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The Avalan Crisis: Unlikely Allies

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2013 @ 1:33am by Sotah & Thane & Bomoor Thort & Thurius & Theon
Edited on on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 1:59pm

4,655 words; about a 23 minute read

Chapter: Additional Stories
Location: Yolahn Square, Iziz, Onderon
Timeline: 1,208 ABY, After "Court of Snakes"


Then the Cerean spoke once again, "Then I think we are agreed that we shall accompany you to this Bronze Keep and ensure that negotiations go smoothly. The Republic is not a foe to this planet and I am sure we can make that point clear if they are willing to listen," he gave a quick glance to his companions, "We are ready to go now if you wish."

"Then I wish you good speed," Queen Omina said sternly as she settled herself uncomfortably upon her throne, "and good luck."


Another instalment of The Avalan Crisis posts, chronicling the young Padawans, Thane and Bomoor Thort.

"I can accept that," Sazar nodded in response to Master Sotah's suggestion. As was her habit, both her cybernetic and organic hands were rested upon her hips as she turned to face her former Recruit. "Knight Theon, you will go with the two Padawans to see if you can find any more evidence of Avalan activity, or any intelligence at all that might be useful."

Sotah spoke next. "But be mindful of how you use that information; there are too many parties at play here to adequately decide how to proceed with things, and given we are not entirely sure of what we may be facing at the Bronze Keep, you should not try to send a spoken message to use - it may compromise us."

The group of five were standing by a currently-defunct fountain, the marble that made it up damaged on one side, presumably where an explosion had occurred, although the damage looked reasonably old. As he brought his eyes away from it, he was saddened at the loss of beauty Onderon had suffered in the years during and since the most recent galactic conflict, but was perhaps more saddened by the fact the government had not seen to amending such problems.

"GalactaWerks will see what we're up to," he then pointed out to the Masters and Guardian Sazar, "and they will have no issues on acting on it straight away."

Sotah gave a gurgling Selkath chuckle. "If they were so keen for a bloodbath, they would have levelled the Bronze Keep by now, but even Intendant Marius Thendleton must realise that he will then be the cause of quite the civil war here on Onderon, and therefore lose any monetary bonus his superiors have promised him. Equally," his voice then became an octave lower, as if he were grumbling, "if the three of you are successful in finding some true culprits, you may be able to stop GalactaWerks from interrogating every other person on the census, as Thendleton was preparing to do."

"With the greatest of respect," perked up Theon, who had been leaving against the broken remains of the fountain, "I am no longer a recruit. I should not be given busy work while you face the real threat. I swore to protect the citizens of this planet. Let me face this with you."

Master Thurius gave a light chuckle of his own, "And where better to protect the people than amongst them, where the Avalans strike fear into the population? Whether you come with us or investigate Iziz city, you will be fighting the same foe. I think this is a very respectable task to be given," The Cerean eyed his own apprentice with a smile, "But we have faith in all of you. Besides, this visit to the tower could come to nothing at all should this prince refuse to conduct negotiations."

Theon glared at the Jedi Master, clearly disliking the lecture from the Republic warrior. Nevertheless, he remained silent and turned his gaze expectantly back towards Sazar.

"You heard him, Knight," she said sternly to her comrade. "Work with these two Padawans and show them what the Rift Jedi can do; prove that we're as interested in peace and cooperation as they claim to be. Believe it not, you've actually got something quite important to do. Now," Sazar turned her horned head to the two Jedi Masters, "I think we have an upstart posh boy to handle." Before they finally left, she pointed at Theon. "But don't get them killed, or else I'll never hear the end of it from the fish."

Sotah gave one of his toothy smiles. "Very droll, Sazar. Good luck Thane, Bomoor, I trust you'll make good company for good Theon. We will all speak soon. May the Force be with you."

As the three senior members of their increased group set off towards Prince Garius' Bronze Keep, Thane watched them on their way, considering the task they had ahead. In truth, he rather liked it when Sotah entrusted him with more independent tasks, allowing him to approach them in his own way and do his bit for the Republic, even if that part of the Republic was indeed Onderon. What he was less enthusiastic about, however, was the Rift Knight that was with them, who was a good few years older then him, and was almost imposing with his build. In addition to that, he expected Theon imagined himself to be the senior of the three.

Bomoor sat down on the rim of the ancient fountain and pulled out a food bar, "Well, Knight Theon. You probably know the most about the area. Where would we do the most good to the people?"

"Hmph," grumbled the young Rift Jedi, "You mean, apart from facing the real threat at the Keep?"

Bomoor took a munch on his bar, assuming that Theon's question was rhetorical and he would continue. After a moment of awkward munching, he replied, "Yes. You heard our masters. We are supposed to assist the people. I'm sure even if you tackled the problem of the Avalans the people would still need aid. There are many victims of conflict and we have a duty to aid them all, whether they are soldier or civilian."

Crossing his arms, Theon considered, "The areas that suffer the most are the areas where GalactaWerks have operations. The spaceport, the commercial district. Actually, we are not too far from the main GalactaWerks base of operations in Iziz. The area used to be quite a thriving marketplace and residential area but recent attacks have forced people onto the streets and businesses have either packed up or been blown up."

Thane thought about that for a moment, remembering the sights they had come across during their journey to Queen Omina's palace. There had been plenty of beggars, struggling merchants with broken wares and general ruffians. Of course, there had also been numerous figures mulling about, their missing limbs, age and general dress identifying them as veterans of the recent Outer Rim Conflict, left to survive without true medical aid - without prosthetics and the like.

Once more, the young Human was struck by how wrong and poorly-balanced this planet was, and also, by extension, how wrong much of the galaxy was in this way. Numerous times, very similar sights, also with vagrants and drug addicts and the like, had been seen on Coruscant, the populous and supposedly civilised capital of the Third Republic.

"Perhaps we should try and find someone who has suffered at GalactaWerks' hands in the recent past, as well as perhaps being politically active," he suggested with a slight shrug. "They're the most likely to sympathise with the Avalans without being an actual noble, and would clearly have a grudge against the company; they won't like us, sure, but we might be able to get something out of them." In truth, whilst Thane primarily meant through simple diplomacy, the idea of a mind trick did not elude him, only Bomoor was far better skilled at such things than him. "Maybe, if we have to, we could look through their homes - not in the way GalactaWerks has been doing it, but maybe as offering them an alternative to the company's heavy-handed tactics?"

"Now hold on," Bomoor rose his dull voice slightly, "Perhaps I misheard but I was under the impression that we were to provide aid and support. Not interrogate the locals."

He stood up and walked over to his friend and fellow padawan. He hoped that Thane's suggestions did not give Theon any ideas, "While I for one am just as eager to find the culprits behind these attacks, I don't think we should ignore our given task. Besides, people are far more willing to part with information if you aid them, even without using the Force to convince them."

"Alright," Thane said in a slightly confrontational but not necessarily aggressive tone, "and how should we go about that?" He waved about to some of the Onderonians not far from where they were, either milling about or giving the three some strange looks. "Most of these people don't even look like they want us stepping even a foot closer, let alone opening a dialogue. What do you think we should do... Consular?" Trying to alleviate some of the tension, he gave a small smirk to the final comment.

"Yes. That's right," Theon smirked, raising himself up to compete against Bomoor's naturally large stature, "Tough times breed tough people. You offer them a hand and they are more likely to chop it off than accept it. Don't waste your time."

Bomoor grew slightly annoyed at being bullied down, "And you would let a misunderstanding stop you doing your job? I thought the Rift Jedi were more dedicated than that," he looked to Thane again and lightened his tone, "As a Consular, matters of confusion are rather simple. While mind tricks are a grey area, there's nothing wrong with using the Force to project a feeling of calm. If we can speak plainly with the people, I'm sure we can get somewhere."

"Think of it as a challenge," he added to Theon, who crossed his arms at Bomoor's talk of calm.

Thane considered that for a moment, before turning and taking a few steps away from the dead fountain to a better vantage point that overlooked much of Iziz, which all but surrounded the palace and the square that was a short distance along the path between the two. As he looked across the city, the sounds and smells of an impoverished and poorly-maintained society struck him, thick with vice and suffering. Beyond that, he could sense them through the Force. Whilst not as in tune with such things as his Master or as his friend Bomoor, he could nevertheless feel their negativity. Closing his eyes, he tried to reach out to them.

Happiness was almost non-existent in Iziz. Certainly, it was there between families, lovers and those making what little money they could, but generally there was discontent, resentment and anger. Many felt it towards GalactaWerks, many felt it towards the Queen, but the largest number simply did not care. They just wanted to be fed and content, regardless of who was in charge.

Opening his eyes, his lips curled downwards and he shook his head as he looked back to Bomoor and Theon. "It's going to be hard to do that - they are not a happy people, and have very little to be happy for. Food, money... they might do it. Unless we just happen to come across some petty criminal upsetting the locals, I don't know what you hope to do. I still think we should try and find one of the terrorists."

Even though he had masses of empathy for what these people were going through, it was with his lightsaber he was usually the most good. Certainly, he could be quick to make friends by being positive and friendly to these people, but he truly doubted they could rile up some allegiance or assistance from them.

"Let's just get down there and ask a few questions, then," Thane decided. "I mean, we are the good guys, so maybe a bit of goodwill will get us somewhere, but we'll have to distance ourselves from the government." As hard as that will be in Jedi robes.

"Well, I can agree we need to get going," Bomoor nodded, "Let's start off by getting to grips with the area. Could you show us to this marketplace then, Theon?"

Theon shrugged, "Sure thing, Padawan. But don't expect me to go along with whatever you say. Part of being a Rift Jedi is doing what is necessary. If we thought your way best, we would never have thought to leave the Republic in the first place."

After a short walk, the three young Force-users found themselves in the heart of Onderon's misery. A wide shopping arcade stretched before them, with shops on either side and a glass roof sheltering the pavement between them. At least, that was the impression of what it once was. Now, the fragments of the roof that remained sheltered huddles of people, some with tents and some simply lying with blankets. Most of the shops themselves seemed to now house families, friends or just anyone that fate had thrown together. As they began to walk through, some of the people shouted out. Some still offered to sell goods sprawled out on filthy rags while others cried out or even cursed at the passers by.

"This area did hold a Galactawerks building," Theon explained, "But they moved operations after the Avalans set off a series of bombs along the shopping district. Ironically, now it is a haven for those who have lost their homes elsewhere. Well, a haven of sorts, there's not much help here but at least it is no longer a target for the terrorists. But that does work to our advantage, since the people here come from all over the city. Someone is bound to have some information we can use."

Bomoor turned to Thane, "Do you see the people here like this too? Just as a means to an end? I can see the practicality but what is the point in progressing if you ignore those suffering in the present?"

The Human thought about that for a few moments, mulling various ideas and responses about his head first. His friend often did this, asking such questions of him, but it was not unwelcome. Whilst Bomoor was a Padawan just as Thane was, the Ithorian was nevertheless a few years older, and as a Consular had focused on such ideals as philosophy more than he had, with Thane having preferred the physical arts more.

However, he was soon beginning to find a keen interest in the same areas as Bomoor, and definitely considered what his friend asked. "They are not a means to an end," he decided, "because how could they be a means to an end, when we are trying to discover the truth behind these attacks that are in fact doing them harm? We find the terrorists, we are helping them - they are the end... but whilst they're all important, we do need to think about the majority's benefit over that of a single person - if there's no alternative."

He glared slightly at Theon with his next remark. "We should help everyone as best we can and exhaust all alternatives before resorting to such a crude way of things." Although he intended to hear out the response of his friend and the Rift Jedi, a commotion suddenly diverted his attention, both physically and as a slight ripple in the Force.

Some yards away, a significantly-sized group of people were huddled around something, clambering and grabbing with a good deal of noise erupting from them. A few others nearby visibly scorned them, turning away with some level of aggression, and some of the GalactaWerks Militiamen were already beginning to pace towards them.

"Well, well, well," Theon smirked back at Thane, "Speaking of crude ways, here come your friends. I wonder what misery they are bringing the people today."

Bomoor was about to point out their less-than-harmonious relationship with GalactaWerks when one of the men barked up loudly, "You lot. You are the Republic Jedi, yes? Trained in diplomacy and the like?"

"We from the Order," Bomoor nodded, motioning to himself and Thane, "But our friend here is with the Rift Jedi."

The man swiftly turned his head to Theon before swivelling it back to centre, "Ah yes. We have seen him before. But it is a good thing you are here. We are having some difficulty with some of the Royals over there. Intendant Thendleton said we should bring you over to assist in negotiations."

The Ithorian craned his neck up to look over the man's head and, indeed, he could make out the infamous Marius Thendleton making some sharp hand gestures towards a small group of people, dressed in finer garments than anyone else on the street, "What is the Intendant having trouble negotiating?" Bomoor asked.

"I believe it would be better if you discussed that with him in person," came the reply, "You are here to assist GalactaWerks, aren't you?"

Bomoor slowly bobbed his head, "We are required to render assistance where appropriate. Very well, lead on then."

"Ah, finally!" Thendleton said loudly, gesturing with great emphasis towards the approaching Jedi and turning much of the crowd's attention towards them. "Some fine upstanding Republic Jedi here to set things straight about these parts - to help bring back some law and order to this backwards city." He looked back to those about him, his hunting rifle still slung over one arm as he patronised them in his condescending tones. "Do you simply not comprehend how important what little rations we have available are to GalactaWerks? Truly?" His piercing and aggressive gaze locked on to each of the nobles in turn before he moved to address the Jedi.

However, just as he was about to open his mouth, it slammed shut again and his head recoiled, whilst he looked almost ready to vomit when he locked eyes upon Theon, who he then decided to ignore as he addressed Bomoor and Thane. "Young Jedi," he said, having lost much of the forced charm he usually injected into his words, "why are you without your Masters?"

Bomoor had taken a disliking to this man, as had most of the people who had the displeasure of meeting him, "We are not required to be with our master at all times. In fact, much of our training is undertaken without our masters' assistance. At the moment, Masters Thurius and Sotah are on an important diplomatic mission to the Bronze Keep and we have been instructed to investigate Avalan activity in the area and assist the people where we can."

"With particular emphasis on investigating the Avalans!" Theon shot in.

Thendeton merely grimaced at the sight of Theon, and decided to direct his words towards Bomoor and Thane, the latter of which seemed to be matching the intendant's expression of utter disdain, only offering it to him instead. "These... patriots... have decided to hand out copious amounts of their specially-allotted food rations to the denizens of this particular sector," he explained without any humour.

"As far as I am aware," Bomoor replied, wrinkling his face slightly, "It is the individual's choice what they do with their food rations. If they want to give some to the people, then that is there choice."

"Exactly!" grunted one of the noblemen, "As per our agreements with GalactaWerks after you began controlling our imports, we receive a set amount of the food supplies you allow in. If we decide that we do not need the entirety of our rations, then it is only right that it goes to those who need it most. That is why we are here and you have no right to ask us to stop."

"I have every right!" Thendleton declared with annoyance back to the man, spittle hopping forth from his mouth. He waved his arm over them all. "As per the agreements with the Onderonian government," he replied, "each individual and individual household has a quota of rations that they are not permitted to share amongst the others. They have their own quotas, proportionate to their individual needs! This way, we can ensure everything is regulated perfectly and to get things running smoothly again as the infrastructure is all reassembled," he went on, his voice suddenly becoming kinder and more diplomatic, "by the good people of GalactaWerks."

And just as quickly again, his professional tone turned nasty. "You should all be thankful we are doing this free of charge, after you sided with the rebels during the war. You called this upon yourselves!"

"This is exactly the problem!" Another voice called, this time a women. She stormed on up, about the same age as Thane, as she barged past the Human Jedi Padawan. With an aggressive finger thrust towards the intendant, she said, "Onderonians deserve the opportunity to decide from themselves how they exist, away from the Republic-" she shot a menacing look at Theon, "-and away from the Outer Rim Alliance."

Thane suppressed his anger at being knocked out of the way and gathered himself, putting himself in front of the woman, partly to try and defuse the situation, but largely to prevent Thendleton from doing anything himself. Unlike Bomoor who was more of an age, Thane was still young. Luckily, the lightsaber hilt at his belt added to his intimidation factor some. "I sympathise with you more than you think," he said kindly and in a quiet voice only those very close could hear, "but you're not going to endear anyone to your cause through violence. You'd be no better than him." He nodded towards the intendant subtly.

The young woman turned on Thane, still full of anger, "What do you hope to accomplish by coming here, Jedi? Do you hope that we will be bullied into siding with the Republic? Tough luck, because your friends here have already shown us your true face," She thrust an arm sharply towards Thendleton, closely enough for him to step back reflexively.

Bomoor let out a droning noise that masked everyone's voices and caused everyone to focus upon him, "Nothing will come of this conflict. Intendant, while I understand you are following protocol, the very fact that you must come down here yourself to deal with such a trivial issue is rather concerning. There must still be a lot of work after the terrorist attack this morning."

"We have a great deal of our Militia working on the problem as we speak, Padawan, and you can hardly say that this is an unworthy issue!" Thendleton scowled at the Ithorian. "GalactaWerks and myself place the highest priority on both matters, as they are inextricably linked, or had you not joined the dots together between unruly nobles and those involved with the Avalans? Perhaps your master is not quite training you well enough?"

"I am not blind to the issue, Intendant, I just feel as though GalactaWerks spends more time putting pressure on the population than it does on the Avalans," The Ithorian then turned to the nobles who had now all gathered together, "Perhaps the Onderonian Royals should be given a say in matters of the people. They know how large their rations need to be and they can suggest how much should go to the people. Would that not take a load of your chest, Intendant?"

"He would never allow us a say!" shouted one of the noblemen from before, "The Royals are just a stone's throw away from being abandoned like the people here. If he had his way, only his forces would see any of these imports!"

Bomoor arched his neck back with faux surprise, "Really? But that cannot be right. The Senate would never allow such a thing. Why, if they were to hear even a hint that the Royal Family would be denied supplies..."

The intendant dipped his head and glowered at the Ithorian. "I rather feel you are overstretching your obligations here, young Jedi," he said quietly and slightly menacingly before pushing past at him and pointing in the direction of the nobleman who had shouted out. "Besides, you threw away your right to say in these matters when you sided with the Outer Rim Alliance in the war!" He bellowed, almost jumping with each word he shouted at them. "If you had not dragged your people into that damnable war, neither the damage done by GalactaWerks or our rebuilding efforts would be present, so perhaps you should be grateful to even get a crumb of hard bread, you insolent fools!"

Spittle had shot forth from his mouth as he berated them, his face going slightly red in the anger. His voice now lowered as he turned finally to Bomoor again, pointing at his chest. "Perhaps you should merely do your assigned duties on this planet and find out where those terrorists are, hmm?" Marius Thendleton's eyes then washed over Thane and Theon briefly, before once again addressing Bomoor. "And keep your attack dogs on a lead before someone puts them down." Having entirely discarded any attempts at politeness for the others, he spat at the ground before the nobles. "And one of you can clean that up!"

Turning extravagantly on his heel, he nodded to his guards to follow him as he marched away from the scene, arming his rifle as he did so.

Visibly fuming at the way the intendant had behaved, Thane had had to restrain himself from engaging his lightsaber and cutting down the man. "There's a reason why companies should not have such power," he said to his friend and Theon. "I don't deny the Republic should aid the rebuilding of Onderon, but it's just a blank cheque to GalactaWerks - not the punishment the Senate thinks it is."

Theon himself was literally heaving as he watched Thendleton storm away, "Then perhaps your Senate should not be the one to decide Onderon's fate. None of your senators have seen what it is really like out here. They put GalactaWerks in charge because it saves them a few pennies and it may very well end up suffocating the planet. If that is their punishment, then it is a death sentence."

The Ithorian shuffled uncomfortably, trying to shake away darker feelings, "I didn't think the man would budge but I thought he might at least be respectful enough to humour the nobles. This is something that cannot be ignored."

He turned to the lesser royals who were angrily discussing amongst themselves, "I am so very sorry about that man. Something needs to be done about this. But we cannot help that until we root out these terrorists and show the Senate that GalactaWerks no longer needs such a militaristic presence upon your world. Do you know anyone that might be able to help us? Anyone who knows anything about the Avalans' activities?"

A young noble man spoke up, "We always hear whispers from the Bronze Keep. Many of his men were once with the Royal Guard and a few of them still talk. There is word of an attack upon Thendleton himself. He and his highest officers reside at what used to be of the grand hotels between the spaceport and the market town. That is the supposed target. Most of us now hope they succeed - he is a scourge upon our world."

A few of the noble's companions began to complain but Bomoor raised his voice above them, "What is the name of the hotel?" he boomed.

The answer came from behind, "The Intendant's place? Used to be The Regal Hotel till the smug Hutt-spawn moved in. As if he wanted to mock the Queen any more than he already had."

"Great," Bomoor sighed, rubbing the back of his trunk, "We finally get somewhere and it involves saving Marius Thendleton."



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