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Creature of Darkness

Posted on Tue Nov 6th, 2018 @ 9:16pm by Bomoor Thort & Thane & Amare

3,175 words; about a 16 minute read

Chapter: Chapter V: Unbound
Location: Cavern system, within the Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
Timeline: 2200 Hours (Local Time), Day One (After "Unto the Darkness")
Tags: Korriban, Cave, G2, Thane, Bomoor, Coda, Fusion lantern, Terentatek


They hurried along, eventually spying their target. While the cave itself was undoubtedly a natural formation within the terrain; the entrance had been chipped and sculpted to form an elaborate stone archway into the darkness ahead. Symbols and words had been etched in too but had long since faded back into smooth rock.

The tunnel was long with no sign of light from the other end, although the sun had now almost completely set making it hard to tell how deep it truly stretched. What were most disconcerting, however, were the series of claw marks cut into the stone. Few beasts had claws strong enough to score so deep into a rock face.

“Well, that looks inviting…” Bomoor joked drily, “Not that I expect anything on this world to give us a warm welcome.”

The Ithorian ignited his viridian blade and shone its silvery-green light down into the tunnel, revealing little more besides more carvings into the walls, which stretched off into endless blackness.

“Let us push on just a little further then,” he added, “We can make shelter inside and wait for daylight and our trek up to XoXaan’s temple.”


Nestled in a small chamber, deep within the hillside in the Valley of the Dark Lords, three organics and one machine rested together in the warming glow of a fusion lantern, set down between them. The steady light illuminated the crumbling walls of the cavern and provided a source of heat to the weary travellers. The droid was powered down and plugged into the lantern, which was recharging its depleted power cells.

While the group was glad to be resting for a while, there was a nervous energy in the air, which kept them all on edge; the planet itself was strange and haunting but something about the cave they were in gave the Force-sensitive members of the group reason to be especially-wary.

"We still have about a day of travel ahead of us," Bomoor's low voice echoed about the chamber, "This route should bring us out further up the valley, very close to the temple. It must have been a common travel route in ancient times, looking at the carvings around the walls. However, I wonder what else may have moved in since then."

Thane found that a deeply unpleasant notion, and one that lingered all too deeply in the darkest reaches of his inner worries, particularly after the terrible screech they had heard outside. Not for the first time, he found himself considering the horrors of Caanus' moon that the trio had faced all too recently once more.

About them, plinths and other artificial wall constructs jutted at various indiscriminate places along the cavern's sides, suggesting tomb walls perhaps existed within the natural stone structure of the dark tunnels. From what Thane understood, that was likely quite typical of Korriban; several tombs had been built within sturdy cavern systems or within hollowed out parts of the numerable mountains. XoXaan's, historically, would be amongst one of the earliest built in recognition of the then-nascent Dark Lords.

Based on information revealed by Krayt's holocron, she was not quite as histrionic or as obsessed with grandeur as some of her peers, having not demanded great constructs be built in her likeness aeons ago. Instead, XoXaan's tombs had been built within the mountain and left largely undisturbed, concealed from the generations of looters, historians, Sith and Jedi that followed in her wake prior to the ascent of Emperor Krayt and his One Sith.

"There are yorik coral designs within this engraving," the former Jedi Guardian said to his companions, running a bare hand over the strange shapes that ran vertically down one out-of-place pillar.

The Yuuzhan Vong crustaceans spiralled here and there alongside clear-cut Sith glyphs, which were visibly newer and sharper than some of the earlier designs they had witnessed en masse outside of the cavern.

Against the backdrop of the planet's intense Force presence, it was peculiar for Thane to feel that noted absence from the corals, even in their minute and decorative state. Although effectively the same end result as the ysalamiri, the Vong growths had a different-

What? He wondered. A different 'nothing'?

Coda crooked a hairless brow at Thane's interest in the corals. She failed to understand their significance other than to fulfill some archaeological interest or historical fascination. Decorative corals were a common sight on Glee Anselm, so even an alien variation wasn't particularly interesting to her. What was more pressing on her mind was what manner of creature that animal bellowing belonged to, and what chances they had if they were forced to defend themselves.

Thane now turned to his Sith apprentice, his thoughts returning to matters both more present and based within legacy. After all, here they were, the presumed future of the Sith, ascendant in their own new power and beliefs, treading their first steps upon the ancient world of their would-be forebears. The sheer awesomeness of this feat was not to be balked at nor overlooked; this world, should their endeavour bear fruit, was their effective birthright, bequeathed by the men and women who once carried the titles they now coveted for themselves.

It was important Coda recognised the magnitude of this fact, and of how to carry it without betraying that fact and pride too obviously.

"What do you sense, Zaracoda?" He asked, the meaning apparent in his voice as his eyes focused on hers, challenging her. "What do you think and feel?"

Loaded questions with no right or wrong answers given by a man that could pulverize Coda's bones to dust with a simple hand wave, or burn her to a crisp with Force-powered electric bolts; exactly the kind of scenario she loathed the most. She would have preferred to have gone through another horde of Vaa-Thaalda again than to answer his questions.

"What do I feel...?" she softly echoed the question, pondering the words out loud as she slowly stepped over by Thane's side to get a better look at the engravings. "I feel like we're being hunted. As for my senses...I've no doubt we're being watched, even now, and I can hear their little whispers. I don't understand the words, but they are not pleased with us." She closed her eyes, bowed her head, and added, "...And my thoughts?" she chuckled softly and reopened her sight, exchanging glances with both men, "I think we're exactly where we need to be. There is power on this world. It would be such a waste to just let it all go unused. These spirits...I feel like they're just like the ones I heard on Irrikut; they don't want to let go...or perhaps death became their prison, eternally trapped here."

Thane considered what she said for a moment, pleased with the Nautolan's intuition and words. "Very good," he said, suppressing a slight smile. He inclined his head towards Bomoor as well, hoping he would also find some satisfaction Coda's insight and words, a testament to her progression.

His apprentice still had a great many things to learn, including hiding the incredulous expression on her face. His acceptance of her insight almost floored her with nary a speck of influence from the Force.

"I know you find me a hard taskmaster," he continued, not unkindly, "but you have made great strides not only with your powers, but with your understanding of them and the sort of place you wish to occupy in this universe. You now stand in the epicentre of one of the most enduring and rich Force-based cultures in the history of the galaxy, which has spawned innumerable threats across the ages and had incalculable repercussions on the development of galactic society and the study of the Force itself. Even now, over a thousand years since there was a truly ascendant and worthy Sith Lord of the old ages active, the Reborn Jedi scuttle within their temples in fear of their return, burning their books and rewriting the histories."

The would-be Sith encouraged Coda to examine some of the corals and glyphs that were embedded and carved into the bronzium metals decorating parts of the cavern, although he remained conscious that Bomoor was still present and listening. "With sincerity, Zaracoda, I hope you can appreciate not only the great developments you have made with your own talents since escaping Nar Shaddaa, but also the sheer magnitude of where you were all of those months ago, before you had truly touched upon your powers. Before, you stood amongst the struggling denizens of the criminal underworld who scraped by in their lacking existence, to now walking the halls of those who crowned ancient emperors, and wielded a power that brought the Old Republics to their knees." Such comments he knew he had should have made to the young woman before, for they were truth, even if he often struggled with such honest positive appraisal. He also felt it right she should not think him ever saving face before his Ithorian friend. "These are your achievements, apprentice; and you should be proud of them."

"I am, master," Coda said with a grateful nod. "I try to be. When we have time, there is something I need to tell you. It's about--"

Another yowl cut through the darkness before Coda could finish. They had come some distance into the cave and the sound reverberated as it bounced around the stone walls multiple times before fading into silence. It was hard to tell, but it seemed closer this time.

After the initial exchange of concerned glances between the group and the automatic re-activation of G2, due to the triggering of his auditory sensors, Bomoor commented, “There is clearly some kind of creature with us but I find it odd that I sense very little around us. There are legends of dark side creatures that hunt Jedi, which have evolved to mask their presence in the Force and resist Force abilities. The official story, however, is that these beasts were made extinct during the last and final Great Hunt.”

Rising and pacing towards the unlit passageway they had arrived through, he added, “But if some did survive and propagate all these thousands of years, this would be the place…”

The Ithorian realised he was allowing his train of thought to run wild and turned back to those listening to his tale of dark predators, “Just a cheery bedtime thought for everyone,” he injected some joviality back into his words, “But perhaps G2 could remain in a scanning mode just in case. We don’t want anything creeping up on us as we try to rest.”

Coda knew the bellowing beastie wasn't the only living creature that could hide beneath the veil of the Force. She had some experience doing just the same, only unlike before, the dangers she faced in recent weeks made her keenly aware of her gift. She could lie in wait and catch the "wolf" with two lightsabers brought to bear.

"I'll keep watch with G2, masters," she volunteered, although a part of her wished she could go back and rest in the safety of the ship for a spell. "I certainly won't be able to sleep knowing that thing is out there."

Bomoor nodded, "Very well then, I know you and the droid make a good pair. Rouse us in a couple of hours if we do end up getting some sleep."

Coda silently nodded to him and backed away into the darkest corner of the small cavern she could find. She seemed to almost melt into the background as she sat down even though she was still visible to the former knights. She kept her eyes on the passageway they came from, and considered what she could do to set a trap if the beast dared to approach. She wasn't afraid of the monster for she knew that the most dangerous predator on Korriban wasn't out there; it was already in the cave preparing to rest.

An eerily silent hour passed, and as the minutes ticked by throughout Coda's watch, the disembodied whispers of the restless dead gradually grew louder, more omnipresent, its effect progressively kinetic and blood-pumping almost to the point it was becoming deafening. She heard G2 emit nervous digital apprehension through low-key bleeps and worried moans. It was clear he was detecting something unwelcome nearby, but wasn't entirely certain what it could be.

A strange telekinetic nudge gently poked at Bomoor's belly to rouse him awake. This was followed by a second thrust to softly, but not too softly shove Thane on the shoulder; yet another subtle post-Yavin act of vengeance that was delivered with a miscreant smile.

The pair of former-Jedi were quickly roused from their disturbed rest, uncertain as to whether they had managed to sleep at all. Looking over towards Coda and sensing her unease, they shifted quietly towards her. As they began to become more alert, they both began to sense the same disturbance as Coda; while still hard to distinguish, something was clearly coming.

“You were right to wake us,” Spoke Bomoor in a hushed tone, “Something is about to happen. Is there anything on G2’s scanner?”

The droid chirped in soft tones in reply, its digital terror quite prevalent as it begged to be disconnected from the charger and set back to full operational mode.

"It's probably bigger than any one of us, and not friendly," Coda said in a hushed voice barely more than a whisper as she side-stepped with near-silent footfalls closer to her betters, keeping her eyes on the cavern passage.

As if in response to Coda’s word’s, another animalistic growl echoed down the cavern towards them. This time, it was lower and more-muted: not a call to hunt like before, but rather like a cackle of pleasure before a pounce. Focusing their extrasensory powers, the group scanned down the corridor where, sure enough, lay the beast that pursued them. The creature was still masked by shadows, but they could clearly see two hungry black eyes and two pointed tusks centred around a set of razor-sharp teeth that hungered for humanoid flesh.

Picking up the fusion lamp and swiftly plucking out the cable attached to G2, Bomoor edged backwards, while keeping his eyes fixed forwards.

Standing beside him, wary of this threat, Thane clutched his lightsaber in his hand but did not yet activate it, unsure of what this threat might be – or even what it had been feasting on within the desiccated and lifeless barrens of Korriban.

“Coda,” Bomoor said, “you should take G2 and carry on ahead. Try to get some distance from the creature while we keep it at bay.”

She wanted to stay and fight, but every instinct told her that Bomoor did not have to say it twice. This wasn't some old lumbering flying desert beast with stiff joints, deep scars, poor eyesight, and a sandstorm distracting it. There would be no jumping on the back of this creature and stabbing it relentlessly. She felt real, unadulterated vitality from this one, its aura radiating unbridled strength, ferocity and a shocking lack of fear.

The apex predator had come to feast.

"Let's go, buddy," Coda said quietly with a couple of quick taps on G2's dome with one hand, and taking hold of her lightsaber with the other. "We'll wait for you both at the temple," she said to her masters as she backed off into the shadows opposite from the monster with G2. "May the Force serve you well," she said hastily in parting, consciously unaware of the implication and darker meaning behind the way she recited the old Jedi farewell. She immediately felt sick and ashamed of herself for leaving them alone to fight. She may have committed her share of violent atrocities in recent months, but family trumped all else in her worried mind. To abandon them in the heat of danger felt far worse than murdering a stranger on some faraway dirthole of a planet. She feared she might never see them again.

Thane said nothing more for the moment, his eyes still set on where they had glimpsed the brief glint in the beast’s eyes. Whilst his vision of the creature was no longer clear, even in the artificial light of Bomoor’s fusion lamp. Bright though it was, it seemed to do them no good in lighting the path their foe had approached from, with an eerie mass of impenetrable shadow seeming to consume all about the area.

Whatever this unknown threat was, it had been low to the ground and evidently silent in its movements, aside from the noise it seemingly allowed to escape its tusked jaw. Its actions betrayed some hint of intelligence, primal as it possibly was, and its appearance and habitat proved it was indeed a developed beast – and very possibly connected to the dark side, if the inhospitable lands of Korriban had sustained it. The very fact it had shown no compunctions about hunting the three bipedal newcomers suggested it was either used to feasting on such sentients, which seemed unlikely to Thane, given the small numbers that were permitted on the world – or something natural had spurred the beast onwards.

“There is a second tunnel that branches off just along,” Thane said in a hushed tone, his teeth clenched and his hairs standing on end, “and the air does not smell so foul down there.”

Although there had been many times during his life in which the Human had known fear and concern for his own life and his friends, there was an undeniably new and unsettling feeling settling upon him now, as if some previously-unknown instinctive reaction was beginning to direct him from within. Even so, he resisted activating his weapon’s blade, the electrum hilt still firmly clasped within his gloved hand, wary of any show of force prompting the beast to end its period of apparent research of them.

However, even with the first shift of Thane’s left boot, a queer clicking sound with unmistakably fleshy notes resonated from ahead of them in response, which only unsettled the pale former Jedi further.

Is it possible to judge how such a beast will react against other predators? He quickly wondered to himself, his instinct telling him this cramped stretch of tunnel was not the place for two lightsaber-wielding warriors to make their stand against the unknown creature.

“Running… or walking?” Thane then put to Bomoor as they edged slightly backwards. Courtesy of the bond, it was difficult to ascertain whose trepidation was the greater or the original. Regardless, both had summoned their bravery, especially as Thane sought deeply for a spark of rage to fuel his own power.

Bomoor felt that power too as he gripped the lantern every tighter in the all-consuming darkness, “Well, I think…” he waited just a moment longer as he sensed Coda gain enough ground to be safe, “Run!”



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