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Berry Backpost 3: Making Friends

Posted on Mon Jan 21st, 2013 @ 7:29am by Berry
Edited on on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 2:04pm

3,463 words; about a 17 minute read

Chapter: Additional Stories
Location: West Blue Ocean, Velusia
Timeline: Two years ago


O—O Two years ago on Velusia, ten years after the departure of Berry's mentor O—O

Unbeknownst to the daydreaming dunce, there was a whistling sound steadily increasing as the boat floated. It soon started to roar—something massive was moving.

Berry poked her head up above the edge of the boat, eyebrows rising. “Huh?”

The rowboat moved steadily in the water, but the ocean wasn’t flat anymore—it was gone! Berry’s eyes widened as she looked over, and she yelped.

A huge whirlpool lay before her, and the boat was right on the edge. She grabbed an oar and paddled as furiously as she could, but it was too late, and the swirling mass of water sucked her right in, her exclamations of surprise the last anyone saw of her.

At least, for a few hours.


Two Aquar sailors stood at the pelibird's nest, looking down on the rest of the ship. It was a cruise ship, modest in size compared to the others on this water planet, and very old fashioned, with a reinforced wood hull and sails to catch the wind. Velusia wasn't very high on technology, but there was some wealth to be made by the denizens that farmed the reachable oceans.

And so the wealthy or just those with shells to spend took tours on the surface, risking dry skin—but this was exclusive and a desirable event.

As they did, the sailors kept a watch for debris or emperor kings. The trip had to be smooth, or else customers would go elsewhere.

"Hey, what's that?" One asked, sighting a floating barrel.

They signaled to other sailors down below, and one got a seagrass rope with a hook on the end. With help from another, they fished the barrel out of the water.

Inside the large cruise ship a nice little ball was occurring. Aquar in fancy ornate seasilk dresses and suits practiced a terrestrial dance, more elegant in water,of course, but the exotic appeal of being in open air made the tourists tolerate the laws of gravity for a little while.

Dancing as well was a tall, slender young Aquar man with ruddy red kelpy hair reaching his shoulders. It was well groomed, of course. He was also in a suit and had sharp, intelligent dark eyes that he directed at his female dance partner with a charming smile. A red coral hoop hung from one earlobe, and the man bowed before leaving the ball room.

As he walked he gradually kept against the corridor walls, always casting furtive glances behind him. Finally, a door was left before him, unguarded, apparently. He picked the lock and snuck in, glancing around the room with his trained eye.

There...less dust around that box. He pushed the box aside to reveal a metal safe inlaid into the wall. But what was this? It wasn't shut!

The young man frowned, opening he safe. He picked up the piece of kelp paper inside, hoping it was the map he came he for.

Instead, there before him was the leering face of a female Aquar with blue hair and the kelp tattoo of thick tentacles going down her face, curling on each cheek. The man scowled, letting his temper run unchecked as there was no one around to swindle. How did someone like Basagi sneak a treasure map out? Stealth was NOT one of those pirates' strengths.

Outside, the sailors rolled the barrel across the deck. "This is heavy...think there's some grog in it?"

Befoee they could speculate further there was a sudden cry from up on the pelibird nest.


A cannon blast echoed across the water before the metal ball crashed into the water next to the ship.

Chaos took hold as the ship rocked from a sudden impact—a boarding party!

The sailors tried their best to defend themselves, but they weren't he marines and knew little about dealing with pirates—especially Divaldas’s crew. A huge circle flew on their flag, symbolizing their hulk of a captain.

The sailors ran off toward the opposite end of the ship as a cannon blasted into the ship, wood splintering everywhere.

With bags on their backs filled with ship-goer loot, a couple pirates found the lone barrel and quickly tipped it over, rolling it across a plank to their ship.


The pirate ship floated on the water under the Velos sun, the deck filled with a raucous party as the pirates enjoyed the loot.

“Check this out,” one said loudly, a large fat Aquar with huge muscles well adapted for terrestrial pillaging. “It’s actual cocktail sauce for the shrimp!”

“Cocktail shrimps?” another asked, frowning.

“No, sauce!!” the first one roared, punching the other.

So it seemed pirating was reserved for the wild and crazy of the Aquar…well, except for that one Aquar sitting on a barrel in the dark corner of the ship.

His back was slumped, and shoulders bent inward. His kelp hair was limp and weak, and he was wincing already, waiting for—

“HEY TOBY,” a pirate called. “C’mere and wipe up this grog! S’mone spilled it and I don’t wanna ruin my new shoes!!”

“I-I’m coming!” the young fisherman yelped and scurried over to the burly pirate, cringing at the loud noise and punches.

They sneered at him, this strange twerp of a fisherman scooped up from the sea. He made a great servant, cowering and unquestioning.

Toby bit his lip as he wrung the rag and mopped up the floor. A whimper escaped him as a passing pirate boot carelessly stepping on his fingers.

Meanwhile, below the deck deep in the ship…

“So what’s this barrel got?” a pirate asked, peering at the mentioned object.

“Beats me, but guess we’re gonna hafta open it to find out!!” another said, excited at the prospect of more grog as the partiers above had run out quickly. The ship was small, and even now they could hear the thumping of the Aquar feet above them.

They drew out their metal swords and stepped toward the barrel.

Suddenly the barrel seemed to explode right in front of their faces.

“That was a GREAT nap!!” the being inside shouted with relish, yelling so loudly the whole ship was sure to hear.

The pirates stumbled back, eyes widening. “Nap?? What the kriff is this?!”

They stared at the female Aquar in front of them…although her fingers were webless, and she wasn’t as green as them. She had black hair instead the greens, reds, and browns, and it was pulled back into two braids. Her blue beaded necklace glittered slightly in the dim torchlight. More importantly, though, there were no gills on her neck. Definitely a mixed breed.

Berry blinked rapidly at the sudden burst of new light, then peered at the pirates. “Huh? Where am I?”

“Uh…Divaldas’s pirate ship,” a pirate replied, before catching himself and scowling. “And who are you?!”

The young part-Aquar grinned back at them while standing amid the wood pieces. “I’m Berry, and I’m gonna be the Chaos Champion.”

“Nuh uh, that’s gonna be Divaldas,” one quickly replied, more sure of himself this time. His expression was mean as he stepped threateningly toward Berry. “Are you sayin’ yer stronger than him?”

Without a second of hesitation Berry said, “Yeah.” Then she looked around, eyebrows shooting up. “Where is this guy, anyway? And who is he??”

The pirates balked, staring at her in shock. “You don’t know?”

“No,” she simply replied before stepping toward them—more like toward the exit.

They bristled, getting over their surprise. “Yer not goin’ anywhere.” Then they raised their swords before bringing them down and trying to slice her with them.

Clumsily, of course, the pirates being Aquar living in the water now suddenly on land. Berry ducked one swipe, jumped another, and then punched them both in the face.

A few seconds later the part-Aquar went on her merry way out of the store room and into the hallway.


“I can’t believe it…I can’t…why me…??” Toby whimpered to himself as he hid in the food store on the ship. “I was just fishing on the surface, even though gramma told me not to, and here I am, getting stepped on…!” He bit his lip, brows knit as he tried not to cry. All he wanted was to be in the navy…now he was working with what he wanted to fight.

The door to the food storage room slammed open, causing Toby to start and cringe at the same time. Not another pirate.

The pirate ignored him, eyes instead locked onto the piles and piles of fresh looted food all around her. Her eyes shone in happiness, and her grin was as wide as it could be. “Finally, I made it!” she exclaimed before diving into a barrel of round fruit. Nothing like some sun-touched beauties after a long water voyage.

He sniffled as he looked at the...woman? “Y-you’re not from Divaldas’ crew, are y-you?”

Berry poked her head up out of the barrel, frowning confusedly. “Huh? No, I’m Berry, and I’m gonna be the Chaos Champion.”

Toby blinked, also frowning confusedly. This couldn’t be…he pointed a trembling finger at her. “Y-you’re…you’re that person who just shouted a few minutes ago!”

Berry nodded, munching on another piece of fruit and now foraging in the store room.

The fisherman couldn’t believe it. “Y-you can’t be the Chaos Champion, because that’s going to Divaldas…” Even at the sound of his name Toby winced.

The female part-Aquar paused in her foraging to glance over at Scaredy Guy, eyebrows raised. “You don’t sound very convinced about that. You don’t even belong on here, do you?” Then she pointed. “Oh, and you’ve got blood on your face.”

“Wh-what?” Toby yelped, before hurriedly wiping at the blood from his bit lip. His brows knit as he looked to the ground. “W-well, you’re right… a year ago I was kidnapped and…forced to work here.” That made him just about 18 now. “All I wanted was to become a marine…” His fists clenched. “To fight scum like these pirates!”

Berry smiled confusedly at him. “Then why don’t you leave?”

“I c-can’t!” he immediately replied, lip trembling. “They’ll…they’ll hurt me, and…”

Berry gave the fisherman a once-over. True, the guy was pretty tiny and his muscles were still really flabby despite all that deck scrubbing. “Well, they’re not here now. What would you say to them?” Then she stuffed some long green things into her mouth, crunching with relish. Mm, yummy!

Toby sat there in the corner, frowning. “I’d…I’d say that these pirates stink and they really suck. And that…” He rose to his feet, the emotions giving him strength. “And that Divaldas is…is the ugliest guy in the West Blue!!”

Berry grinned at him. “Now you’re talking.”

Toby grinned with elation he had not felt in years. “And…and he’s gross and I hate working here!!”

Suddenly there was a huge CRASH as the whole top half of the store room splintered from a huge impact. Toby screamed and threw his hands up to shield his face, some pieces of wood cutting his arms.

Berry herself was quite in shock, too, for all the food was getting squished and destroyed.

Then a voice could be heard…deep, booming, and menacing.

“Who said I was ugly?”

Toby shook violently as he cowered, unable to speak for a few seconds. “Y-you’re not ugly, o-oh mighty Divaldas!”

“Then what am I?”

A massive hulk of a man stood before them. He seemed to tower above them, his stature impressive and eyes piercing. A large fancy hat with a huge feathery kelp fluttered in it. And in his hand was a large mace, about half his size—and he was holding it with one hand. Its tip was as wide as Berry and the spikes on it about as long as her face. But the mace and feathers was not all that was huge. For the man was as wide as he was tall. His eyes could barely be seen in the folds of his face, and he was so round you couldn’t even find his feet in the stupid cape he wore trailing behind him. Basically...he was morbidly obese.

“Y-you're th-the most handsome…man..of W-West Blue…” the fisherman managed, smiling fearfully.

Berry looked at him as if he was crazy, since he was. She frowned up at this Ugly Guy. “Why is he handsome? He’s fat and gross.”

The pirates surrounding them suddenly all froze, their eyes widening as they stared up at their captain.

Divaldas himself experienced an eye twitch, and he swung his gaze to the twerp of a girl. “You…you boarded my ship in that barrel. Who are you?”

At that Berry grinned up at him. “I’m Berry Fieros, and I’m gonna be the Chaos Champion.” She said that with some mirth at the coming reaction.

“Impossible,” Divaldas growled, his grip tightening on the mace. “That will be ME.”

“No, me,” Berry retorted, pouting now. “Aaaand you’re fat and ugly.”

“TOBY,” the pirate captain thundered. “TELL ME WHO IS THE HANDSOMEST.”

“Y-you’re…” Toby glanced at the defiant part-Aquar, frowning. “You’re the most…handsome…” All those days, slaving for them…what was it worth to live if you couldn’t be your own person?

The fisherman bit his lip and yelled, “You’re the most handsome lump of seaweed in the West Blue and you’re fat and ugly!” Then he screamed as he fell to the deck, cowering at the huge mace being swung at him. “I DON’T CARE IF I DIE, I’M NOT WORKING FOR YOU AGAIN!!!”

Berry grinned. “Nice.” Then with a burst of speed she bolted toward the fisherman, shoving him out of the way while she threw her fist back and punched the mace back.

What happened then was very strange. The mace stopped in its path, held up by not only Divaldas but the part-Aquar girl. Berry smiled up at the pirate captain as she wrapped her arms around the mace, avoiding its huge spikes. She kept her muscles hydrated with water magic like how she did in the jungle with grandpa and those weird mountain lions. “Man, no wonder you could smush the food room with this…it’s huge!” Berry laughed and grinned amusedly up at the man. “Like you!!”

Veins positively popped into sight on Divaldas’ head at the sound of her guffaws and the surprising strength she had. But the pirate captain had something she didn’t.

“Get rid of her!” he roared at his pirates.

They ran forward with eagerness befitting a mob of crazy Aquar.

Berry’s eyes widened. Guess she had to get rid of this, too. She squatted on the ground, mace still propped up above her, and then lifted with her knees as she leapt into the air with a burst of water magic speed. As she flew into the air she kicked off the mace, sending it flying forward and into the captain’s face.

He screamed as he fell to the deck.

Berry landed a bit a ways from the crew using the momentum of her kick, and she quickly turned to face the advancing mob.

Her eyes narrowed as she breathed out like Gramps had told her to, and her mind jumped forward in time. A dodge here, a punch there, double kick! But the numbers were getting overwhelming, and Berry glanced around the ship. There, some rope tied to the rail! She jumped over to it to grab the rope and then sprinted toward the pirates.

She threaded her way in and out of them before high tailing it to the other end of the ship, scooping up pirate after pirate with the rope and throwing them to the deck before one of them wanted to cut it.

Berry threw the rope down and grinned at her work, before a shadow fell upon her. “Huh?” she said as he turned around.

Divaldas stood at the front of the ship, face all purple and jowls quivering with rage. “I’ll get you for this!” he managed to say between his folds. In his hand was a crank for the ship cannon.

Berry smiled grimly. “Best for last.” She pushed off the floor with her sandaled feet and sped toward the huge pirate, braids flying back from her water magic speed. Right before she met the pirate she pivoted on a foot and spun her fist around, swirling up more momentum and force.

And then…impact! Her two fists blurred as they slammed into Divaldas’s side. Then she stopped, landing lightly on the ground.

There was a split second of pause as the fat absorbed what it could. And then the pirate captain flew off the ship, screaming as he splashed into the water a ship-length away. Luckily he had gills so he wouldn’t drown, as his weight was pulling him down.

“G-get me out of here!” He spluttered to his pirates, the remainder of them barely standing and those that were were busy staring at Berry.

The part-Aquar girl turned around, grinning. “All right! Hey, give us a boat. I have to get out of here.”

They pirates quickly found their life boat and lowered it into the sparkling Velusian water.

Berry walked over to Toby and clapped him on the back, smiling still. “Nice job, Toby,” she congratulated him.

“Th-thanks,” the fisherman said with a sheepish smile. “Although I think I almost peed my pants…”

And with that Berry and Toby boarded their little rowboat and set off…somewhere. With supplies, of course.

Berry leaned back, staring up at the sky. “Ah, it’s so nice today.”

Toby frowned at her as he rowed. “Yeah, even nicer since you arrived. Why did you save me, anyway?”

The part-Aquar shrugged. “You didn’t seem happy, and they were mean.” She sat up, smiling excitedly over at him. “Hey! Do you wanna be a part of my crew?”

Toby’s frown deepened. “Y’mean pirate crew, huh. I can’t…I’m going to be a marine to fight pirates, so…”

“Oh…” Berry sat back, frowning. “That’s too bad. Well, I need people. Do you know anyone?”

The fisherman shook his head. “No…but if someone knows you’re a pirate, they’re gonna try to catch you. Like that bounty hunter, Orza…”

Berry leaned forward, eyebrows raised. “Bounty hunter? What’s that?”

Toby gaped back at her. “You don’t know?? They’re people who go around catching other people who are worth money by the government…people like pirates. Orza Lonais, though, they say is like a demon,” Toby said in hushed, fearful tones. “With eyes that glow red and a sword in each hand. She always wears this monster bandanna and she can kill you just by looking at you...or by one look at her swords!!”

Berry burst into laughter. “Nu uh!! That’s impossible.” Then she grinned. “I want her for my crew.”

Toby sighed. “She’s gonna kill you first.”

Berry shook her head, giggling. “No way! Hey, where are we going??”

“We’re going to the nearest naval base so I can join the marines.”

Berry sat up and looked around, eyes wide in awe. “Whoa, how do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Know where you’re going on the water!”

“Berry, are you serious?? You gotta know how to figure out where you’re going on the ocean if you're going to be a pirate."

“Oh…really? I just kept going straight…”

“Ugggh…Berry, maybe you should find a navigator for your crew first.”

“Yeah, maybe…”

Meanwhile, at the nearby naval base…

Sand blew around the parade ground as the hot sun beat down on the one person in the middle of it. Each arm was strapped to the vertical plank, and the rest of her body leaned against the horizontal center one, untied.

Two golden earrings glittered in the sun, dangling from one lobe. Some sand got into those dark eyes hooded by the bandanna, but she paid it no mind, her head bowed.

And she waited.



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