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Posted on Sun Jan 19th, 2014 @ 8:01am by Berry & Thane

3,926 words; about a 20 minute read

Chapter: Chapter IV: Rezer's Edge
Location: Training Room, Red Raptor
Timeline: Just before the mission to Jericho

Within the day of being relayed the information concerning the former Bastion penal colony and its tenuous but enticing prospect of having a Kaiburr shard present, Thane had set about making the arrangements with Bomoor for their departure. After being dropped off on one nearby inhabited world to then rent a transport from a local firm, they would do what they could to approach undetected and infiltrate the facility. With any luck, the whole thing would prove fruitful, but if it did not, they merely hoped it would not end up yet another misadventure.

Upon his knees and his eyes closed in a meditative state, hands resting on his thighs as he stretched out with the Force, much uncertainty loomed upon the horizon. Disturbed at his inability to draw any clear conclusions, Thane found himself growing quietly frustrated at the metaphorical dead-ends and cloudy scenarios that were barely appearing before him. Always something Bomoor and Master Sotah had been superior at doing, looking to the Force for messages and guidance had become a more frequent endeavour for him, and something he had discovered a greater aptitude for since dabbling in the darker arts.

Without a doubt, he sighted the odd glimpse of a jewel but also the swinging of a golden-hued lightsaber. As this barest of visions became to climax, a familiar voice whispered his name in a hushed tone before becoming silent for what he knew to be the last time. Whether this was tied to their looming journey or not, Thane was unsure, but he was certainly left with a feeling of dark resignation as his mind returned to the present.

In the same stroke that brought him back to reality, he touched upon Bería's mind elsewhere on the vessel, gently requesting her presence in the training room, partly out of convenience and partly out of curiosity.

For the last few weeks, whilst her standard training had continued without much difficulty - the girl had shown a clear aptitude in both the use of lightsabers and the Force - Thane had sensed an unspoken rift developing between them, both in her behaviour with him and through the peculiar connection he shared with her.

Although he could deny his odd fondness for her strangely endearing behaviour (which in turn left him somewhat concerned about their relationship), his true instincts and beliefs were beginning to strain his feelings towards her. Certainly, potential such as hers should not be wasted, but if she were to not grow up but maintain her odd philosophies in her child-like manner, it would indeed be wasted potential.

After all, you would not leave a Star Destroyer in the command of an Ewok.

There was obvious resentment within her at the way he urged her to be otherwise; it was not unexpected, such as with a stern parent and a lax child, but she was beyond such an age, and there was much she could learn and use if only she would focus herself and hone her talents along with her mind.

What was most bothersome, though, was that her thoughts and feelings often trailed into his. Of course, he was usually capable of simply shielding himself from her Bería-esque urges, but his dreams were another matter. He had quickly tired of his jaunts through Berryland.

Indeed, many nights were spent reliving the satisfaction of a good meal, plenty of fish and lots and lots of vegetables to munch on. But the times in between the feasts Berry dwelled on as well…subconsciously, anyway.

For even though the scars on her golden-green skin healed faster than a normal human’s, they weren’t the fresh ones (Morgo’s expert eye assessed differently for the gash across Berry’s chest, but no matter.)

Flashes between the happy dreams would sometimes escape. Images of a towering, almost full-blooded Firrerreon man looming over the battlefield, his thick white beard fluttering in the gusts created by the cannonball explosions from the government…marines mowed down by sonic weapons owned by the very man who impaled Berry months earlier—suddenly her ally. New enemies—dogs of the government—unleashed on them, fire erupting from almost out of nowhere, the smell of crisp flesh and blood-soaked sand permeating the air around them.

All of this bloodshed and carnage…for one woman. A pirate. A daughter…and sister.

Her name: Asidra Z. Amaris, adopted sister of Bería Z. Fieros.

Berry was there, of course, when she tried to stop Asi’s execution. But she could never, ever forget the moment when her sister’s pride stepped in and dealt her the death they almost prevented.

To hold your dying sister in your arms, a gaping hole through her chest as she bled out around you…occasionally, in Berryland, one could smell that iron-infused liquid in the air—and it wasn’t hers.

Sometimes, she wanted it to be. But only when she was sleeping. Shaking the sads away upon waking was easy enough to do.

But as Berry walked through the corridor of the Red Raptor, she froze. That same feeling of foreboding before Asi’s trouble washed over her like the blood-tainted waters after a shark frenzy. And no, it wasn’t from Thane’s quiet beckon. But it was… about Thane? Why else would she smell blood again?

Her eyebrows were noticeably furrowed as she resumed her pace, padding over to the training room. She walked slowly, flip-flop sandals not flipping as much. The part-Aquar poked her head into the room, one dark eye wide with curiosity, some of her black bangs hiding it. She sniffed the air. The smell was gone now. Coast was clear.

“Hi,” Berry greeted the kneeling man as she ambled in.

At her arrival, Thane's features actually notably softened slightly and his eyes opened, focusing quickly on the young Near-Human. Rising easily and fluidly, he gave a slightly weak smile to the woman who had become an informal apprentice to him and his friend. "Thank you for coming," he said with some warmth.

Stepping past her, he went over to the side to grab his black greatcoat, easing into it with a light resignation that had been dominating his actions in the past few days - largely since his rather deep conversation with Morgo, it had to be said, as well as more musings on his Sith teachings and the galaxy as a whole. Concern seemed to eternally crease his brow and his mind rarely settled, yet even so, Bería being here seemed to ease him somewhat. Part of the connection, he surmised to himself.

As was his way with those closer to him, he decided to approach things in a direct way. "In a very short while, Bomoor and I will be leaving the Raptor to pursue a potential lead about a Kaiburr shard. It may come to nothing... or it may be very dangerous." Looking into her eyes now, Thane wondered if she, too, had had difficulty in making sense of any recent feelings or concerns. "Because I may be gone for some time - or may not even return - I wanted to... to have a quick conversation with you about a few things."

Usually, Thane did not make the assumption of dying when going into one of his assignments, being usually confident about what may await him and those alongside him. Even so, with all that had been plaguing his mind, as well as the inherent danger of this particular region of space he was headed, he knew to be cautious... and honest.

"I know you've had concerns about me recently; about the way I think and feel, and the way that I do things," the former Jedi went on, his tone soft but stern. "Normally, I probably would not care a great deal about that, but regardless of whether either of us wants it, your well-being and future does matter to me, not least of all because whatever Force bond exists. I recognise you want to do admirable, right things - you want to help the people of the galaxy, including the little people. I truly do sympathise with and admire that, Bería... but it's not always so clear cut, particularly not if you want to achieve something more far-reaching."

Berry tilted her head, smiling a bit confusedly—and amusedly—at him. "Whoever said it's gonna be clear?" She flapped a hand at him. "And the reaches of my actions depend on too many things out of my control...for now." She grinned at him. "Why not make a pebble ripple now, then combine 'em all to make one BIG wave?" A laugh escaped her lips with little effort. "Or something like that. You're going out to do something like that, right?"

Now she gazed at him with eyes full of admiration. "You're trying to find out where those crystals are so the bad guy can't have it—and you don't even know if the crystal is even there, right??" Some worry crept into her expression but she held it at bay with her awe.

"No," Thane admitted simply, "we don't know with a certainty, but considering how little progress we've managed to make in the last three months, we have to follow any lead we can find. Besides, I believe the source is quite credible - even if (or perhaps because) it came from Morgo." Having said the Dromachean's name, he now looked and attempted to sense his informal apprentice's reaction.

He was aware of an odd relationship beginning to form between the two women, and whilst he would make no demands of Bería to not speak with her, he nevertheless had concerns over the way Morgo would steer her. After all, she had made it clear her contempt and animosity towards him over his recent treatment of her, and Thane had no illusions of her just letting such a thing slip. Living eternally in her board game of a life (which he could, admittedly, relate to and appreciate), it was now down to her to shift things in her favour.

Bería made the perfect piece in that regard.

As of now, she just looked up at him, eyes widening in extra awe. Nothing special. “Oh, really?? Yeah, Morgogo really knows a lot of things, huh.” She grinned, nodding. “I ask her aaalll sorts of questions. Like how to get crystal shrimp out of glass shells ‘cause you can’t eat glass—MMM those sounded so good!” She paused and switched subjects as fast as a dolphin flipping trajectories. “Are you sure you don’t need anyone else to come along with you?”

"Yes, she is clever," Thane admitted with a small nod, although he did not answer her question about bringing someone else along. "It was her intelligence that convinced me to bring her along in the first place, but whilst she undoubtedly has a lot to offer... she is also a very compromised individual."

The Human took two short steps closer to his informal apprentice, noting more now than he had before the power of the Force almost sparking about her person, unrefined but potent. "She'll probably regard what I am talking to you about now as a way to undermine her and protect myself from her machinations. To an extent, that could be true, but I also want to be sure you know to be wary of her; whilst I, too, want to know more of who she is and to earn some form of trust, she is nevertheless still caught in the court intrigue of her homeworld - even on a rusty old smugglers' ship like this. Certainly, I've not helped that mentality, but she does little to help herself, either."

Placing his hands into the pockets of his greatcoat, the Caanan pulled his two leather gloves out and proceeded to slide them over his pale hands, himself noting how he was causing less damage to himself when practising Force lightening. "By all means, be her friend and do what you can for her, but don't let her turn you into a pawn. You are better than that." After a second of struggling over whether he should make the notion or not, he tentatively placed a hand briefly on her shoulder. "You are better than her."

Berry grinned, taking his gloved hand off her shoulder and patting it. "Of course I am," she said simply with a small smile. "I don't kill people." Then her brows furrowed as she blinked. She felt something. Her hand briefly squeezed his before she quickly yanked off the glove.

She gasped as she stared. "Hey, you're hurt!"

At the sudden physical movement, Thane's eyebrows dropped instantly into a frown and his other hand instinctively shot out to grab Berry's holding the glove. Pulling it free from her, he then took a step back, inwardly annoyed at the invasion of his privacy and personal space.

"It's a by-product of my own training," he explained to her, his tone having taken a slightly lower edge after her yanking. "As with everything, it takes time and practise to master certain skills, and one is bound to suffer injuries with the more dangerous yet rewarding ones." Thane held up the hand before both his and her eyes, the fingertips visibly marked by old burns.

Inspecting them and recalling his most recent session using the dark side talent, he once again felt the invigorating sensations that had accompanied its use; the grand release combined simultaneously with the sheer empowerment had been sensational. The unbridled power that bent to his will with more and more practised ease and fluidity had continued to encourage him, to make him feel stronger and more focused - and more himself.

It was satisfying, powerful, efficient and useful all at once. As well as allowing him greater and deeper understanding of the dark side, with that he found himself more in tune with the Force and ergo his surroundings. Whilst he would never be a seer, the darkness he was beginning to master had unlocked many previously-closed doors and helped him reveal much of his own person he had struggled with. It was refreshing.

Berry's eyes narrowed a little as she inspected his fingers with her eyes. She frowned as she glanced up at him, as if he was withholding something from her: his hand. Although snatching it again was probably gonna be hard because he'd zap her. A smile tugged at a corner of her lips. Oooh that'd be kinda cool. She nodded at him. "Yeah, I get scratched up pretty bad when I train in the jungle."

She shrugged, now staring at his hands as if waiting for something to happen. As she stared she asked, "Can I see your lightning next time? Don't do it now since you hafta save your strength." She smiled up at him, expression eager. She'd never seen something like that before. Maybe magma/flames coming out of someone's rocket by their hands, but not actually out of their hands.

The request had somewhat surprised Thane, but thinking about it, he knew he should not have been so; Bería, for all her faults, was a curious creature, ever-eager to learn and make herself superior. Whilst that was undoubtedly the trait within her he most admired, he could not help but feel that her extreme sense of playground morality - so like the Jedi's - would hold her back from truly tapping in to her potential. It was simply a restriction that he was not sure she could move beyond.

"I would very much like to show you," he said in a tone not unlike a true teacher's, "but I would much rather instruct you in such a talent." The Human now pulled the glove off from his other equally-burnt hand. "I don't need to use much energy for a basic display, and there is no reason why we cannot practise now. I'm not due anywhere just yet, after all."

It was unclear how much Berry heard as she stared at his hand, dark eyes wide and a bit glassy.

The wave… it washed over her again. Bloodier. Something was going to happen.

Berry swallowed and finally looked up at the man, brows furrowed. Here was another person before her, more skilled and stronger and wanting to teach her. Sure, he got annoyed by her a lot, just like Asi did in the beginning… but in time Berry broke through.

To see it break permanently.

The part-Aquar bit her lower golden-green lip as she pushed his hand away with hers. “No, you gotta save your strength.” She gazed up at him, worry in her eyes. “You’re gonna need it.”

Thane's own brow furrowed slightly, inwardly disappointed but far more curious as to her demeanour's shift. Slipping the gloves back on, he could himself sense some aura of trepidation emanating from the young woman. He did what he could to lower the barriers he had placed as best he could on their Force bond, to see if he could get any sense of what it was troubling her.

Whilst Thane was often subject to her odds whims when he did not wish to be, he had mostly succeeded in preventing anything from her overriding his own intents; he was not so sure the same could be said in reverse, but this current active attempt to peer behind her veil proved unsuccessful.

"What do you sense, Bería?" He then probed with a slightly delicate voice, inclining his head ever so slightly.

Her nostrils flared as she caught the whiff again. She glanced around the room, as if looking for a physical source to it. She seemed desperate…because she knew if she didn’t find it, it was all in her head. That it was going to happen again.

Berry looked back at him, eyes still wide. “There’s going to be blood. And it’s not mine.” She continued to gaze at him—and then glanced at his hands…at his fingers. Blood…his.

She looked away, as if in pain.

Watching her for a few moments with various thoughts crossing his mind, his eyes narrowing as they did so, Thane finally took a slightly deeper breath. "How wonderfully cryptic," he muttered slightly, "but I'll bear it in mind. I've had plenty of my own looming concerns over this coming... excursion," he admitted, "and that's largely why I decided to speak with you about all of this."

And saying that reminded him of his early points concerning Morgo. "If something does indeed happen to myself and Bomoor, if we do not get in contact after a good number of days, it's imperative you do not throw yourself in harm's way." The Caanan found himself glancing about the Red Raptor's bulkheads and the dojo they had put together for themselves.

"Of course," he went on, "I expect that - even if things get rough - we shall return, but if we do not, be entirely wary of the darling duchess. Stick to Sev. With all of his Mandalorian honour and wily charms, I've no doubt he'll try to do right by you, and this ship may fetch a fair price. Morgo's fate, however, will probably be down to you at that point... even if she does not believe that."

Looking at the woman now, he was once again struck by an odd sensation, much akin to the one he had experienced when first encountering her on Nar Shaddaa, as if the notion of fate resting upon her was deeper than the words had suggested. It was an uncomfortable thought, and one he put down to her foreboding comments and his own sense of concern for the immediate future.

At his words, Berry suddenly whipped her gaze back at him—or more like a glare. It contained surprise, indignation, and determination familiar to all around the young woman. “I’m not leaving you two behind,” she snapped. “I’d never do that to my friends.”

She crossed her arms, frowning and lifting her chin. “You know you don’t tell me what to do.” Then she peeked at him, as if daring him to challenge her.

As much as her ongoing defiant attitude in that regard frustrated Thane, he could not help but let his features soften; in many regards, she was not unlike him when he was younger, but his current defiance was not so much a wish to rebel (not that it was with her), but merely the belief that those in power were incorrect, and he stood a better chance of success with his own ideas and ideals.

"No, but as your friend, I can ask," he said, "just as I am someone who has had more experience in the wider galaxy and so know which course of action may be better for you." The Human turned from his informal apprentice to retrieve a dark grey pack from the other side of the room, packed with some of the equipment he was deciding to take from the training supplies with him. "But equally, I expect the same courtesy from you. You do not wish for me to tell you what to do, and I do not wish for you to interfere with my actions. Is there really much of a difference there?"

She smiled, a bit impishly as she nodded. "No," she agreed, pleased he saw her autonomy. But then her smile became determined as her eyes narrowed, and she jabbed a finger at him in the air. "But if you're about to die then you're not making actions before dying, right? Which means I have to be nearby to wait until you don't do any actions. Then I can help you." Berry nodded all sage-like, pleased with her reasoning.

Thane's eyes narrowed as he regarded the Near-Human, his muscles tensing with his annoyance at her words and mannerisms, yet he also knew any further debate was pointless. Despite his frustration at her, he also could not fault her for her loyalty - something he was not always sure she had for him - nor her resolve. Whilst he trusted it could help her (and perhaps him) in the future, an underlying concern was that it may well endanger her.

He let himself relax slightly and tried to offer a slight smile to her. "Let us trust that nothing like that will be necessary. Besides, whatever does happen, you and I are inextricably linked." The Caanan put his free hand on her shoulder once again. "Let us hope we can ensure that is a strength and not a weakness."

As quickly as he had placed his hand he removed it and began pacing towards the door, not saying a further word as he went to find Bomoor.

Berry's eyes stayed on his hand until it disappeared past the door frame. Strengths and all depended on where you were, didn't they? A great white shark couldn't fight on land or even move. But there was one thing she could never see as weak—friends. She'd never give up on them, and they wouldn't give up on her. Even if she died for them, she couldn't really think about anything else worth dying for.

Oh, and food. Couldn't forget about that.

She walked out of the training room, smiling.



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