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Sibling Rivalry

Posted on Wed Apr 8th, 2020 @ 8:18pm by Reave & Kalen "Rex" Vickers & Amare & Mentis
Edited on on Tue Sep 8th, 2020 @ 10:40pm

1,539 words; about a 8 minute read

Chapter: Chapter VI: The Last Bastion
Location: Capital City, Alba, Outer Rim Alliance
Timeline: End of Week Four, after "Heart of the Alliance"


A greyish-brown gull-like bird cawed as it swooped down to capture something invisible on the water’s surface and the pair watched as it flew away with its catch towards one of several waterfalls that swept over the endlessly-wide cliffs.

With growing warmth in his tone, Bomoor continued, “This place is a reminder of something that people have always shielded from us, despite it being the most obvious thing in the galaxy: there is life without the Republic.”

Then adding, “And isn’t it quite grand?”


"Naboo," Rex said simply, head turning this way and that as he examined the rich architecture, brilliant blue skies, and well-mannered and well-dressed denizens, "but with more fur."

Whilst the vast majority of the citizens lining the streets of the ORA capital's capitol were Human, there was a sizeable number of Cathar and Wookiees milling around, enough that visitors would note their presence in the population. Very few seemed to pay any mind to the smuggler or his Nautolan companion, but the small Jawa strutting along beside them attracted a few glances. However, not even one visibly turned to make any subdued comments to their companions.

Amare smirked at Rex's observation as she walked beside Mentis. "Not very exciting, is it?" she asked rhetorically. "This place needs something to spice it up more. Perhaps we'll get lucky and one of them will show up in albino white fur stained in blood with a pair of red lightsabers in his hands."

"Uhhh..." Rex looked back to Amare briefly, but quickly turned his alarmed expression to Mentis as he recalled the hulking beast that had confronted them on Korriban. "I think your sense of humour might need a little recalibration," he said, slightly taking the lead in their little group, "and your idea of excitement!" He peered into the distance as they walked. "What is it you need for your laser sword, anyhow? Can't be much more complicated than a blaster, if you've got one of them fancy crystals."

"You're not wrong," Amare noted as she started to pick up the pace with Rex. "It just takes a few extra tangibles: a diatium power cell, power insulation material, and modulation circuits among other chattel. Your blaster probably has more expensive and rarer materials in it than what I will require. Now that I mention it, I do miss the feel of having a good blaster at my side sometimes."

"You should feel more of a connection to your lightsaber," Mentis did not turn to look at Amare as he commented, choosing to continue to study the incomplete droid schematics that Rex and Reave had managed to compile from the busted Korriban droid, "If you long for another weapon, then it is little wonder that you were so easily parted from your previous hilt."

That stopped Amare in her tracks with the hint of a scowl on her face.

"Says the man who couldn't beat his schutta cultist girlfriend in a fair fight," she shot back. "It took another Nautolan, my mother, to save us from oblivion. At least I have the excuse of lack of training. What do you have? Many years of experience? Yet you dare to insult me as you walk in failure!"

Not realising Amare had stopped for a few paces, Mentis was a short distance ahead when he looked away from the schematics and turned around, “What? Don’t tell me that got under your skin so easily? I used to put up with far worse over breakfast and most of that was far less constructive than what I offered you.”

He slowly walked back to her, his eyes narrowing, “But, if you must bring it up, that particular Nautolan is second only to Axion. I would never dispute her strength or your mother’s; your race has incredible natural precognition and agility. But I would recommend that you also do not underestimate me. The last associate of mine who did so ended up run through with my blade.”

The tease of fury on Amare's face began to slowly melt into amused delight. "There it is," she remarked, her tone goading and relaxed. "The intimidation, the ego..." She took a careful sauntering pace closer as she added, "I hold your like in the highest regard; a man that walked in darkness for years; a man that knows pain and fear as intimately as his own name; perhaps more than I could imagine. So go on then. Use that pain. Be the blunt instrument that you really are. You are more powerful than the Ithorian, are you not? Show me the malice you offered your friend before you cut him down. Prove you are still within Axion's control so that I may add your soul as the first in my collection of dead cultists."

"Uhh... guys?" Came a small voice from just behind Mentis, which was soon accompanied by a worried-looking smile worn across Rex's nervous face. He had two hands raised up, palms facing out towards the two dark Force users, but was keeping a small distance. "This suddenly took a real dark turn down, wouldn't you say? How about we forget all this poodoo-slinging and-"

"Stay out of this!" came the unified cry of both Mentis and Amare as they swivelled around to dismiss the Human before returning their gaze to each other.

Rex clasped his raised hands shut, eyes wide following the joint growl from his companions, withdrawing towards Reave. "Stayin' out of it..." He mumbled to himself, slinking a little away as the two carried on.

Shaking his head as though throwing off a daze, Mentis exhaled, "You know, you really know how to push people's buttons. First Bomoor and now me; perhaps that is your talent. The dark side clearly suits you. But, I won't give you the satisfaction of giving in to your taunts."

"I never wanted you to," Amare said with a bit more ease as her eyes filled with curiosity and a mild increase of respect towards Mentis after he passed her little test. "I know now that you're better than that. Since that day we fought beside each other on Korriban, I could sense deep painful feelings inside you. You're moving on from your past. I get that, I really do." She stepped within arm's reach of Mentis, and added with a lowered and more intimate voice, "Everyone has something or someone they've left behind, but you can't ignore what you've done, and you cannot silence your feelings. Listen to them, Mentis, as I do. There's no reason for us to hate each other. We can learn the depths of the dark side's power together, discover how to control it without it controlling us."

Mentis smirked, creasing the scar that shot across the left side of his face, "Now that would certainly be a discovery. But for now, shall we settle for finding some thousand-year-old droid parts as well as building you a new lightsaber?"

A couple of silent nods of agreement and a short smile was Amare's reply to the Ratattaki. As she passed by Rex, she said without turning her gaze on the man. "See? No poodoo, Rex. Just adults talking. You really shouldn't worry so much. It's gonna make you old before your time."

"Don't I know it, sister," Rex said, shaking his head at the rapidly-changing fortunes of Mentis and Amare's relationship, already beginning to walk away from the group in what he must have believed was a vain effort to draw them back to the task at hand. He leaned in a little towards Reave as they bimbled, throwing a less-than-discreet thumb in their companions' direction. "These space wizards, I tell ya. Madder than a Hutt's uncle."

Reave either did not notice or did not care to respond, downwardly-angled glowing eyes only offering Mentis and Amare the briefest of annoyed glares. He had already turned his widebrim hat-laden head further along the promenade. Without his oversized weaponry harnessed about his small frame, he appeared decidedly less intimidating, even with the holdout blasters the others knew he had concealed.

The Jawa then raised a gloved hand towards the distance, a stubby finger pointing at a wide alleway that appeared to lead away from the main shops. Sure enough, a hand-painted sign had been nailed into a wall, just visible, with a poorly-scrawled image of an astromech droid drawn next to the word DROID in Aurebesh. A Cathar with an irregular off-brand protocol droid walked out from the alleyway, as if to further confirm the fact.

"If you guys have kissed and made up, that seems to be as good a place to start as any," Rex said to the two Force users, his tone more than a little mocking.

Mentis smirked again, for the second time in a matter of minutes, which was rather a record for the former cultist. Reave's familiar indifference and tunnel vision, along with Rex's usual cheerful nerves seemed to lift his spirits.

"Lead the way, Reave," Mentis called to the Jawa, "You'll find us the parts for this ridiculous old droid in no time."

In response, Reave simply made a rude gesture with his hand.



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