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Dinner at Mumin's

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2019 @ 6:11pm by Bomoor Thort & Thane & Amare

2,403 words; about a 12 minute read

Chapter: Chapter V: Unbound
Location: Elenca Settlement, Üssina, Öetrago
Timeline: Late afternoon/evening after "Matriarch, Healer, Lover"


She paused, now looking to Bruta with suddenly sad eyes, “Yet, I feel that this visit has something to do with Bomoor. I have always felt him, even when he was so far away and yet he feels so, so far now; further than he has ever been.”

Bruta had wondered for so long what he might say, but he always knew that Mumin was sure to surprise him with her wise presence and keen insight. He sensed no hostility towards him, not even after the long silence between them.

This man who had tabled negotiations between worlds could not find his voice and, instead, simply stepped forward and embraced his old love. Falling deeply into her arms, passing an understanding between them that even the Force or the Mother Jungle could not surpass.


“Everyone, please come and grab a Syllth,” came Mumin’s exotic interpretation of the Basic tongue from the main table. She held up one of the Syllths, which was a special wide dish of Ithorian design that was made to be lifted to both mouths simultaneously. It could equally function as a regular bowl, however, to those with only a single food orifice.

The various guests in the Herd leader’s house turned to gather around the dinner table. While being the head of the Elenca Herd and this settlement, Mumin’s residences were fairly modest. It was essentially a single main room, with a kitchenette and dining area, and a mezzanine floor above where she slept. The whole house was circular in shape and at the centre was the equally-round tree-trunk table they all now gathered at.

Of course, Mumin had lived in many houses during her time leading the migratory herd, some little more than tents. But Mumin was fairly unique in that she always elected to live alone. Despite this, she regularly welcomed in guests, although preferring to meet people outside, like she did in the central grove of their current residence.

Llim came forward and was handed one of the wide bowls, into which Mumin deposited a generous helping of sweet, steamed vegetables and then poured a layer of viscous, peppery sauce atop it, “Here, Llim,” she beamed with her large eyes, “I think you might like the sauce: our local FInjik paste blend with various spices and some moof milk. Much better than the packet stuff.”

Real food! Llim thought with cheerful delight as he gladly accepted the offering. His eyes widened with a noticeable measure of joy that hadn't been seen since this trip began.

The others came over and took their servings, being reassured that they could have more helpings if desired. They sat down and munched away at their food; nobody talked immediately as they were still processing each other’s company as well as the information they had exchanged thus far. Bruta had already given Mumin the basic details of their son’s departure from the Jedi Order and the concerns brought to him by Vice Chancellor Hul.

“Well, we have quite the mix of guests here today,” Mumin chanted finally, “Politicians, mechanics, explorers; but all united by this wonderful world we call home. I think it is no mere coincidence all of you found your way to me today.”

She turned to Bruta, “The information you bring me is troubling and we shall act on it in due time as I fear that will require further reflection and meditation. However, there is another troubling matter close to hand that is causing great upset to the delicate natural balance here in Üssina.”

Bruta was immediately alerted, not aware of any troubles afflicting the tribes out here, “Another Herd?” he asked quizzically.

“Not as such,” the Elenca leader warbled, “But it is someone operating behind the guise of a well-respected local Herd. Around a decade ago, a number from our Herd set out with some bright young minds from Squalu in the North to set up a new restoration company, developing some kind of biological/synthetic soil blend that could be tracked and regulated remotely during restoration or terraforming. It was successful and a new Herd sprung up around the company they formed.”

“Yes, we were discussing their potential with delegates from the sector at the recent Dunari's Delight Station opening," Bruta nodded, "The ‘Elchum Herd, correct? And their venture was something like ‘Smart Soil’?”

“I think that would be the Basic translation, yes. They gained recognition when they signed a partnership with Mother’s Aid to supply their soil for future projects,” Mumin continued, “But what you may not be aware of is that a large proportion of the business was recently acquired by an off-world company. It was not widely publicised and I only found out after digging into some recent rumours coming from the Elchum Herd that this new company was trying to use the project as a back-door into accessing secret Mother’s Aid project details.”

Yllib-Senob's oversized teeth chattered with slight excitement, or perhaps worry - it was hard to tell. Regardless, the tricorn-toting Ongree had become more animated at Mumin's account. "I've sailed the waters by those lands, when allowed!" He declared triumphantly, although he quickly appeared to wilt with the newfound attention he was now receiving, and his manner soon seemed to return to its previous, bumbling nature. "I... I mean, uhh, Matriarch Mumin, ma'am, I have been out by that way in months past. Although, um, the scientists out that way have been a bit more... well, protective over their coastlines and machines."

The Ongree tipped his hat off of his head-chin to give it a heavy-handed scratch. "They've droids and Ithorians in uniforms I don't recognise, with a few offworlders here an' there. They've always been more than polite t'me, and I never thought much of it, what with it being their business. Doctor Buhggs isn't so keen. Said something about them interfering, or something. Didn't strike me as odd - Buhggs doesn't like anyone!"

Bruta hummed his alarm, “Doctor Buhggs’ concern does give more weight to the rumours. This may be one time where his distrust of others is warranted and not simply because they are not working at his expected level of intelligence.”

“I do not know ‘zis Buhggs,” Jiljoo added, “but I av’ also noticed ze’ change in ze’ Elchum Herd. I used to keep in contact with some of ‘ze original founders from ‘zere. But ‘zey have not made contact in some time and I heard ‘zat most ‘av been taken off ‘ze project now. People like ‘zat don’t just disappear. I am worried.”

Diplomat Thort placed down his Syllth and pointed an elongated finger into the air, “I promise this matter will be brought to the attention of the sector officials and even the Senate. Öetrago cannot begin to allow this creeping corporate presence within its own organisations. M’s Aid exists to serve all of the living world and not line the pockets of a few greedy capitalists.”

Mumin seemed to cough a little as she attempted to swallow some of her food and laugh at the same time. Recovering quickly, still able to breath through her other throats despite the temporary blockage, she waved her own finger jovially, “Ever the inspiring talker, dear Bruta, but I do not have faith that the Mooko tribe and the Republic will investigate this effectively or in a timely manner. Have you not seen how certain off-world companies seem to be given great leniency? Hmm, perhaps you have not.”

She looked at the assembled group, “I do, however, have faith in the individuals here today. As I have said, you all have reasons to love Öetrago and I am sure you all have great faith in the work of Mother’s Aid. There is proof out there, just a short way along the coast, that our beloved organisation is being infiltrated by those that would use it for wrong. I know it may be asking a lot of you, but I believe Mother Jungle has brought you all together in order to find that evidence.”

Bruta was slightly shocked at the request and also somewhat embarrassed that his suggestion had been laughed at. He looked at those assembled, that Mumin was suggesting form some infiltration team: an over-enthusiastic amateur adventurer, a young mechanic that had seen little life outside this herd since she was orphaned here and his practically agoraphobic assistant.

“Mumin,” he spoke with an air of confusion, “We did not come to start a crusade against off-world corporations, we came to…”

“To ask for my help,” Mumin interrupted with more fire in her voice, “And this is what I ask in return: that you will fight for your planet, for Mother Jungle and the continued prosperity of your people. Not every conflict is fought with the vocal folds, Bruta. The man I once knew would not hesitate to get his own hands dirty for these things.”

Bruta was struck with conflicted feelings. Mumin was now appealing to their past and the fights they faced in their youth. He felt she was being somewhat unfair, but perhaps the last decade of his life in politics had worn away his fighting spirit.

Softening her voice again, perhaps sensing she had strayed too far from her polite demeanour, Mumin added, “I promise that I will focus all my energy on reaching our son through the Network of Life while you are away. Bomoor called it the Living Force and he is very in tune with it, so I have reached him before this way, so we have never truly been apart all these years.”

Bruta gave Yllib a hopeful look, wondering if his guide would remember their conversation on their voyage here. He then spoke to the group in general, “I feel I have little choice but to undertake this task,” he exhaled softly as he spoke, “But I cannot ask a single one of you to risk your own reputations by joining me.”

Yllib made a few huffing and blundering sounds, and his undersized headpiece almost toppled off in the commotion he was causing to himself. "I would not allow it!" He stated proudly, standing up and raising his hand. "With all due respect, Mister Bruta, Öetrago is all our homes, and I'll be a lizard-monkey's uncle if we let these dirty company sorts start hijacking the beautiful world you and your forebears have worked so hard to achieve. This place is what the Republic could be - should be - and I-I-I'm not going to dawdle on my skiff whilst they pollute M's Aid. It's not something to be sold off to the highest bidder, or... or ransomed!"

Realising he was beginning to over-exaggerate in his gesticulations again, the Ongree tried to withdraw himself a bit from the group, but he was sure to make long and meaningful eye contact with Bruta as he did. Placing a closed fist against his chest, he inclined his head in a small bow to the older Ithorian. "You have my boat, Mister Bruta, and me, if you'll have me, is what I'm trying to say."

Jiljoo brought down a fist upon the table, “Yllib is right, of course!” she announced firmly, “Zis’ is our home and I will gladly stand wiz’ you against those who want to pollute its beauty. I am not afraid of a fight and I av’ plenty of skills zat’ may come in handy.”

She turned and smiled the same cheeky smile she had given the Ongree when they first arrived, “Besides, I cannot let my dear Captain Senob go without me. I only just got him back.”

Yllib-Senob's toothy mouth chattered open and closed at the Twi'lek's words, and his skin flushed a deep orange. "I-I-It would be a pleasure to have you ab-aboard Miss Jiljoo!"

The peer pressure was all around Llim as he was face deep in food, both mouths full. His bulbous eyes glanced up from his dish and he saw all eyes were on him right after he said through chewed food, "I'm coming too!" He had no idea what came over him to something so preposterous and out of character for him. Getting involved in something potentially dangerous? Taking...action? It was all crazy talk to him and he just clumsily waded into it for fear of being left behind. He just wanted to eat more food, go to sleep, and keep blending in with the rest of mundane society. He put a palm up to his broad flat face and grumbled, realizing his mistake, "Oh no...what did I get myself into?"

Although he did not say anything to his introverted Ithorian companion, Yllib rest an awkward hand on Llim' hump, and offered him a nervous smile.

Bruta was touched by everyone’s whole-hearted support of their planet and its core values. It made him somewhat ashamed he had stayed away from the real Öetrago for such a long time, “Thank you everyone,” he hummed, “I only hope that some of the Elchum people still retain your love for this world. Then perhaps we shall get somewhere against this company.”

He turned back to Mother Mozo, “What was the name of the off-world company that has bought into the Smart Soil project?”

“They call themselves Sharlissian Trade Solutions, or SharTrad,” she replied.

“Sharlissian?” Thort echoed quizzically, “But that trade route serves the other side of the sector. Why would a Sharlissian-based trade company have any interest in an Öetragan start-up project?”

Jiljoo piped up, “Zey’ wouldn’t. It is just further proof zat’ the project is not what zey’ are interested in.”

“I wouldn’t say anything is ‘proven’ yet,” Bruta warned the eager young Twi’lek, “But I do suspect we will find more than just researchers if we start digging.”

He took a deep sip of his food, enjoying the flavoursome bugs and vegetables, “Then let us prepare for our trip to the Elchum herd. Everyone rest up and Yllib and I can look at the best route in the morning.”

Mumin seemed very pleased as she looked across the assembled group, “Thank you everyone. I will dedicate myself to finding Bomoor while you are away. As he would say: ‘May the Force guide us all!’”



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