly what these two need. I mean, they are some of the Order's finest - trained to fight dark Jedi. Why not let them finish what they started? Besides, none of us would be in any better position to track down this cult."

A wide, amused smile formed amid the wrinkles in Master Asha's face. The seemingly-wizened human woman regarded the two Jedi standing before them with warmth, and perhaps curiosity. She conveyed confidence in her tone that mirrored her own in the knights. "Dangerous or not, this matter must be dealt with," she stated, a bit of the obvious at first glance. "These two have had direct contact with this cult, as well as information on their leader—I don't know who else is qualified more at the moment. And..." She paused, casting a dark eye on Thane. "...there is more to the situation they can bring."

As yet, only Master Thackbal, a renowned diplomat of the Jedi and Grand Master Quellus had yet to say anything. In fact, Thackbal had been one of many Jedi Quellus had trained with extreme speed and ability, making him amongst the youngest to reach both the rank of Master, and to have a place on the Council, although he was often cited as simply being an extension of the Chagrian's will and views.

It was Grand Master Quellus who spoke first, his voice deep and reserved, but with surprising command and respect as an undertone. "You were both very fortunate to escape with your lives from this Cult of Axion and its master, and have both shown amazing aptitude, yet you both seek your own ends before ours and the Jedi, a lesson you seem to both repeatedly need reminding of." His grey eyes moved slowly from Bomoor to Thane, and then back to the Ithorian again. "You have great potential, and I am certain the pair of you could triumph over much of what this cult has to offer, but you could clearly not defeat Axion himself. He and his cult must be destroyed!"

Quellus' voice was stern and baritone, but reserved and calm in its own way, unique to the Chagrian Master as he rose from his throne. "Nothing is more paramount than the rooting out of the dark side and its many nefarious agents in all their forms, whether cloaked as semi-Jedi or as blatant as Sith worshippers, and Axion must be handled, his cultists destroyed and these Kaiburr shards crumbled to dust, blown away it the winds of purity. Together, you may make a powerful team, but you could not defeat this dark master before, and I do not believe you are ready yet." Quellus reclaimed his seat and regarded the pair. "The High Council will discuss this matter, and we will summon you back when have reached a conclusion, or have more things to ask of you."

With narrowing eyes, Thane held Quellus' gaze for some time. He knew the Grand Master was a capable swordsman and Force user, perfectly capable of outdoing him, even if he were given an advantage in the conflict, but the Human could not help but feel the Chagrian was wasting time, and unwilling to see the opportunity he, Bomoor and the others they had encountered provided them: a clearer chance to track down and defeat the Cult of Axion.

"We shall do as you say master but please do see the truth in our words," Bomoor nodded respectfully and then looked to Thane, "Come on. We will get their judgement later."

As he and Thane exited the council chambers, Master Vemrus roused from his trance, "Umm..." he grunted, "The human, Thane. He lurks at the entrance to a dark path. I saw the call of the dark side, of the Sith, enticing him. We cannot trust him - he is too unsure of his allegiance."

"That may be, Vemrus, but we can trust Bomoor," Thurius spoke proudly of his old apprentice, "His word is true - he is a strong Jedi. Perhaps he is strong enough to take on this assignment..."

"You may be right," Vemrus spoke, "I saw Bomoor as well. I fear that both Jedi must be allowed to pursue Axion, but that does not mean we are powerless to act against Thane's fall. The Ithorian can be our hand in the dark...Our hidden weapon."


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Comments (2)

By Sev Rezer on Mon Nov 19th, 2012 @ 10:45pm

Aah, too bad, I was about to add Thackbal. Sorry guys.

By Sev Rezer on Mon Nov 19th, 2012 @ 10:45pm

Aah, too bad, I was about to add Thackbal. Sorry guys.