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Thu Apr 13th, 2023 @ 11:00pm


Name Thurius

Position Jedi Master

Character Information

Written by Joseph
Title(s) Master
Gender Male
Species Cerean
Age 66
Class/Occupation Jedi Guardian
Affiliation Reborn Jedi Order
• Jedi High Council
Third Galactic Republic
Alignment +30
Born 1,152 ABY, Cerea
Homeworld Cerea
Weapon(s) of Choice Single-Bladed Lightsaber (Blue) Thurius_Saber.png

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 7
Skin Colour Pale Pink
Weight 12st 4lb
Hair Color White
Eye Color Green
Physical Description While many Cerean's still have some hair into old age, Master Thurius lost his hair at a young age. He has a strong build with firm facial features.
Form of Dress Thurius wears the traditional robes of the order.
Prosthetics/Cybernetics None

Important Figures

Mentor(s) Bailyph Dorson (Human, Jedi Master, Deceased)
Mentee(s) Mykles Svern (Cathar Male, Jedi Padawan, Deceased)
Bomoor Thort (Ithorian, Jedi Padawan)

Other Master Sotah (Close friend: Selkath, Jedi Master)


Personality & Traits

General Overview Master Thurius is a skilled duellist and one of the strongest knights in the order - he is well versed in many of the lightsaber forms.
Strengths & Weaknesses A great defender and teacher - passionate about the order and its students.

Often can over estimate strength in others and has been known to encourage others into tough situations to test their abilities.
Ambitions To train the greatest generation of Jedi Knights the Order has seen.
Interests and Hobbies Duelling is a great interest of Thurius - he spends many hours a day practising his forms with himself or to train others.
Languages Speaks Basic, Cerean, Huttese, Twi'leki, Droidspeak and has a good understanding of many others.


Fighting Style Thurius likes to show off in combat, preferring to keep the enemy on edge. He often switches forms during combat and is rather adept at confusing opponents (although more often students) this way.
Notable Abilities Strong willed and can dominate other's minds but is strongest in the force during combat where it flows through him very naturally.
Melee Excellent
Marksmanship Very Poor
Lightsaber Excellent
Force Sensitivity Very Good
Force Ability Good
Engineering Poor
Computers Average
Piloting Good
Medical Very Poor
Charisma Good
Stealth Poor
Specific Skills/Abilities • Force Push/Pull: Excellent
• Mind Trick: Excellent
• Battle Meditation: Average

• Form I (Shii-Cho): Excellent
• Form II (Makashi): Excellent
• Form III (Soresu): Average
• Form IV (Ataru): Good
• Form V (Shien/Djem So): Average
• Form VI (Niman): Good
• Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad): Good

History Thurius was taken from Cerea at a young age to be trained at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. He was a headstrong youngling but Master Dorson saw his potential and trained him to focus on his combat skills and become closer to the force through strict combat technique.

Thurius enjoyed his training and sparring with his fellow students, often upsetting many with his skill and proud nature. He passed his trials splendidly and came to be a valuable asset to the order. He found a close friend in a Selkath Jedi Consular, Sotah, who's skills often complemented his own on assignments.

Mykles.pngThurius was eager to train his own padawan and found a young Cathar student named Mykles who he felt possessed the same spirit and ability he had. However, Thurius pushed Mykles very hard, wanting him to be his very best. However, Mykles was killed by gang members in the lower city while on an assignment with his master. Thurius blamed himself for Mykles death as he had suggested that Mykles should venture away from him to test his willpower.

Thurius did not take on another apprentice for several years, fearing the same fate. However, he came across an Ithorian manoeuvring large rocks during meditation in the Temple grounds. He saw a talent he recognised in his good friend Sotah. He took the Ithorian, Bomoor, on as his apprentice so he could nurture the individual talent he could sense in the young Jedi rather than force his own abilities and trials onto another.

He took his new apprentice on assignments, often alongside Sotah and his second apprentice, Thane. Eventually, both their apprentices were knighted and Thurius was given the opportunity to join the Jedi High council - a great honour for the Cerean and one he intended to make full use of.