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Memo to the Rift: "Orphan Wolf"

Posted on Sat Sep 8th, 2018 @ 6:41am by Zenarrah Sozo

1,520 words; about a 8 minute read

From: CPT. Zenarrah Sozo, Third Republic Judicial Forces (Ret.); Fmr. Jedi Knight, Reborn Jedi Order ("RO")
To: Zam Kessar, Commander, Rift Jedi Order
Via: (1) TRIO Relay T742HX1138; (2) Adjutant Node -REDACTED-


Encl: Attach 1-1. Full-spectrum resonance scans of subject, full body, two views (front, profile). Attach 1-2. Standard medical records incl. CBC and midi-chlorian count. Attach 2-1. TRIO Memo to "JQ".

1. I am writing to you not as a veteran of the Republic military, but as a mother, and kin Nautolan. I beseech you to accept and read the entirety of this encrypted memo. I am in desperate need of your aid, and I am uncertain where else to turn. You do not know me, but I am your ally. If I have performed my clandestine duties to the Republic adequately in years past, then you lack records of my existence. If you choose to open a file on me, then I advise caution should you attempt to verify my identity. TRIO will not know the contents of this message, but they will eventually discover its destination. Be wary, for they are attempting to monitor my activities while I am here on Coruscant (I will be off-world by the time you receive this transmission). You have been advised.


a. TRIO codename for subject, Zaracoda Wolph, female Nautolan, age 20 standard years. She is a registered Third Republic citizen, former resident of Glee Anselm. Most importantly, she is my daughter and only offspring. Nineteen years ago, I was forced by RO Council to surrender her for legal adoption in order to maintain my status as a Jedi Knight. The government of Glee Anselm chose Callotrebla and Capasegno, matron and patron of lineage Wolph respectively (both are deceased, murdered by Hutt pirates; see 4a below).

b. Subject designated Force-Sensitive by TRIO. "JQ" attempted verification in early 1,200 ABY via hand-picked RO knight. Wolph family filed court-authorized restraining order against RO following initial contact with said knight. Upon discovering what JQ was up to, I secretly made contact with the Wolphs and was briefed on the situation. I opted to anonymously provide them legal representation to protect Zaracoda from further contact with RO. Permanent injunction against RO granted by Glee Anselm high court forbidding further unsolicited contact with Zaracoda the following year.

c. Subject's medical records provided with this message show biological proof of Force-sensitivity. You will note her exceptional midi-chlorian count. The number modestly exceeds my own (consider that I was a former Jedi Knight), and further surpasses that of my former master, "RL" who is now the newest member of the RO Council. It is not the highest count ever seen in the RO, but it was enough to warrant JQ's personal attention following Zaracoda's adoption by the Wolphs.

d. I believe JQ and RO Council were not initially aware of Zaracoda's Force-sensitivity due to the influence of the dark side (see 3b below) on her which may have masked her Force connection from them. TRIO, via their Jedi liaison, RL, later obtained a copy of her medical records and informed JQ of her midi-chlorian levels, thus the attempt to bring her back to the RO.

3. Disclosures

a. In the interest of honour and full disclosure, I am, in secret, a Nightsister (you are now the second person in the entire galaxy to know this outside of my clan). If RO discovered this, I (and by extension, Zaracoda) would be declared a heretic by JQ and hunted down by Templar agents.

a1. Yes, "Templars". That is not an error. JQ and RL have begun the process of discreetly militarizing the RO to unprecedented levels not seen since the Clone Wars over a millennium ago. RL has the ear of the Supreme Chancellor, is a friend of the Senate Speaker, and has a cabal of allies with ties to the military industrial complex (notably GalactaWerks Corp.) in the Senate and TRIO (see encl: TRIO Memo to "JQ" for details on RL's corrupt history with the Senate). This obscene scale of flouting the Jedi Code is reprehensible to say the least. It further vindicates your decision to defect from the RO. In my most sincere opinion, JQ and the Council represent a scourge upon the Force that must eventually be stopped and put to justice.

a2. Whether you choose to publicly expose this information is your decision. However, I beg your discretion at this time for it is my intention to deliver Zaracoda to you for protection and training in the Force. There are additional key factors you must know about her.

b. NOTES: 1) She was exposed to Dathomiri Force rituals in vivo. 2) Upon my birthing of her egg, it was submerged in a fountain filled with the Force-charged "Waters of Life" and exposed to further rituals in which I participated prior to hatching. 3) She hatched in said mystic water under my care, and was briefly touched by the dark side of the Force. 4) These exposures were intentional to initiate her as a Nightsister at birth. 5) She developed natural stealth affinity during puberty and is sporadically capable of subconsciously cloaking herself with the Force when under high stress and fear. 6) She possesses raw, undeveloped telekinetic talent. 7) She displays talent with mind tricks that are most effective by touch. 8) She can temporarily absorb memories from willing subjects also by touch. 9) She is a trained slicer and knows how to program droids. 10) With time and proper training, she can become a powerful asset to the Rift Jedi.

c. You may be disturbed by her past exposure to the dark side, but I promise she is not a threat to you or any Jedi. She has a good heart and is an optimistic soul in spite of her recent circumstances as a slave on Nar Shaddaa. She has not been corrupted by the dark side in any appreciable way, and I hope it remains so. I trust she will make for a fine Rift Jedi if you accept her.

4. Disposition

a. As mentioned, Zaracoda was a slave until recently. Hutt pirates sold her and surviving adopted brother, Capalfin Wolph, to separate slave owners on Nar Shaddaa. I was not aware of this until two years after her capture.

b. I traveled there to free her under the guise of tracking an old fugitive that escaped justice during the Second Outer Rim Conflict who was responsible for the murder of a Jedi padawan. When it became clear that I could not free her without attracting Hutt or RO scrutiny, I made contact with venture capitalist Tayla Dorinn and her partner, Brent Chesto, and arranged to have them purchase Zaracoda's writ of ownership to work in their gentlemen's club. It was not ideal, but it was a safer environment for my daughter compared to her previous abusive owner. Tayla maintained tight surveillance on her, and protected her from hostile patrons. I personally visited in secret as much as I could, but never made contact with Zaracoda (she does not know I exist to this day).

c. It is around this time that I resigned from the Judicial Forces, and exiled myself from the RO to stay on Nar Shaddaa full-time.

c. Three years later, an incident occurred involving Zaracoda where Chesto was killed by Dorinn. My daughter was subsequently set free by Dorinn without consulting me first. Dorinn then issued a bounty to have my daughter killed in order to make it appear as if Zaracoda was responsible for Chesto's death. By the time I learned of this, Zaracoda managed to escape and make it star-side on an unknown Corellian freighter.

d. I later acquired information from bounty hunters involved in tracking Zaracoda regarding a possible identity to said freighter: the ship she may have chartered for passage off-world is a YX-series called the Red Raptor. It is known by the RO that renegade ex-Jedi Knights Bomoor Thort and Thane of Caanus are in possession of that ship.

e. I am confident through visions received from the Force that Zaracoda has not been slain by those former Jedi yet.

f. Be advised, I have been recalled by RO to serve their interests temporarily. I will be traveling with RL to track down said renegades related to internal RO matters. RL intends to help me locate Zaracoda after we find and apprehend Thane and Thort. I suspect RL intends to convince me to willingly deliver her to JQ (over my dead body).

5. Conclusion

a. I require your assistance, if you are willing, to help me secure Zaracoda for the Rift Jedi Order. I will keep you abreast of all data regarding my quest to find her, as well as intelligence related to RL's activities while he remains in close proximity to me.

b. I further beg your consideration to permit me and Zaracoda political asylum in the Rift Assembly on Belsmuth. I maintain a network of underworld contacts spread across the galaxy, and my daughter is affiliated with a group of notorious slicers from Nar Shaddaa that can prove beneficial to your information gathering efforts for the Rift.

I will be in touch.



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