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Teaching the Art

Posted on Fri Nov 9th, 2012 @ 12:39am by Berry & Thane & Bomoor Thort
Edited on on Fri Nov 9th, 2012 @ 1:54am

2,640 words; about a 13 minute read

Chapter: Chapter II: Era's Dawn
Location: Training Room, Red Raptor
Timeline: Late Day, Day Four

Since his discussion with Bería the previous day, Thane had immediately set about bringing one of the training remotes he had discovered back to working order. It was seemingly standard on most vessels that there be one of the small floating orbs, as - although they were frequently employed by Jedi - they served as both could training partners and companions, for those bored engineers. However, the remote Thane had found tucked away at the back of one of the large empty holds had been smacked with some blunt object. Whilst usually sturdy, something large and powerful - perhaps a Gammorrean - had done quite a bit of damage to the small droid.

Even though he was not the most skilled in mechanics, Thane was able to restore the thing to working order, or as close as. Years of aggressive training at the Jedi Temple with such remotes, where they frequently were damaged, had taught him the rudimentary skills to fix them up. Certainly, one half of it was dented, and it would not be able to fire any shots from two of its ports, but it was floating once again, and had numerous functioning settings for training.

He had also then approached Bomoor about converting one of the empty holds into a training room. Sev had already claimed the pilot's cabin and its adjoining hold for his armoury, so it stood to reason that the Jedi on board could make use of space, as well. For now, it was of spartan design; there were no decorations, and Thane had been lucky to find some silks and materials for which to make mats out of, but they would have to pick a good few pieces up when they reached Coruscant. By G2-O7's estimations, they were just under a day out from the Republic's capital - and the Jedi High Council.

"I hope you haven't eaten too much?" Thane said to Berry as she arrived with his Ithorian friend, one eyebrow rising inquisitively as he posed the rhetorical question.

Berry laughed. "Of course not! You don't want me throwing it all up later, do you??" She waggled a finger at him as she grinned. "I almost had that happen once when I got in a fight with my first mate, and lemme tell you, it was NOT fun."

Thane did not respond to that as he around to pick up the training remote, turning it in his hand a couple of times, inspecting it as he addressed Berry again. "Have you pulled apart that lightsaber yet?" He asked before passing the remote to Bomoor to examine.

Berry grinned. "Yeah, but I dunno how to put it back together again." She emptied her pockets and a whole mess of things spilled out, the hilt clashing to the ground and the smaller parts clattering.. She chuckled. "Oops."

Bomoor ignored Berry as she clambered to pick up the pieces of her newly-gained lightsaber, "Nice work putting this little thing back into action Thane," he commented, switching the remote on and allowing it to float, slightly lopsided, in the air above his palm, "It should suit our needs for now as long as it can stay functioning." He gave a concerned glance over towards Berry.

He left the remote hovering as he wandered further into the room. Thane had moved the boxes and equipment cluttering the cargo hold and laid down mats to cover the cold metal floor. It didn't look half bad given the resources at hand, "You have done a good job clearing this room out too. Now, what have you shown Berry already? She's obviously seen us fight dark Jedi but I assume you want her to see the forms demonstrated in a more structured setting."

"I've explained the basics of the lightsaber design," the Human explained, looking bemusedly at the pieces the part-Aquar had now more or less brought together, "but nothing specific on combat. I reckoned we could simply show her the basics of Shii-Cho, and then leave her to play with the floating ball whenever she has time to." He rapped a knuckle against the remote, causing it to list lazily for a few seconds before regaining its previous position.

Whilst still facing Bomoor, Thane give Berry a sideways look, glancing up and down her before he looked back to his friend. "Once we've been to the Jedi Temple, I'll gather all of my things and bring them on board, including my old lightsaber - she can have that until she's ready to build her own. Which means," he said, raising his voice and now stepping towards the young woman, "you'll need to learn how to put this," he waved a piece he picked up in front of her, "back together again."

Her nose wrinkled in distaste as she eyed the piece of light stick. They only had a day or two left until they made it to Coruscant, right? Then she wouldn't have to bother about sticks at all. But in those two days Thrane would probably bug her about it...maybe Mr. Rezer or Mister Kipster could help...they knew a ton more than her. And it wasn't like Pale Guy was going to help her!! He stunk. She pouted her lips to the side, trying to act nonchalant. "Yeah, yeah," she said absently, her demeanor quite fidgety.

"Your mind betrays you, Bería," Thane then warned her, placing the piece with her other gathered hilt remnants, his blue eyes narrowing before he turned away to walk to the other side of the newly-inaugurated training room. "I'm not going to stop you from adventuring or enjoying your life," he said, and his hand could be seen to have healed as he took his trademark red jacket off, "quite the opposite, in fact. You see, this is an opportunity both myself and Bomoor have wanted for a long time." He nodded towards the Ithorian. "A chance to be more independent, to explore the galaxy. This is our ship now, and we want to use it not only to get that karking Axion, but also to see the galaxy. There's a lot more out there, and you won't get any of that sitting in the Jedi Temple, but we're also willing to take you with us."

The Human walked to the main training mat, and pulled his lightsaber from his belt. "Your training, in itself, will be an adventure - but this ship is just as available to you as it is us. You can learn how to beat the kriff out of the biggest bastards this side of the Corellian Way, and eat all of the food from across the galaxy." He shrugged his shoulders, and gave a small smile. "Why shouldn't you be allowed to?"

Berry pouted at him, although she was glad to see him smile. "Of course I'm allowed to!!" If there were bigger bastards out in space than at home, Berry would very much like to beat them up when they were mean...but... She sat down and pushed the light stick parts around, mumbling, "But this looks boring." Well, those fights on Stinky Moon were anything but boring, but she wasn't going to admit that yet. Hmmm, an adventure on her very own ship where she wasn't the captain...that sounded too weird!!

Bomoor was becoming somewhat tired of the part-Aquar's negativity when it came to the force, "Does this look boring to you?" he asked her, reaching an arm in her direction and closing his eyes.

The lightsaber pieces Bería was holding floated out of her grasp and were joined in mid-air by those still scattered about her. From a cluster of odd parts, structure began to form as they aligned themselves perfectly in the air with only the crystal missing. The pieces converged until they fixed together with a satisfying click. The Ithorian knew the lightsaber construction well from having assembled his many times before, often changing the parts and only recently having re-assembled it with the silvery-green viridian crystal he now cherished.

He opened his eyes once again and allowed the incomplete weapon to float down into the young girl's hands, "Hmph," Bomoor added, rather satisfied with his performance.

"Wooooooow!!" Berry's eyes shone with excitement and awe as she gazed at the mostly whole light stick. She giggled and smiled up at the Ithorian. "Yeah, I knew you guys were cool." Her smile looked a little smug. And that she could avoid doing something she didn't wanna. "But I'd rather make something funny looking or do something fun then use a—" She quickly shut her mouth as she didn't want Pale Guy to get even paler from her ignoring how cool—and difficult—using a light stick was. So she just sighed and laid down on her stomach, propped up on her elbows as eyed the training mats/blankets silks. They could make a great robe.

Thane grinned to himself at the performance Bomoor had given, and at Berry's reaction to it. "Enough parlour tricks, Bomoor," he then declared amiably, igniting his violet blade and grasping it with both hands in the posture of the first form of lightsaber combat, the blade pointed towards the ground as he faced the Ithorian. "It's time we showed her some of the more basic elements of using 'light sticks'." He would leave his friend to explain to her the basic tenets of rudimentary Force abilities; she had already displayed a great natural aptitude for basic telekinetic techniques - as many Force sensitives often did - and he was confident she would pick it up quickly. Utilising a saber, however, was not something that came so naturally.

Bomoor turned and took a firm foothold facing his friend and sparring partner. He removed his own copper-coloured hilt from his belt and brought it to his side. He grumbled slightly, "I must discourage you from using that 'Berryspeak'. Nevertheless, I agree."

He ignited the viridian blade and held it at his side in both arms, "On your guard, my friend," he hummed, lowering his trunk.

The Jedi Guardian warranted himself a small smile as he brought the lightsaber up into a ready position. "Bería," he began, as he and Bomoor began circling one another slowly, both blades pointed at the other, "this is the most basic form of lightsaber combat, but that doesn't diminish its use or importance. The blade is used more like a sword, with basic sweeping upright attacks and parries, focusing more on disarming the opponent." Thane knew Berry wouldn't be so interested in the theory as much as the practice, and so quickly stepped forward, sweeping his lightsaber across and downwards, towards Bomoor's chest.

The Ithorian matched the move with an opposite swing, pushing upwards, his parry acting as an offensive manoeuvre and fluidly moving into Bomoor's own sweep, which was surprisingly strong, and Thane had to hold his hilt tightly as he picked up his pace, deciding to show off his speed against his friend's natural Ithorian might.

Bomoor picked up on Thane's increase in agility but held firm in the Shii-Cho form, despite the urge to match Thane with his fast-paced Ataru form. He addressed Bería, "While lightsaber combat is a physical skill and can be learnt by those dedicated enough," Bomoor began, catching a sweep from his friend with one of his own, "Most Jedi will use the force to some extent during a duel in order to sense their opponents movements and quicken their form."

He disengaged with Thane and jumped backwards, keeping his lightsaber held upwards. Thane did likewise leaving them once again circling each other on the mat.

Berry recovered from being name-called by Pale Guy and smiled at Boomy as if everyone knew that. "Well, yeah! Who wouldn't if they could?" She smiled to herself. She knew she did. It was hard, though, to act disinterested, and her eyes kept darting between the two light sticks. Nothing Orza didn't know yet...but she didn't use water magic like these guys. Did she?

Thane then moved forward to attack, following the same basic principles and swipes as before, remaining in the Shii-Cho form. "Form I will rarely have you killing the foe, as you direct your blade to intercept the limbs as main target zones, as well as the point about disarming." Bomoor parried the swipes perfectly, both blades moving forward as neither combatant gave or lost ground. "It will also aid you in deflecting blaster bolts being fired at you, but is not so good for redirecting them at your foes, although a lot of that will come naturally as you grow more in tune with the Force. It is also surprisingly effective against multiple enemies, if you have the speed and precision for it."

"Something I do not naturally possess," Bomoor hummed, while keeping attuned to Thane's manoeuvres, "The slower version suits me nicely. Although, I think Bería may be quite the opposite."

As the demonstration went on for another few minutes, the pair only ever shifting into other forms out of slight necessity as the performed battle swung in certain directions, they continued to explain and display the nuances of typical lightsaber combat in Shii-Cho. After a bit longer, they disengaged, and Thane turned to Berry.

"Of course, normally, there hasn't been such a high focus on lightsaber duelling, due to the fact there have been very few opponents to the Jedi in recent centuries that wield swords or lightsabers," the Human explained, deactivating his lightsaber, the violet blade slinking back into the hilt with a hiss. "Of course, in the most recent war, before you were born or either of us," Thane motioned to himself and Bomoor, "were old enough to take part, the Jedi found themselves up against their allies. Not darksiders, but the rebellious Rift Jedi. A hard conflict, from all accounts, but necessary to stop the Outer Rim from seceding and crippling the Republic. Anyway," he went on, brushing the topic aside, "given we have seen how Axion's Cult are lightsaber practitioners, I think it best you learn how to use a saber in blade-to-blade combat. Given your age and sensitivity to the Force, I think you'll figure it out pretty quickly, as well as which forms you prefer."

The compliment was delivered simply, but not in a way that encouraged pride - it was more of just an observation by Thane as he stepped back and grabbed his jacket, throwing it over one arm as, even though he had only been sparring with Bomoor casually, a few beads of sweat were starting to trickle. "In the meantime," he said, stepping towards the exit, "you can practise with the remote." He chucked the hilt suddenly towards Berry, who instinctively caught it. "As myself and Bomoor are going to have a few drinks." Thane gave the Near-Human a joking smile as he continued towards the door.

Bomoor began to follow him, panting very slightly but noticeably given his large vocal tract. He stopped by Bería, "Keep at it," he nodded to her, "If you concentrate on the force you should not even need your eyes."

He picked up the remote and flicked it on into the basic training mode, bringing it to life and sending it into the air before the part-Aquar. The Ithorian then proceeded after Thane and out of the door. He could use a drink right about now.

Berry frowned at the dumb light stick hilt in her hand. She had to stay here? And no snacks with her for a break! She sighed and tossed the hilt down to the floor.

To suddenly get zapped by the whirring globey thingy.

Berry yelped and scampered across the floor. Things were off to a great start.


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