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The Power of the Wilds

Posted on Wed May 2nd, 2018 @ 6:37pm by Bomoor Thort
Edited on on Tue May 8th, 2018 @ 7:55am

1,297 words; about a 6 minute read

Chapter: Chapter V: Unbound
Location: Northern Forest, Irrikut
Timeline: Day Two on Irrikut (over one week after Coda joins the crew)
Tags: Irrikut, Bomoor, Forest, Beast, Force Lightning

From the frigid north, a chilling breeze swept down, howling the cry of the wounded, but recovering planet. Far from the old Jedi temple that sat towards the equator of the planet, but southern enough that flora and fauna could thrive, Bomoor sat upon a wide, flat rock. On sunny days, the rock might have been a basking spot for wild animals, relaxing in the warmth of their system's star and content to live their life orbiting it.

Bomoor could feel that energy as he sat there, eyes open but still meditating as he looked out upon the green spear-like tips of the coniferous trees that lay in the forest below. Very little solar radiation was warming the rock today, however, but the creatures of the world were still active: hunting and foraging - recycling the word's life force between them.

Having left Thane and their new apprentice, Zaracoda, in a particularly inhospitable northern plateau, Bomoor had ventured down here to find some time to himself on the planet he had come to know well, without risking running into any members of the Reborn Jedi Order who may choose to visit the temple to the south, however unlikely.

He had left Krayt's holocron on the ship, but he carried many of the lessons he had learned with him. Bomoor sought to become stronger but Krayt had warned that the rampant collection of power without a sense of purpose was a weakness in itself. Sensing the world around him now, Bomoor could feel that lesson in the natural world: a recent disturbance in the natural order.

Recently, this forest had been home to a great beast: a lone mammal, similar in stature to the boar-wolves of Endor, had hunted and moved into the territory of other predators in the area and killed many of those who crossed its path. But it was an arrogant creature: self-assured of the strength of its sharp teeth and claws that it believed it could not be bested by lesser creatures. But, upon seeing how the great beast slept alone and unguarded, several weaker predators set upon it and killed their powerful foe. To be arrogant in power invites others to topple you; had the beast been clever with his targets or worked with others of his kind, perhaps he would yet live and thrive. Now, all that was left were the faint scars it had left on the life here, which would soon heal. Much like Irrikut itself.

The scattering of little paws upon the ground could be heard close by and, closing his eyes and looking through the Force, Bomoor saw a small climbing rodent-like creature rummaging through the damp needles on the ground. Such a small life force, but still containing those mysterious cells that connected them to the web of the Living Force.

Was it the Force that compelled this creature to forage at this moment, or was it a will of its own, Bomoor thought, What fates decided I should be here to see the creature in this moment?

It was frustrating, at times, to consider that such an answer could never be known. At least not until one had passed into the Force at the point of death. Not much good to know then, though. A dark thought suddenly crossed his mind, What if I were to choose to violate the will of the Force right now? What if I were to simply kill this little creature?

It was little more than a thought however and, as if the creature had sensed something, it pricked up its ears before scurrying away. Bomoor watched the little life dim from his senses as it went further away and he chided himself on the childish thought of taking a life to simply make a point. If Bomoor were to use the new powers Krayt and now Thane were teaching him, he did not want to rely on feelings of anger or hatred. He had no doubt that he could easily channel streams of Force Lightning that way but how many little lives could he snuff out if he went about it that way.

Bomoor stood up and turned away from the forest below. Instead, he focussed on a dead, fallen tree that lay behind him. He was certain he could use this power without relying on baser drives. As he had suggested to Thane, drawing on frustrations may be an unstable source. Bomoor thought instead of the great beast again: his great rage was unstable, but the power of those who defeated him was focussed and perhaps even righteous. He imagined himself alongside his friends, facing such a monster. He pictured it now as the tree before him and, almost without thinking, the imaginary beast changed into a humanoid form: it was Axion that now stood before him with his deep red blade ignited and pointed towards his friends.

He felt as the triumphant animals had felt as they faced their foe: a desire to protect one's own. Summoning a power within that was not based on old prejudice or hatred, but instead a strong emotion. It was not unlike fear and anger, but it was invigorating, like that primordial fight or flight response that seemed universal among almost all species. He channelled that power alongside what he had learned from his sparring with Thane and his lessons with Krayt's holocron.

Rolling his hands around each other, he started to feel those sparks arcing between his hands, building power as they shot back and forth. It burned, but his feelings allowed him to push through. He imagined Axion snarling and preparing to leap forth and, in that moment, Bomoor sent his power forwards. Bright purple energy leapt forwards, some sparks bent away and dispersed into the ground, but many found their target in the centre and the image of Axion burnt away, leaving Bomoor electrifying the sodden, mossy wood. Had it been dry, it would have burst into flames within seconds, but it was still left deeply blackened when Bomoor was able to let go and see what his powers had done.

He had over-exerted himself, however, and Bomoor dropped a hand down onto the cold stone to support himself. As he caught his breath, he found himself chuckling slightly at his triumph; not only at his newfound ability, but also that he had seemingly managed it without following the path of anger. He could not deny that there was a darkness to the ability, but no more than when one strikes out at an opponent with a lightsaber. Perhaps there was a power in his defensive instincts, which he could use. It made him think again about what he had said to Coda: his thoughts on building a better sanctuary than the Reborn Jedi. It seemed so much more real as he knelt here, one with the natural world.

Eventually, he stood himself back up and watched the smoke and steam rise from the long-dead tree. He followed the vapours as they rose and realised that snow had started to fall. Pulling his comlink from his belt, Bomoor activated the button, hearing the familiar four note chime, "Thort to the Red Raptor," he spoke, starting to feel the chill as the wind picked up, "I would appreciate a collection as soon as you are able. I shall head back to where you dropped me off."

Shutting it off, he turned back to the endless forest and saw thick clouds moving in from the North, beginning to blanket the green landscape in a layer of wispy white. However cold it was getting here, he knew it would be far, far worse where Thane and Coda were.


☼ New Ability - Force Lightning


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