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Chance Encounters in the Sarlacc Pit

Posted on Wed Sep 26th, 2012 @ 5:13am by Bomoor Thort & Thane & Berry
Edited on on Mon Aug 5th, 2019 @ 9:23pm

2,227 words; about a 11 minute read

Chapter: Chapter I: Web of Fate
Location: Cantina, Nar Shaddaa
Timeline: 1000 Hours, Day One


The Rodian gazed at her for a few moments, calculating. This girl was obviously not ordinary, and she seemed easily swayed. With what was the question, but he’d leave that to the smarter people in his gang. It was worth a try…and then maybe they could overlook his pathetic wound by a fellow member. “Fine. I know this cantina we can go to. The food’s better than the patrons, at least.”

Berry nodded, smiling. “Good! Food’s more important, anyway.”

“Not if you value your life,” he mumbled. “C’mon, I can feel my leg now.”

Berry sprang to her feet and held out her arms. “I can hold you—”



The thick stench of liquor and spirits emanated from the shining doorway. Almost every establishment on the planet seemed to need vast neon signs to be seen in the perpetual gloom that surrounded it. "The Sarlaac Pit" was the name glowing above this particular building with very crude tentacles wrapped around the words, all lit in neon. Beyond the decorated alcove were the steps leading down into the cantina - light poured out from inside as did the sounds of voices and music.


"This looks as good as any other place," Bomoor suggested to Thane as the pair stood in the alcove looking into the cantina, "Lots of people inside - locals, smugglers, gangsters. Someone could give us a lead."

"Sounds like a cunning plan(!)" The Jedi Guardian exclaimed dryly, his features instantly falling into an annoyed grimace at the sight of two drunk Ortolans stumbling out, forcing Thane to quickly move his right leg as one of the small blue-skinned aliens regurgitated a large amount of golden-florescent liquid, whilst his friend immediately moved over to grope a Twi'lek standing opposite. "I can't wait," Thane then decided to add, looking away.

"It's a start, at least," the Ithorian replied as he began to pad down the steps leading inside.

The cantina was as vibrant inside as it was decorated outside. The bar formed a ring in the centre of the room with a glowing yellow bar counter. The surrounding space was segmented into different areas - a games area, a seating area and a dance area where the band was in full swing. Beyond the main room was a large screen obscuring the rear of the cantina. Whatever went on back there was unlikely to be for public viewing.

The two Jedi approached the counter and a Droid bartender approached them, "What can I get for you?" he asked.

"I'll have an Andoan ale if you have it," Bomoor nodded to the Droid, before looking to Thane, "I'll pay for the first ones then, what will you have?"

"Corellian spiced," Thane replied quickly, naming the more expensive ale to make the most of Bomoor's charity (although exploit was a more accurate word). Not looking to read the complicated expression that his Ithorian friend would be giving him, the Human turned to face out from the bar, resting against the illuminated surface with his elbows as he examined the comings and goings of the patrons, as well as some of the others nearby.

Outside, there were confused bleats of protest, likely from the drunk Ortolans. The thought amused Thane for a few seconds, but it quickly passed away when he saw a bloated Lannik - wider than he was tall - his deformed hands touching up two slave girls, a Theelin and, naturally, a Twi'lek. Thane's hands clenched slightly at the sight, and he noticed Bomoor's expression, having picked up on his friend's feelings and what had annoyed him.

"I know how you feel, my friend," urged Bomoor, "But we must keep our heads down so we do not attract too much attention to ourselves."

The Bartender Droid dispensed a frothy green liquid into a tall glass through its specially adapted arm. It then proceeded to swap over to a new source pipe to deliver the purple-tinted Corellian Ale. Bomoor begrudgingly handed over several credit chips to the droid and picked up the drinks. He let out a large sigh, "Well, shall we get stuck in then?"

"You go ahead," Thane said with a wave of his arm before taking a large swig of his drink, "I've got a bit of investigating to do right here," he explained, lifting the Corellian ale and dangling in front of Bomoor's eyes. "I'll be sure to-" At that very moment, Thane was interrupted. Not by a noise, but by a feeling.

A disturbance, he realised, and his eyes immediately began scanning the cantina for its source. It was hard for him to trace anything in a place like this, and particularly on Nar Shaddaa. Whilst the Jedi's connection to the Force was not in doubt, concentrating on that - as well as so many other feelings and thoughts - often posed a problem, as different notions and ideas interrupted his concentration. Someone - or something - was reaching out with the Force, and very close as well.

"Unrefined," he commented, wondering if Bomoor had sensed it, too. "Unfocused and probably by accident," Thane went on, still searching. Whilst the smuggler's moon was known for its abundant population, it was not often that Force Sensitives found their way here. With that sort of sensitivity, by its nature, often led people away from Nar Shaddaa.

Bomoor came to stand beside Thane, "I can see it - over there," he pointed over to a pazaak table where some rather disgruntled players stood around a small humanoid female, "That young one is manipulating the Force with some vigour."

A scarred old man and a dull-green Rodian were shouting wildly at the girl - it seems that she had upset their game somehow.

Berry grinned at all the angry faces, her smile very amused. “Oh, c’mon, it’s just a game.” She smiled at the Rodian. “Now you don’t owe me anymore, Green Guy. Look at all these chips!”

Green Guy didn’t bother to lower his voice as he addressed a being near him. “See? I told you she was special.”

The old man reached for something at his side, a scowl on his face. “Too special. Unless she can pay me back, don’t even think of it.”

Berry blinked, frowning at the pair. “What’s wrong?” She gazed at the pile of chips, then grabbed a handful and pushed the rest toward them. “Here, I don’t need them.” Then she looked around, eyes wide. “Now where do you get food here?” Sure she just ate but it was good to stock up just in case.

Thane stepped forward first, placing his drink onto the bar, but waved his hand at the droid who attempted to take it away. The girl causing the incident was definitely the source of the disturbance. Despite her green/gold-hued skin, there was no mistaking her for anything other than a Near-Human, but she clearly had no control over the Force she had such a strong connection to.

Despite his common sense telling him to ignore the simple matters of bar patrons on Nar Shaddaa, Thane's gut compelled him to go forward, to intercede. "What appears to be the matter?" He asked, shifting one hand against the inside of his red jacket, revealing the electrum lightsaber hilt hanging from his belt. By shifting himself towards the Near-Human, he made it clear whose side he was on.

"What are you doing, Thane?" Bomoor spoke from behind his friend in the softest tone he could muster, "Are you sure this little one is worth the effort?"

A twinge of annoyance flicked within Thane's mind at his friend's caution, but he suppressed it. He knew Bomoor had his best interests - and the mission's best interests - at heart. Thane had already gone through it in his own mind; this was what was meant to be, and if nothing else, he might be able to instil just a bit of order into this chaotic den of a world.

The Rodian glanced at Thane’s hilt, then at Berry, gesturing to her. “I told you she was special. Now these two show up!”

“Huh?” Berry looked over at the two newcomers, eye brows shooting up. Her bangs across her face couldn’t hide her curious, bright eyes. She could tell they were nice people. Although the one by the counter was a bit pale. Maybe it was the light. “Nothing’s the matter here,” she said with a smile. Then she paused. “Well, I’m also hungry and—“

“Your kind ain’t welcome here,” came a low growl from the old man. He shifted in his seat, glaring in a very hostile manner at Thane. “So why don’t you just get—“

“I SAID I’m hungry!” Berry continued, her turn to glare at the old man. “You’re not very nice, interrupting like that.” She reached over for the pile of chips.

His wrinkly hand shot out to grab her wrist, but before anyone could blink Berry lightly slapped the offending hand. A pouty glare was on her face, still a little stern. “Stop that.” Then she went ahead and collected the chips.

Thane was impressed by her speed and tenacity. And sheer, dumb luck, he thought silently, observing the way she spoke and her mannerisms. If she had not the Force on her side, he doubted she would be anything other than a clumsy fool. Nevertheless, her potential was undeniable, and she would probably have something useful to tell them. Either that, or he was just wasting his time. If that was the case, he would have to be angry about it later.

Firmly placing himself at Berry's side, making it clear he was going to take her side over anything further than occurred, he addressed the other two. "Do any of you know a bounty hunter named Sev Rezer, a Mandalorian?"

Berry’s ears perked up. “Mandarolian?”

The Rodian frowned, or else his snout turned down. “Sev Rezer? Everyone knows about Sev Rezer. But it’s not like I’m going to tell you.”

Berry pouted at that. “Why not? That’s mean.”

He sighed. “It’s not like I have anything left to lose. I just lost all my money.”

The part-Aquar smiled impishly. “That I have now.”

Thane still kept his lightsaber hilt in clear sight, his arms crossed as he locked his gaze onto the Rodian. He had doubted Bomoor's plan to just land on the moon and hope for the best, but it seemed the whole notion of the 'Living Force' the Ithorian believed so profoundly in had some merit to it; it had clearly led them to this peculiar Near-Human, as well as what Thane could only surmise to be a masochistic Rodian.

"What do you know about him?" He asked directly, brow furrowed, "and is he near here?" The Jedi still kept half of his attention on Berry, even if he was not looking at her.

The Rodian shrugged, looking very nonchalant. “I’m not sure…maybe if you could jog my memory…”

Berry burst into laughter, grinning at him. “You mean with a knock on the head?” She pushed some of her chips toward him. “You still owe me.”

The man glanced at Thane’s hilt, the chips, and Berry’s expectant face. Then he sighed again. “Yeah, he’s near here. Was pokin’ around in the Corellian sector recently. By the café.”

At that Berry’s eyes widened. Café meant food. Food meant eternal happiness until her stomach was empty. She glanced at the strange man standing by her. If she didn’t pay attention to his hem it looked like he was wearing a funny-looking dress. A stupid smile began to form on her face.

"Looks like we've found our next stop, hmm Thane?" hummed Bomoor, "Now how about you step back from the table?"

He held an arm before his friend and edged him back, "Thank you gentlemen, you have been most helpful," he said drawing his hand up before the men, "Now, there is no trouble here - you should go back to your card game."

The old man and the Rodian jittered slightly, blinking as if suddenly dazed. They then turned back to the table and began counting their chips.

The Ithorian gave a satisfied sigh before twisting his trunk to eye the girl, "Now my young friend - you look awfully out of place here. I sense you are somewhat lost."

Berry grinned at the strange tree man. “How’d you know?” She sighed and stood, depositing some chips into her belt pockets. “I wanted to go to Coruscant but then I came here. I don’t even know where I am right now.” Then she flashed a smile at them. “But as long as I have something to eat, I’m okay. Who are you guys, anyway?”

Thane gave her a look that suggested that it was a stupid question, given the weapons both newcomers had hanging from their belts, but decided there was probably little use in employing sarcasm with her. It would likely have little impact... if any.


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