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First Port of Call

Posted on Wed Jan 30th, 2019 @ 3:14pm by Bomoor Thort & Thane & Amare

2,918 words; about a 15 minute read

Chapter: Chapter V: Unbound
Location: Polbuu, Eastern coast of Üssina, Öetrago
Timeline: Several days after "Hushed Warning"


He was roused from his thoughts by the polite applause resulting from Cosh’s speech and Bruta was prompted to look amongst the crowd to spy where Damask had gone. He saw him around the other side of the stage, leaning in to Senator Vana and saying something with some secrecy. More political manoeuvring or something else? The speaker was clearly a cunning man, but was he a friend or an enemy to Bomoor? Regardless of the answer, Bruta could not merely sit on this information. He had an idea of how he might contact his son, but he would have to make his excuses and leave the station earlier than anticipated.

He would head back to Öetrago and find the Elenca Herd. He might not be able to trust in the Jedi any longer, but they were not the only ones who could channel the Force.


Tall strands of vibrant green grass whipped about in the strong gust generated from the descending craft. A small section of land had been cleared away for use as a landing zone outside the town centre building of the small coastal village of Polbuu on the Eastern coast of Üssina. As the squarish diplomatic craft descended onto the marked area, several individuals emerged from the adjacent building to meet the important diplomatic representative that sat inside the ship.

The ship was little more than a shuttle craft and did not have a descending ramp; instead, a pressurised side door opened with a slight hiss and slid aside, revealing a pair of Ithorians, dressed in their species’ equivalent of hiking gear. The seemingly-older of the pair stepped forward and led the way towards the group that gathered to meet them.

“Mr Thort, welcome back to Polbuu,” the head of the waiting party proclaimed in Basic, utilising her translating vocoder. While an Ithorian herself, she was aware that the other members of her party were not: one a H'nemthe and the other an Ongree.

Bruta Thort outstretched his hand when close enough and entwined his long fingers with the woman’s own in a traditional Ithorian handshake, “Indeed Kamanu, it has been some time since I have felt your town’s fine breeze and beautiful view.”

He took a moment to examine his surroundings, not just as a show of appreciation but also out of genuine pleasure in being once again out in the wilds of Öetrago and not sheltered in the heart of the vast Mooko city conurbation. From this patch of grass behind the town centre, there was a clear view out to sea; far out, dotted upon the skyline of blue, was Mooko island, with its towering spires, now just grey/white blurs on the horizon.

Much closer, he could see down to Polbuu’s port, where numerous watercraft hovered above or on the water’s surface, depending on their design. This town, like many other coastal settlements was a haven for many species other than Ithorians who were more interested in sea trade than most of the dominant population. There was a vast mix of faces down by the port, but all seemed to be working well together, trading and cooperating. Bruta often felt places like this developed better inter-species cooperation than within the Republic Senate, sitting so far-removed from places like this that they could no longer see what real living was all about. It was good to be reminded of that sometimes.

He conveyed an Ithorian smile to Kamanu before turning to point out his younger companion, “This is my aide, Llim Cobo. It is his first time visiting Üssina.”

And his first time experiencing the wonderful allergens of Üssina causing mild irritation across all four of his throats, and doing his best to stifle sneezes from both of his mouths. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, madame," Llim said with a stereoscopic tone of confidence coupled with a curt bow. The bashful expression in his bulbous Ithorian eyes, whilst failing to make eye-contact, however, betrayed the fact that his greeting was just practised diplomacy. It also didn't help that he was shorter and lankier than most average Ithorian males.

Bruta had been uncertain as to whether to bring his young aide along on this trip; he was extremely intelligent, with an eidetic memory and was one of the few other Ithorians the Republic liaison had met that had developed the art of speaking basic, aside from his own son, whom he had tutored. However, he was a delicate flower: forever catching colds and intolerable to a number of natural substances, he was not the first choice for the expedition into the wilds of their planet.

It was, strangely enough, Llim that had been most eager to accompany him on this trip, for reasons Bruta had yet to determine. The young man had hastily purchased all manner of expedition gear, including the strange water-repelling plastiflex gear they wore that seemed to squelch slightly as they moved. Bruta had reluctantly agreed to don the outfit, even though he had made such treks before in far more-breathable clothing and been quite content.

"Your companion seems ill-at-ease," Doctor Buhggs, the H'nemthe, opined, his shrill voice chirruping slightly as he spoke in well-practised Basic, stepping forward towards Bruta and Llim with little deference for any of the others.

A stark contrast to the majority of his reptavian species, who, like the Bith and Herglic homeworlds, were under the governance of the same sector as Öetrago, Doctor Buhggs had a forthright personality, which fortunately stopped short of being outright confrontational. Additionally, his sharp wit and keen intellect more than made up for the fact he was a clear metre or two shorter than all of his companions, but had long set him apart from his fellow H'nemthe.

Indeed, it was the general belief of most of his compatriots that Buhggs had left his world due to this extreme clash of personalities; whilst the doctor clearly held the best interests of his kinsmen close to heart, his personal philosophy and acerbic manner left him with no true place in proper H'nemthe society. To the benefit of Öetrago and the Mother's Aid Programme, however, he brought with him his encyclopaedic knowledge of xenometeorology, being one of the foremost minds within such circles within the Third Republic, and the Ithorian government's (such that was) lead scientist on terraforming.

Rumours were abound of Doctor Buhggs' desire to eventually seek to replace Wobar Cosh as the Myagil Sector senator, although his celebrity was largely limited to his own enlarged, if usually well-meaning, ego.

Llim wasn't entirely sure how to respond. He thought a simple I'm fine would have been a good response to Buhggs' assessment, but he wasn't certain how it would sound when it was clear to everyone that Llim wasn't fully acclimatized to his surroundings. Instead, his shoulders and dejected gaze did the talking for him by slumping a bit in an earthward direction. Any pretense of confidence he'd been attempting was utterly dispelled. At least his prophylactic antihistamine was starting to kick in and help prevent his allergies from getting worse.

Sharing the doctor’s doubts about his aide's aptitude in this environment, but wanting to defend his associate, Bruta attempted to soften the unfiltered observation, “It takes a lot to step outside one’s comfort zone and Llim has done well preparing the both of us for our expedition. I know you yourself know a lot about taking on new challenges. I must say, I was surprised to hear that you were currently working out of Polbuu. Developing something new for M’s Aid?”

"Obviously," Buhggs huffed at the Ithorian. "We're scientists," he continued, shaking his horned avian heard, "it's our job." He looked at Bruta somewhat incredulously, as if the question had been pointless and clearly electing to not offer any further information.

Seemingly a bit embarrassed by her blunt party member, not quite yet used to his mannerisms, Kamanu elaborated, “Mother’s Aid has been a boon to our local community here. While they study and adapt some of the unique features of our ocean, they have also set up a number of ecological training programmes for our youth and invested in our coastal management.”

She gave a friendly nod back to Buhggs, seemingly desperately to gain some degree of approval, but was met with his usual unreadable expression. She thought, perhaps, she should stop trying so hard and simply accept him for what he was and the financial benefits they brought to her town.

“Anyway, I should really introduce the third member here to greet you,” Kamanu spun her long neck around to face the Ongree, shaking the decorative seashell tassels she wore symbolising her position as leader of the Meltom Herd and Polbuu Mayor, “This is Yllib-Senob, a representative from our Cultural Committee and an expert tour guide for practically the entirety of Üssina. He has already made preparations for your expedition to the Elenca Herd.”

"Indeed!" The Ongree stepped forward, his amber eyestalks upturned and his teeth bared in gleeful excitement at meeting the guests. Of course, with the flesh around his mouth stretched back in the manner typical of his amphibious species, Yllib-Senob may in fact have little say in how much expression is conveyed by his (by conventional standards) upside-down face. "I have most been looking forward to meeting you!"

The Committee representative grasped each of the Ithorians' hands in turn, shaking them jubilantly and staring deeply into their eyes, as was customary for such a polite and engaging creature. As he pumped both Bruta and Llim's appendages, the Ongree's own beige-and-brown duster rippled, revealing a DG-30ZB tucked firmly into the two utility belts wrapped around his raggedy trousers. The ensemble was completed by an undersized tricorn hat resting atop the Ongree's head/chin.

"He takes his duties as a boat tour guide very seriously," Doctor Buhggs mocked snidely, passing Yllib-Senob by to flick the back of his hat, causing the Ongree to quickly release his guest's hand to stop the hat from tumbling off, grumbling loudly under his breath as he did so.

"Some of us care to make a good impression," he frowned at the H'nemthe as he stalked away, before then looking back to the Ithorians, leaning in conspiratorially. "The good doctor's passions are limited to inanimate objects and other beings that don't disagree with his self-proclaimed genius."

“We all bring our own unique talents to the table,” Bruta spoke, his voice indicating that people should try to keep the peace. He had not expected this simple welcoming committee to become such a handful; he had enough of that in his day-to-day work.

“Indeed!” Kamanu agreed loudly, “We are a fine example of what a diverse Öetragan community can achieve, as I am sure Yllib-Senob will demonstrate to you on your travels. But before he whisks you away into the wilds, please come and join us for a quick snack in the community centre. I think Doctor Buhggs has some M’s Aid matters he needs to discuss with you and you can also take a look at some of the sculptures the local children have made during our recent arts festival.”

Bruta internally sighed. His diplomatic halo forever haunted him, even when not on official business; someone wanted to bend his ear about some project or another. While the Mother’s Aid project in the local area was sure to be fascinating, he had hoped to get on with their journey. He could only steal so much time away from his official duties and the last thing he wanted was to be dragged around, looking at school-children’s attempts at art.

He caught a glimpse of Llim beside him and had one of his very diplomatic ideas, “Tell you what, it would be wonderful for Llim to take in a little bit of the culture. Perhaps he could look at the creative works of your youth while I speak with Doctor Buhggs and then sort out our trip with Yllib-Senob.”

"Hff," Buhggs grumbled under his breath, "'diverse Öetragan community', indeed." The scientist then brought his voice a bit louder, although the curtness that seemed to typify his manner had not dulled. "That sounds like a fine plan for your young friend here," he quipped, "perhaps he will feel a little less daunted by the mental alacrity of juveniles."

Llim tried to hide his disappointment, but his head did sink a little. He was just a "do what needs to be done and go home" kind of Ithorian. Social isolation and indoor filtered air suited him just fine. He didn't like the idea of playing tourist, but it wasn't like he had any choice.

"You think going by boat is our best option?" Bruta queried, looking at the proposed route of travel Yllib-Senob had plotted onto the projected map hovering just in front of him on the table, "Didn't they complete a speeder route across this land just a couple of years ago?"

"Ah, ridiculous!" Yllib-Senob admonished, shaking his head as he removed his tiny tricorn hat with one hand and then using the other to scratch the bald orange head-chin beneath with his blaster. He apparently found it a more effective tool for scratching his itches than his own fingers, and the cleanliness of the weapon spoke of how it had never really been fire before. "The silly old speeder route is far less efficient!" He continued in true bombastic fashion. "You see, it's hardly efficient at all; there is dense jungle all about the place, and you don't need me to tell you the about the sort of mess you Ithorians can make during your mass migrations! Heh. No, better to not interfere or be interfered with. I'll show you a fine adventure of the homeworld, you'll see."

The Ongree then tried to wink at Bruta, but it was a gesture he had seemingly not yet mastered as one eye blinked slightly out of turn with the other.

"You should trust in our guide," Kamanu added reassuringly, having just returned from taking Llim on his tour, "I'd say he knows the land much better than many of the herds that have migrated for generations and nobody can best his knowledge of the seas."

Yllib-Senob inclined his head at Kamanu's kind words, but the motion caused his tricorn to topple onto the floor, and he spent a clumsy few seconds gathering it back up and onto the top of his shiny head. "I would like to say that the lady Kamanu flatters me, but she speaks only the truth!" He said excitedly. "How was the artwork of the little herdlings? Any future Ithorian Baobabs in the making?"

Kamanu seemed to try to find the right words, “Llim had some kind words to say about the pieces, although I am sure that it pales in comparison to the culture he sees in the capital. I do love visiting there: such a melting pot of different ideas and cultures. Perhaps some of our children will find fame there someday or in the wider galaxy.”

Wanting to continue obliging his valued host and keep her sweet, Bruta suggested, “Perhaps we could arrange a visit to the Mooko Galactic Arts museum for some of your best students in the near future. But, turning back to this trip, Mr Senob, when did you last have contact with Elenca? They were always a very unique herd and we sill see man talented healers coming from their community, but, to my shame, I have not liaised with them properly since the Second Rim Conflict.”

"Ooh... umm..." The Ongree seemed to consider the suggestion awkwardly, and instead took the moment to idly inspect some of the boat they would be using to travel. "Yes, quite recently. A kind people, the Elenca, keeping to themselves but always willing to lend a hand! Hospitable to the, uhh, to the last! We've seen a few come by Polbuu for trade or transport, but since the Conflict they've more or less stuck to their grazelands, migrating a bit less than the rest, I've seen. Doctor Buhhgs spends more time out there than I do, surprisingly. I think he likes them - hard as that is to believe."

Bruta contemplated for a moment, finding it hard not to wonder whether Mumin would actually want to see him. She had been suitably encouraging when Bomoor had expressed an interest in joining the Jedi, after the visit from the wise Bith from the Reborn Order, but it meant a departure from the life she had originally planned for him here on Öetrago. The older Thort had often wondered whether she blamed his Republic influence for taking her boy away and, consequently, had led to the rift between the pair of them. There were few other explanations for them falling out of love besides simply drifting apart.

“I trust you to get me there,” Thort nodded towards Senob, deciding not to dwell on doubts, “So let us not delay any further.”

After thanking his host and finding that the Doctor must have slipped off at some point for what he would surely deem ‘more pressing matters’, Bruta made his farewells with Llim and they set off with their guide down to the docks, with Gyus’ mid-day light glistening off the sea, bringing optimism for their journey ahead.



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