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Where Jedi Fear to Tread (1,218 ABY)

Posted on Tue Sep 18th, 2018 @ 1:12pm by Bomoor Thort & Thane & Amare

2,319 words; about a 12 minute read

Chapter: Chapter V: Unbound
Location: Red Raptor, Bosthirda system
Timeline: After "Mandalorian Favour"
Tags: Red Raptor, Sith Space, Bosthirda, Ysalamiri, Thane, Bomoor, Coda, New Year


He turned off the projection before him, which had failed to return to the swirling galactic map after the call was terminated, but rather had shown an unpleasant looking error message, which Bomoor did not care to examine. Coda’s relayed subspace signal seemed to have overridden the normal protocols. He turned back to the young woman, “Still, we have what we wanted. Thank you for arranging the call; perhaps you could ensure everything is back as it was while I speak with G2 about getting the next destination programmed in.”

"Aye, captain," Coda said to Bomoor in a mock professional tone turning back to the console. Inwardly, she was 'fangirling' over her favorite holo-drama series, 'Galaxy Hearts'. The ebony-skinned human princess-turned communications officer of the fictional battlecruiser, Galatine, was one of Coda's childhood heroines, especially knowing the actress was also from Glee Anselm.

Bomoor examined the Nautolan as she began fiddling with the console, seemingly back within her own thoughts as she expertly worked. Since her strange experience in the Bacta tank after Yavin IV, he had observed a deliberate softening in her demeanour. Whether it was a facade, particularly in front of the more-kindly Ithorian, or a genuine result of her pulling back from the darkness she had indulged during her journeys on Lorrd, it was encouraging to see.

Now they planned to travel to what was arguably the most-powerful Dark side world in the galaxy with her. Yet, this time, she would not be alone and that darkness would not overtake them all together. Taking a page from the Mandalorians, they would conquer that darkness; once the preparations were complete, Korriban would surrender its strength to them.


Swirling lines of electric blue began to slow their dance and fade in brilliance until the dark depths of realspace consumed them once again. Through the reinforced glass, the filtered light from a lone amber star entered the cockpit and cast long shadows behind the three figures looking out into the void.

"Sith Space," announced Bomoor, the tallest of the three figures, "The title still sticks after all this time despite many motions to rename or simply un-name the region. I believe the Order once proposed 'Conquered Space', but it is rather pathetic to claim they have conquered it. These planets still hold a great power over them, through fear of what they represent."

He chuckled slightly, adding in a mockingly eerie tone, "Where Jedi fear to tread."

The Ithorian stepped back and touched a panel on the rear wall to raise the ship's lights slightly, now that the bright glare of hyperspace had faded. As he moved more towards the rear of the ship, he felt that tug of helplessness again; his Force connection was being stripped away by the Ysalamiri on board.

They had placed the wire crates containing the strangely-passive lizards as far back as they could in the engine rooms but their influence could still be felt towards the front of the ship, weaker though it was. The three crew-members had been spending most of their time in the cockpit and the connected cabin during their journey from Jericho, avoiding the unpleasant effects of Force repulsion.

Bomoor stepped away again, pushing aside the sensation that reminded him of one of his darkest moments, and carried on addressing the group, "I hope what these planets represent to us is an opportunity. I asked G2 to position us here in the Bosthirda system, just one system's jump away from Korriban. We should prepare ourselves to play our roles as Caanan archaeologists and, although I myself am dreading the experience, we should also aquatint ourselves with the Force-nulling effects of the Ysalamiri so we don't come across half drunk when we get to the space station."

Coda had tried to spend a few moments near the strange anti-Force lizards, and thought she would be fine since she hardly had spent much time consciously dabbling in the Force until recently months; she was wrong. Aside from finding the critters somewhat cute, she felt nauseated and unbalanced to the point where her stomach nearly rejected her dinner. Some medication that was on board intended for vertigo and similar ailments seemed to help, but it did little to prevent the hollow, depressing feeling of isolation she felt. She could see, hear, and smell her friends, but it took serious effort to comprehend whether they were real, or just like the strange mirages she saw back on Lorrd. All this time the Force was a part of her, influencing all her senses, and only now did she realize just how much she had taken it for granted.

"Think we can pawn off the lizards to the Jedi before we land?" Coda sarcastically asked Bomoor, lathering on some levity to help her forget her growing exhaustion from the Force-null fields. "We could say, 'These little guys are all the rage! They're cute, calm, don't bite, and will make you wish you could never ever use or feel the Force.'"

“As amusing as dumping a crate of Ysalamiri off with the Jedi would be, it would be best if we keep our interactions with the Order as minimal as possible,” Bomoor replied, slightly relaxing his tone at Coda's suggestion, “Thane and myself certainly cannot be seen in person. Even here in the outer reaches of the Galaxy, there is a good chance that the stationed Reborn Jedi will be aware of us. With any luck, they will be able to wave us through after validating our charter and sensing no Force presence on the ship.”

Coda held back a chuckle with a smile from Bomoor's straight no-nonsense answer. "Speaking of validating things," she said, "the chrono says it's gonna be midnight soon. A whole new year is almost here!" And what a year it was for all three of them.

"For us," came the strained-sounding voice of their Human counterpart entering the cockpit, "it is just the day that follows the last." Thane, like Coda and Bomoor, was suffering from the effects of the ysalamiri, revisiting the various trials and pains that Jericho had exacted upon him and his friend, not all of them physical. Doing his best to sweep the lingering dismay from his mind, he managed to soften his tone for Coda. "But, if we get the chance, we will see if we can join a Core world's New Year Fete Week before it's all over."

Inwardly, he wondered if the Nautolan had ever really had the chance to partake in the festivities. Perhaps not since she was a slave, but maybe before. For Thane, it was actually one of the few holidays he did not mind. There had been more than a few new galactic years where he had relied upon Master Sotah or Bomoor's healing auras to nurse the effects of too many spiced ales the previous night - although he did recall the Ithorian having joined him for more than one night of festivities in more recent years.

Thane slipped his right hand into a leather glove, flexing the organic and mechanical fingers into the snug fit before placing it on the back of one of the pilots' chairs, looking out into the starfield beyond. His icy-blue eyes searched the glimmering jewels arrayed before him, as if seeking out the mysteries of the Sith from the safety of the cockpit.

Visiting Sith Space, let alone Korriban itself, had long been a desire of his, even from long before he had set eyes upon Darth Bane's holocron on Nar Shaddaa. Now that they were in the heart of those most ancient and grim of dark side empires, he found it oddly humbling - especially as he considered the mantle he now intended to assume with the young Zaracoda.

"Our parts will be simple," he explained to them both, not taking his eyes away from the space outside. "I have managed to get a simple charter authorised under the Caanus Archaeologist Guild. It seems some of my kinsmen have had relations with Dromacheans recently, too, so it was a simple matter to refer to those dig sites and discoveries. They believe me a singular guildsman, reaching out on my own on some minor errand or survey for future excavations, I'm sure, with you both as my employees. All of the documents are in order and they have no reason to challenge us."

By Coda's reckoning, it sounded like a solid plan with all the distinctive trappings of Thanish confidence and bravado. It was missing just one key ingredient: a contingency. She felt her mind dipping into that grim inner well of contempt and malicious intentions. If things went sideways, the situation would surely get violent rather quickly. Her frown, her menace, and her tone came out similarly to the way they did shortly after she stepped off the Silver Sigil on Yavin 4, but with less...indictment.

"It's a good plan, master," she genuinely agreed right before the caveat. "But we, of course, know that life has a way of unravelling good plans. Suppose they choose to board us and inspect the ship..." She shifted glances left and right, from Thane to Bomoor and back again, "...or raise weapons against us, what then? Do we flee, or is this Korriban worth fighting for?" She didn't have to say anymore as she was certain they knew all-too-well her stance when it came to snuffing out living souls that meant them harm, especially with regards to the Jedi. She truly hoped the plan would go through flawlessly without a speck of trouble, but her parents died over best-laid plans. The crew of the Red Raptor needed to be prepared for anything. Besides, it would be bad form to be caught or killed on New Year's Eve of all days.

"There is admittedly little leeway in this plan," Bomoor responded, knowing that Thane was well aware of the danger this mission posed and did not take this risk lightly, "If they choose to board, we must let them as we will not get a second chance at this. This is another reason why we must accustom ourselves to the Ysalamari's influence so that we can use it against any Jedi that come aboard."

Not wanting to cast too much gloom on the mission ahead, he added, "But perhaps we will catch them in the middle of their New Year's Party and they will simply wave us through."

Coda's grim expression was melted by the Ithorian's strange attempt at humour. It was a surprise to be sure, but not at all an unwelcome one. Coda's subdued smile reflected her delight. "That's a funny thought. It's too bad they don't teach you guys to cut loose and have fun...right? Do they even allow you to drink at all?"

Thane huffed a light, dry laugh. "Oh, Jedi can drink," he said knowingly, "not that haughty old Quellus was ever fond of the fact. As a Chagrian, he couldn't taste it anyway, although I'm almost certain I spied him sipping wine with Chancellor Paralles on more than one occasion. Regardless," he went on, his voice now becoming more serious again, and he tapped the navigational readout displaying the orbital station above Korriban, "these particular Jedi won't. Zealots, nearly all of them, with the occasional exception."

He did not feel the need to name Loren specifically for Bomoor's benefit, for he would know the reference. In part, he was glad of the ysalamiri's Force-dampening presence; it might even conceal some of his internal misgivings over that dark chapter. Thus far, he had been fortunate in holding back that kernel of truth from Bomoor through their Force bond - a Force bond that would be somewhat negated in the immediate future, even.

"Anyway, I think that's enough chat for now." The young aspirant Sith set himself into the pilot's chair, swivelling it around as he began punching in the appropriate commands, preparing them once more for a small hyperspace jump. He also made another mental note of their landing location, seeing as much of the Force would soon be dead to them. "I already sent the credentials ahead, so the station knows to expect us. We are the Crimson Craaw for the foreseeable future." Thane inclined his head back towards his apprentice. "Zaracoda, please bring one of the ysalamiri to just outside of the cockpit." It was a dreadful consideration, but he knew it had to be done to perfect their plan. A complete nullification of their presence would also be alarming to the Jedi Shadows awaiting them.

"Yes, master," Coda complied with a sigh. She grabbed another vertigo pill and a flask of water on the way before retrieving one of the critters.

As she went to perform her given task, Bomoor exhaled as he took a seat in the co-pilot position, feeling slightly more world-weary under the modest nullification of his Force senses, "This will be the first time we have actively engaged against the Order. I thought perhaps I would feel some guilt or some anger but it is worse than that: I just feel... nothing."

His dark eyes were fixed on the dark and desolate system outside their old, patchwork ship, "But it is the eve of a new year, Thane, and we have a new purpose and a new bond. Let old ties be forgotten, I say. We will succeed against Axion and prove to the Republic that the Order was wrong about you; about us."

As the Ysalamiri drew closer, the pair slipped further and further from the vast network of the Force until they were entirely absent of their powers. Only one system away lay some of the darkest forces they had ever encountered, but, as the last few minutes of 1,217 ticked by, the Red Raptor crew could sense nothing.


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