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Coruscanti Night

Posted on Fri Jul 13th, 2018 @ 8:10pm by Jundal Quellus & Octavus Paralles & Rynseh Lahan
Edited on on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 @ 9:11pm

2,596 words; about a 13 minute read

Chapter: Chapter V: Unbound
Location: Supreme Chancellor's Office, Coruscant
Timeline: After "Coruscanti Dusk"
Tags: balmorra, new alderaan, Öetrago, centrality, coalition, downfall, zenarrah sozo, templar, templars, jedi templars,


Whilst Quellus merely glowered at the Duros with a near-mocking smile, so well disguised so as to be only visible to the diminutive politician and not to Paralles, the chancellor himself inclined his head politely.

"Of course, Damask," he said, his voice actually sincere, despite their earlier (and typical) political clash. "Have a good night."

When the office doors opened for Hul on his way out, there stood in his way the broad form of a man under a dark red hood and robes that--as far as Hul had known until that point--was supposed to be dead.


"Leaving so soon, old friend?" the newcomer asked calmly with a deceptively warm voice that hid a subtle measure of wrath as he stood at the doorway blocking most of the space with his muscular girth. He reached up with clawed hands that were heavily scarred and removed his hood to reveal a face that was equally as marked with signs of skin that also felt the taste of flames. His large green felinoid eyes beamed an accusing glare at Hul which were betrayed with a mocking smile. "Surely you have not forgotten me after only three years."

While scarred and hairless, the face was unmistakable to Damask: his old friend and colleague Rynseh Lahan. The last contact he had had with this man was over remote communication as he sent him on a mission, which he thought had led to his death. While it had clearly not done so, his damaged exterior suggested it had come close.

“Rynseh…” Hul acknowledged him, processing what it meant to see this mysterious Jedi once again. He was used to secrets and he knew that Quellus had a fair few, but what purpose was there in hiding Lahan, when he was already a covert operative? “So, what happened on Balmorra was…”

"Master Lahan," came the booming voice of Quellus, interrupting the other Jedi and Damask. "I am confident the Speaker of the Senate has a great many matters he need be addressing away from our humdrum quibbles. I do not think the thought of rogue Jedi marauding about the Republic really interests the likes of the Centrality; they need to be focusing on those corporations, tariffs and those irksome voter bases, surely."

“Well… uh. I suppose I do have to get on,” Damask fumbled slightly, breaking his usually flawless control over his words. In truth, he had made plans to meet Senator Vana later this evening, but this revelation turned everything on its head. Thinking quickly, he continued, “We shall have to arrange a proper meeting between us all. Perhaps roll it into a trip to the Opera? I shall have my office contact you…”

He turned and grabbed Master Lahan by the shoulder, pulling him slightly aside and speaking only so he could hear, “…and you will make the time to see me first thing tomorrow morning at my office. You know me so you know I won’t let it go if you don’t show up.”

Relaxing his grip and turning it into a pat on the shoulder, Damask then stepped past Rynseh into the still open doorway, “Gentlemen; I bid you a pleasant evening.”

Rynseh had quietly stepped aside to allow the Speaker of the Galactic Senate to pass, though he was unaware that he had just passed an unspoken test from Quellus. The Grand Master of the Reborn Jedi had intended for Rynseh to encounter Damask and gauge the Cathar's reaction to seeing face-to-face the man so heavily involved in the Balmorra operation. If there had been even the slightest doubt or hint of dark side temptation in Rynseh, Quellus was prepared to rescind the former's promotion to Jedi Master, and even go so far as to permanently exile him if that was the decision of the Temple Council. Rynseh, however, after three years of convalescence, kept his calm and acted with only serenity in his heart, at least for now.

The three remaining men in the Chancellor's office were the only ones in existence to Rynseh--including the director of TRIO--that knew Damask Hul and his allies were partly responsible for the deaths of five Jedi padawans that were under Rynseh's command, and six of the Republic's most elite military commandos. Although the remaining members of the terrorism organization known as Downfall were wiped out, the cost was too high, and it nearly killed Rynseh when the weapons factory that was under siege on Balmorra exploded.

Rynseh exchanged a glance with Quellus, and saw no sign of judgment from the Chagrian's aged blue stone face. The Cathar knew he needed to stay on Quellus' good side in order to do the real work that was soon to come. Old feelings of Hul paled in comparison to the dangers of wayward Jedi knights and the unchecked threat of the Cult of Axion.

"Supreme Chancellor, it has been a long time," Rynseh greeted Paralles warmly with a deep bow of respect. There had been a time when he was suspicious of the Human's motivations, but Paralles had gradually become a beacon of hope in Rynseh's eyes in the midst of a Senate that had otherwise seemed deeply corrupt and complacent to do what needed to be done to prevent disasters like on Balmorra from occurring.

"Master Lahan," Paralles returned the customary Jedi bow to the Cathar, having emulated the gesture innumerable times with Quellus, "it has indeed." The chancellor cast a glance towards the stony-faced Grand Master watching them both, the Chagrian was as inscrutable as ever. "It warms my heart to have such friends here with me now. Please, sit."

The older Human elected to make no comment about the upsetting chapter of history that was Balmorra, nor did he decide to address the Damask-shaped bantha in the room at this time. Instead, he stepped around to one of the minimalist curved pieces of metallic furniture nestled against the wall to the side of his large desk, retrieving an oddly-shaped glass bottle, its neck twisting and coiling around itself. However, the statesman only poured two glasses of the richly-coloured drink out.

"Non-alcoholic," he assured Rynseh as he passed him the beverage and kept one for himself, there being no point in sharing the drink with Quellus, whose species had no ability to taste. "A cocktail of juices from New Alderaan. Chief amongst them is starblossom - a rare fruit once thought extinct, along with Old Alderaan, but the Ithorians of Öetrago have done a fine job resurrecting it, even if it remains somewhat expensive. This is from a batch kindly donated by Senator Cosh during my last visit to the planet." He sat himself down as he took a satisfied-looking and sounding sip of the drink. "Wonderful people, the Ithorians."

"Thank you," Ryn calmly accepted the quality beverage with a nod as he took a seat beside Quellus. He treated it like a fine glass of wine by taking in a deep breath of the juice's fragrance, then took a sip and swished it around like it was an antibacterial mouthwash before swallowing down. It was perhaps the best drink he had in months; far better than the medicines and natural herbal remedies he had to take as part of his long recovery. He wished he could accompany the juice with a nice bloody rare slab of sirloin meat.

Quellus cleared his throat, also having claimed a seat. "Mmm-hmm, yes," he said somewhat quickly, his tone indicating he might not be as sold on that final notion as Paralles himself. "A well-meaning people, to be sure, but such well-meaning leanings can also breed idealists - and fanatics."

Paralles shifted in his seat slightly, still holding his glass in his hand, legs of juice slowly running down its sides. Whilst he had nearly always enjoyed the company of his Chagrian friend the various members of his Jedi cohort, each of which had insightful comments and interesting stories to share, he often became uncomfortable when it came to the matter of the Grand Master's requests, which he could often tell were imminent.

"You have something more you wish to discuss with me, Master Jedi?" He then asked, looking to them both in turn.

"Indeed," Quellus replied immediately, his tone serious and heavy brow low. The Chagrian even leaned his hefty frame forwards, elbows on his finery-laden knees and hands steepled before his glowering expression. "There is a matter of some... embarrassment to the Jedi Order," he explained. "One that I consider an undeniable threat to both the Jedi and the Republic as a whole. Something that requires a firm and united response."

Placing his drink down upon the table, Paralles locked eyes first with Quellus, and then with Rynseh, genuine concern creasing across his kindly features. "Jundal, that sounds quite alarming. What has happened?"

"There is a pair of young rogues, former Knights of our Order, that have turned their backs on the Republic and the Temple," Rynseh began to answer stopping just short of using the word traitors, much as he wanted to. He was feeling sore about having been quietly on the sidelines for so long and not having been around to prevent it from happening. "These individuals must be apprehended and--"

"--and brought back into the fold," Quellus interjected, his voice stern yet even, "after all, the Jedi do not kill their prisoners. However, these two errant knights, whilst in the pursuit of Dark Jedi in possession of evil artefacts of great power, have turned their backs not only on the Reborn Order, but also that of the light side of the Force. They reject the wisdom of our Council and generations of masters, and now find themselves embracing the heinous philosophies of the dark side, far from civilised space. Octavus, I genuinely fear that this young pair stand on the periphery of true darkness, ready to take up the mantle of the Dark Lords of legend to do us ruin."

Paralles eyed Quellus carefully over his glass, examining the lines of his friend's pale cerulean features, but still said nothing.

"I need remind you little of the lore of both of forebears and predecessors," the Grand Master continued earnestly. "The glorious First Republic was smashed numerous times by the rising ranks of the ancient Sith, until finally being invaded and polluted from within by Darth Sidious. And the Second Republic was nearly claimed by Darth Caedus, and most certainly by Darth Krayt, dismantled and left in ruin, ripe for the Mandalorians, leaving gripped in the unholy clutches of the Galactic Dark Age."

"I know the histories," Paralles replied. "What are their names?"

"Former Jedi Knights Bomoor Thort, an Ithorian, and Thane, a Human," the Chagrian replied. "Thane was the heir apparent to the throne of the Outer Rim world of Caanus, prior to his admission to the Order. He recently caused a stir by assisting a known felon escape justice at the Galaxies Opera House, abusing his now-resigned position within the Order itself to aid and abet the murderess. A Dromachean noble, from House Le'Shaad."

Paralles let loose a deep sigh as he placed his drink down and rose from his chair. The Human stepped over to the wide window that overlooked Galactic City beyond. The planetary weather system had gifted the Senate District with a clear warm night, the cloudless skies a blue-purple haze behind which the thousands of stars of the Third Republic twinkled unseen. Stretching in all directions, the light pollution of ever-growing and ancient ecumenopolis' was omnipotent as uncountable skyscrapers and neon signs glittered beautifully all about.

A far cry from the fields, vistas and ornate palatial architecture of New Alderaan, Supreme Chancellor Paralles nevertheless felt great awe at the sights before him - a feeling that never seemed to subside.

"So, you wish for the Senate to endorse and assist in your search for these so-called renegade Jedi - to label them criminals?" He finally asked, not turning from the cityscape before him, hands clasped behind his robed back.

"It will be, of course, for the Jedi Council and the courts to decide their criminality," Rynseh answered, "but yes. The support of the Senate to help us squelch the perennial disease of the dark side before it rises again would be most humbly welcome."

Again, Paralles sighed, and his shoulders could be seen to slump. The Jedi had proven themselves to be close allies of his, just as Quellus himself was his friend, but with the pressures of the Centrality and the poor reception the monastic order was currently facing from the wider public courtesy of the Rift Jedi during the Outer Rim Conflict, he was often loathe to involve himself in such matters.

"I am sorry, my friends," he said, now turning back to Quellus and Rynseh. "The Senate will view this entirely as an internal Jedi affair. "It has been many long generations since any sort of Sith Order has existed, and under the watchful eyes of your good selves, vigilant as you are, I cannot foresee any such threat rising without your notice and swift response." Looking at Quellus' narrowing eyes, he knew he had disappointed his old friend, but he could not tell if any sort of anger gripped the ageing Jedi. "And besides, as far as I can tell, beyond something that would be a matter for either yourselves or federal law enforcement for the wayward Caanan, your former students have not broken any galactic laws." The Alderaanian shook his head. "I'm afraid I cannot offer you any further assistance than offering my personal support in your own efforts; these young men cannot be convicted of committing thoughtcrime, after all. Then we truly would be in the Old Empire."

Quellus let an uncomfortably long silence fall upon them, raising a manicured hand as a muted means of hushing Rynseh before the Cathar said anything too antagonistic before he spoke again. "I see. Well, if there is no way of me convincing you others, and whilst I am saddened to hear this, I perfectly appreciate that these are trying times for all of us. Now," Quellus rose from his chair with the grace of man many years his junior, "it has been a long day, for you in particular, Octavus. I think it best Master Lahan and I return to the Temple and report back to the Council."

"Of course, my friends," Paralles said, smiling softly even as his voice had undernotes of resignation, dismayed at perhaps failing the Chagrian and Cathar Jedi. I look forward to when we next meet. May the Force be with you."

"And with you, Your Excellency." Both Jedi bowed, and turned to take their leave, the sorrowful eyes of Paralles watching them as they went.

"Master," Rynseh quietly said to Quellus as the Chancellor's office door closed behind them, "his reluctance was to be expected, but we can proceed nevertheless. My daught...erm, Rusasha, was deployed to track down and bring my former padawan, Zenarrah Sozo, back to the fold. They will be arriving on Coruscant in the morning. Zen is one of the best Shadows and trackers in the Order. I live today because of her. She can help me bring back our wayward knights, and, if necessary..." he lowered his voice even further, "...slay them."

"Let us hope that our prodigal sons can see past their own pride," Quellus answered, clasping his hands within the embroidered sleeves of his fine red robe. "Lest it be the architect of their own demise."


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