
Created by Morgo Le'Shaad on Wed Feb 27th, 2013 @ 6:55am


Basic Information


Grid Location: M-10 Distance from Core: 7,166 LY Sun: Skaadi Moons: Cassiopeia, Cepheus Diameter: 13,030 km Length of Day: 27 standard hours Length of Year: 440 local days


Terrain: Oceans, sub-tropical islands, mountains Climate: Cycles between Subtropical/Mediterranean and Subarctic


Population: 1.5 billion Sentient Species: Humans; Jotunn; Other Species Mix: Humans (65%) ; Other (30%) ; Jotunn (5%) Languages: Basic, various Galactic Languages Government: Monarchy, aristocracy, Major Exports: Advanced medicine, high technology, scholarly publications, works of art Major Imports: Food products


Title of monarch: The Grandsire (House Jotunnson) Houses (current): House Dreyfus, House Bettencourt, House Pradon, House Tengeli, House Rames, House Forja, House Le’Shaad Notable Natives: Duchess Scholar Morgo Le’Shaad, Count Scholar Daneel Dreyfus, Grandsire Grand Scholar Egon Jotunnson II, Crown Prince Scholar Rorek Jotunnson, Desaan


Dromache (DROM-ah-kee) is a lush, ancient world of wonder and enlightenment. Though larger than the average planet, only about 3% of it is land—the rest of Dromache covered in vast azure oceans. The largest landmass called the Zkovos Isle, makes up for 60% of planets total landmass. 20% is dispersed over a thousand different islands, peppered across the endless seas. And the remaining 20% is hidden under glaciers and icecaps in the North and South Poles of Dromache.

On Zkovos lies the seat of the Grandsire’s power and around 1 billion people. The entire island of Zkovos is a buzzing metropolis of gleaming white stone and beautiful architecture, a marriage of cutting edge technology and ancient splendor. Here, all the great archives, libraries, laboratories, hospitals and underground structures are housed and protected under the wisdom of the Grandsire. There on Zkovos, the greatest minds from all over the galaxy come to pool together their knowledge—the arts, language, math and science flourishing at a rate no other world in the universe can boast. Because no other world concentrates so intensely on knowledge alone.


The rest of Dromache’s population lives on the thousands of islands and isles scattered throughout the seas, governed over by the esteemed Houses that rule alongside the Grandsire. Each of these Houses reside on their own archipelagos where they have built their own palaces, laboratories, and athenaeums—to continue to research and make scholarly contributions to Dromache, earning the great honor given to them as House.


"Four years of glorious Summer and two of ass-freezing Winter. I'll tell you, my good man — you can travel the galaxy looking for a place with seasons like this and you won't find another. That I promise you."

        - Desaan

Originally an ice planet, dominated by glaciers and frigid oceans, the planet of Dromache was nothing but chunk of ice floating through the galaxy. That is, until the Celestials, also known as the Architects, an ancient and powerful civilization who were present long before the dawn of the galactic community and even the Rakatan Infinite Empire, took interest in the Dromachean system and decided to use the planet and its sun, Skaadi, as a giant experiment.

Within the frozen planet, deep beneath the surface, the Celestials built in what became known as the Genesis Shield, advanced technology that would collect the energy of the Dromachean sun for two years at a time. Then at the beginning of the next year, the machines, one placed at each pole of the planet, would fire a beam of energy into the air, through the atmosphere, and into space. With one Genesis Shield at each pole of the planet, an artificial atmosphere would envelope the planet like a canopy, creating a thicker, secondary atmosphere.


This secondary atmosphere allowed greenhouse gases to accumulate, and kept such gases from escaping into space like Dromache’s original, thinner atmosphere did, allowing the ice planet of Dromache to slowly warm and melt, creating the subtropical/Mediterranean climate Dromache knows today, glaciers melting into oceans.

But by experimental design, the Genesis Shield only stores enough solar energy to power the secondary atmosphere for 4 years. When the four years of endless spring and summer are up, the Genesis Shield shuts down and hibernates, beginning to store solar energy once again for two years.

With the secondary atmosphere gone, greenhouse gases bleeding away into outer space, Dromache enters a rapid autumn and a bitter, frozen winter for 2 years as the Genesis Shields stores up energy once again.

For Dromache, the cycles of the ancient Genesis Shield machine means that planet enjoys 4 years of a lush and plentiful summer, and endures 2 years of a frozen and barren winter as the Genesis Shield sleeps and regenerates.



Dromache is predominantly a monarchy, a world led by the Grandsire—which is the only title in Dromachean society granted by heredity. Along with the Grandsire rules the great Houses of Dromache, distinguished families who have, above all others, contributed the most to the continuing of knowledge by building libraries or laboratories, conducting research, and publishing their works. Together, the Royal House Jotunnson and the Great Houses form the High Court of Dromache

Once in Dromache’s history, a priestly council existed to guide the Grandsire in things concerning the future. An order of priestesses and a single Oracle, a Force-sensitive human female with the gift of foresight and prophecy through the Force, once served Dromache and worshipped the Goddess—the embodiment of all Knowledge and the mystery of the Force.

Once Emperor Palpatine took power and established the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, however, all Force-Sensitives not serving the Sith were exterminated from the galaxy. Thus, the Oracle and the priestesses in training were either corrupted and converted or killed for their defiance, and the Order of the Goddess was ended.


"The greatest honor. The greatest burden."

        - Acheron Le'Shaad

Anyone within Dromachean society, native citizen or not, who has the determination, skill and ambition to become a Scholar of Dromache, can become a Scholar. From the lowliest peasant to the highest aristocrat has the same access to the Knowledge of Dromache, housed in the archives, libraries, and museums. Education, from a child’s primary school to an old man’s doctorate degree is free to all who wish to pursue it, and through this, Dromache is a society based on merit. Honor and prestige is never given, but earned through education, innovation and discovery.

Once a willing child is ready to begin the Shibboleth, a (at the minimum) decade long process that tests one’s capacity and devotion for knowledge, one’s integrity as scholar, scientist, and historian, and one’s willingness to die to protect the legacy of Free Knowledge, the willing child becomes a part of the Order of the White, a society much like that of the Jedi Order in its organization and workings. But instead of churning out warriors that wield the Force, the Order of the White produces protectors of Free Knowledge, that wield such knowledge and history like a blade itself. A system exists within the Order that allows any child to pursue whichever disciplines they may wish to embark on.

Many ranks exist within the Order of the White, representing the different levels of education an individual cares to pursue. An individual may stop at a certain rank because they wish to, while another individual may cease further education because that is the highest their skills allow them to advance.

The highest rank within the Order is that of Grand Scholar (30 years of education), held only by the Grandsire and whichever of his or her heirs that are able to complete the same 30 years of training and education. The second highest rank is that of Scholar.

And once the rank of Scholar is reached, the individual’s family is elevated to that of one of the Esteemed Houses, he or she is given of place at The High Court of Dromache, given responsibility of governing a part of the planet, is given his own archipelago of islands to begin building his or her life as Scholar—and of course—is bathed in riches and prestige.


To be a part of the High Court, a family must first be a recognized House of Dromache. And to be a House of Dromache, a member of a family must be a Scholar, a title bestowed upon those few who have passed the Shibboleth, a decade long test of one’s capacity and devotion for knowledge, one’s integrity as scholar, scientist, and historian, and one’s willingness to die to protect the legacy of Free Knowledge.

Currently, the High Court of Dromache consists of:

  • House Jotunnson (pronounced YO-toon-sun), the house of the royal family, the house of the Grandsire
  • House Dreyfus
  • House Bettencourt
  • House Pradon
  • House Tengeli
  • House Rames
  • House Forja
  • House Le’Shaad
The High Court of Dromache both governs the world and serves it.


"To be Renounced is the greatest shame for any House. As all are vulnerable to it, all fear it. And rightly so. See that you do not bring this family to its knees, daughter."

        -Acheron Le'Shaad to Morgo Le'Shaad

Renouncement refers to the practice amongst the High Court of Dromache to demote any Esteemed House who’s Scholar has is guilty of grave criminal behavior, or is guilty of being lazy, idle, and unproductive over a period of 30 years. If the Grandsire deems a House as such, unable to claim any new discoveries or new publications and general contributions to society from their specific area of discipline, that House is dishonored and struck from the books, and cast out from the High Court of Dromache in disgrace.

Extensions are possible, if the Grandsire reviews a case and finds it worthy of an extension.


  • The Native Jotunn, Coming of the Celestials (– 40,000 BBY)

"...They came in floating mountains, veiled in starlight and shadow - The Gods. And with them came Skaadi, the bane of our kind. With them came the Weak Ones, destined to overrun our beloved world..."

        -excerpt of ancient Jotunn myth

Though not too far from its sun, Skaadi, Dromache always suffered from a thin atmosphere, and so, before the coming (and tampering) of the Celestials, a powerful and ancient race responsible for the creation of many planet systems, Dromache was an ice planet, dominated by glaciers and cold oceans.

The dominant species of Dromache were ice giants known as the Jotunn, a sentient and Force-sensitive species that hunted and foraged for food. As nomads and a race of warriors, they followed big game, hunting with handmade spears and swords. The Jotunn, as a force-sensitive race, used their abilities like the second nature they were, often to hunt. Though their Force skills were many, of all their abilities the Jotunn were renowned masters of the Force power Animal Friendship, and use great beasts as mounts.

As food and resources were scarce in such a frozen tundra, the ice giants were fierce warriors, prone to warring with enemy Jotunn tribes over resources, raiding each other's camps. And through war, their culture and society flourished.


When the Celestials came to the Dromachean system, looking for a place to conduct their experiments, they built what became known as the Genesis Shield (see A STRANGE CLIMATE for details). When the construction of the machine into the planet itself finished, a secondary atmosphere was created, and Dromache was slowly allowed to warm. The glaciers melted into oceans, and landmasses like the Zkovos Isle were unveiled. The warming of Dromache also prompted seismic action, allowing formerly inactive ‘hot spots’ to become active, creating the many thousands of islands and archipelagos populated today.


The warming of Dromache, however, forced the ice giants, the Jotunn to flee to the poles of the planet, many of their race dying in the process. The numbers of the ice giants became few as time passed, and as their beloved planet's flora and fauna began to change with the gradual warming of the planet, the Jotunn learned to hibernate. Those that could not, died.

The Genesis Shield laid active for 10,000 years, allowing the ice sheets covering the planet to slowly recede and melt away naturally.

And so the Jotunn would sleep for ten thousand years, until the coming of the first Humans—and the first shut down of the Celestials' Genesis Shield, bringing the first Winter Dromache had seen in ten millennia…and waking of the Jotunn from their hibernation.

  • Transplanted Humans and the First Winter (35,000 BBY - 30,000 BBY)

"The elders say we came from Coruscant, we Humans, as a grand Experiment for the Force wielding Architects to study and amuse themselves with. Think of it! Dromache: born from an experiment at the hands of scientists. And we Dromacheans: molded in the image of such gods. I find I quite like this fanciful tale. But don't tell Father. I'll burn you if you do. "

        - excerpt from Morgo Le'Shaad's (scorched) girlhood diary

Once the Celestials had primed Dromache to be a lush planet, capable of supporting Human life, they transplanted a population of Humans originally from the Notron (the archaic name of Coruscant) onto the Dromache—the first Humans. When the Celestials shut off the Genesis Shield to allow their machinery to rest and to test the adaptability of the Human race to rapidly decreasing temperature, Dromache began to grow cold, once again.

The beasts of the deep sea, among them the Jadenose Leviathans, fell into a deep sleep as older monstrosities awakened, like the Dracon Sea Serpents, the viciously aggressive apex predator of seas the Winter.

And as the planet began to freeze over once again, the Jotunn awakened from their long slumber. Enraged to find that their territory had been taken by another humanoid species during their hibernation, the Jotunn waged a slaughter against the Humans, raiding and massacring unsuspecting Humans settlements, who were wholly unprepared for both the Winter and the ice giants.

The Humans, too used to the warmth of Dromache’s sun Skaadi once offered, were utterly unprepared the sudden winter and the frigid winds. Unequipped to hunt in blizzards or to live in such cold weather, the Humans began to suffer from famine and frost-bite. It seemed that they all would die, especially when the Jotunn awoke from their hibernation and began their war to exterminate the Human invaders.

And die they would’ve, had it not been for the action of one Human woman, a dark beauty known as Sigunn.

  • Sigunn and her Jotunnson

"Sigunn: of fire, bravery and wisdom. You would do well, young man, to never speak ill of her again. As Mother of the two greatest Houses on Dromache, they will not take slander to her name or what she accomplished lightly. "

        -Zkovos Elder to young student

Legend tells that a small Human village known as Kraws was attacked by a band of Jotunn. Using their spears and axes and their Force powers, they stole what food they could and killed those they wanted. In the bloody massacre, the youngest child, Taryn, of the head man, Tyrus, was murdered by the hand of a Jotunn warrior and leader named Konn.

Enraged at the death of her youngest son, and the destruction of their village, Sigunn painted her face and took up her husband’s spear. Fueled by grief, the woman mounted her husband’s beast and rode off to avenge the death of her son. Pursuing the band of Jotunn that had attacked her village, Sigunn eventually tracked the ice giants to their encampment.

Standing alone in the fields before the gates of the Jotunn encampment, Sigunn demanded that the warrior who had slain her child of gray eyes and fair hair, come and face her in combat. For three days and nights, she screamed and demanded the warrior who’d slain her child, the ice giant warrior she’d slashed in the face with her blade of obsidian as he slew her son. Such noise she made outside the gates, that even the men of the Jotunn began to wonder what kind of Human woman possessed such persistence… and such strength.


On the fourth day, the Jotunn warrior leader Konn stepped forth from the gates to meet the woman, the same ice giant who had killed her baby son for sport. And Sigunn knew it was he, for he bore the same injury on his cheek from her knife.

Renewed with rage, the human woman took up her husband’s spear and demanded that he face her in combat to avenge the death of her son, Taryn. Konn the Jotunn stared at the human woman as if he’d never seen one before. For this woman was wild in her rage as she was in her beauty. Such strength he sensed in her, like that of a Jotunn man, that it stilled his laughter before it even formed in his chest.

Konn the Jotunn stood like a corpse on that hill before Sigunn, as she shouted her rage at him, demanding that he fight her. And though they did not speak the same tongue, Sigunn made it known to him who he had killed with his axe.

Taking the great wolf pelt from her shoulders, she wrapped the fur as she would a baby, and cradled it in her arms. Then cutting a raven lock of her own hair from her head, she held it before her as she grasped a handful of the dead wheat and reeds swaying at her hips, telling the Jotunn that her child’s hair was still fair when he’d killed her child in cold blood. And taking her fingers and running them over her eyes, Sigunn pointed to the pale gray sky, for her child’s eyes were cold and gray like the dry winter sky, without a sun to be seen. Two sons she had borne, both bearing with the same face as their father, with his dark blonde hair and gray eyes of the wolf. Now she had only one son.


Stabbing the spear into the frozen soil, Sigunn showed the Jotunn just how he’d killed her son. Remembering his death cry renewed Sigunn’s sorrow . But no matter how much she mourned him, she would not weep. Not before the one who had killed him.

But to her surprise, the Jotunn did not take the axe hanging from his hip and rush towards her. Instead he approached her, slowly, as he would a wild animal. As he drew closer, the ice giant let a wave of the Force wash over her, calming and serene like a pool of water lying still under ice, and she felt it—unlike anything she’d felt before. Soon he was close enough that Sigunn could see all the dry lines of his corpse-like body. His glowing blue eyes shone star-like in the twilight of the day.

When he spoke, it was unlike the feral war cries so often feared by the Humans. Instead his voice was a low baritone, almost melodic in its cadence. Quietly like the wind, he spoke, refusing to fight her. And taking the war-axe from his hip, he dropped it onto the snowy ground. As she was not a Jotunn man, he could not promise to fight her in fair combat to repay a blood debt.

But laying his skeletal hand on Sigunn’s womb, Konn the Jotunn promised instead to give her another son, in payment of the one he had taken.

For she had shown true Jotunn spirit in coming to avenge her slain son. And he would be proud to call Sigunn the mother of his child.

Confused yet intrigued by the strange grace of the Jotunn, beast and man all at once, Sigunn accepted his offer, and Konn the Jotunn took Sigunn into his tent to be his wife. There in the Jotunn encampment Sigunn learned the ways of the ice giants, the Jotunn language, how they hunted in the snow, how they sheltered themselves from the merciless cold, and how they thrived with so little. All the ways of the Jotunn became the ways of Sigunn, and even though she never expected to, she fell in love Konn the ice giant, and he with her, and taught her the secrets of the mountains and the forest, of sailing the seas and predicting the winds.

Sigunn, unknown to her, was also a Force-sensitive, with only the lightest perception of the Force. But through it, a Force bond formed between Konn and Sigunn during this time, strong for the love between them.

Heavy with child, Sigunn gave birth 12 months (gestation period for the Jotunn) later, to a baby boy, who for all intents and purposes looked like a human child, save for the strange almost luminous blue of his eyes, and his preternatural intelligence—just like all other Jotunn children. Like other Jotunn infants, the boy was self-aware, but unlike other Jotunn, little Egon was not Force sensitive. And as all Jotunn babes do, the infant named himself. “Egon.” the boy whispered to his mother one day as she held him in her arms. And so that became his name. The little fire of his mother’s heart.

And as according to the laws of the Jotunn, as the Dam of their son, the child did belong to her—not Konn. For to the Jotunn, only those who suffer the pains of childbirth have claim to children. Only those who risk their lives have rights to the fruit of that risk, not the other way around… as in Human settlements. Which meant that should Sigunn leave, her son was hers to take.

Homesick, when Sigunn eventually returned with the blessing of Konn, to the rebuilt village of Kraws, a new baby boy of pale skin in her arms, with too blue eyes and black curls for hair, she also brought along all her knowledge of the Jotunn and how to survive the long winter.

In this way Sigunn became the savior of the Human race of Dromache, her teaching spreading from Human settlement to another, saving them all from famine and cold. Her son, Egon becoming the first of the Jotunnson name.

  • The Death of Sigunn, the Rise of Egon Jotunnson, and the Le’Shaad (29,993 BBY)

"How long young Egon sat alone in the blood of his slain mother, no one knows. All we know is that from that dark hour, stained in Sigunn's blood, he found the strength to rise up and save the very people who had allowed his mother to die. A truly remarkable boy. "

        -Zkovos Elder

Years passed, summer came, and little Egon Jotunnson grew to be 7 by the time the second winter of his life arrived. Prepared this time around, the Human population had saved and stored food from the 4 year Summer and endured the long cold winter. They looked upon Sigunn like a savior and on her Jotunn son like the oddity he was—the strange little boy that saw and knew more than he ought to.

But not all was well. In the dark of the winter, disquiet grew within the house of Sigunn, for her first and human husband, Tyrus, grew jealous that his wife had borne a son with another man—a filthy Jotunn no less. And to make matters worse, she had fallen in love with the beast! For seven years, the odd, quiet little boy had lived under his roof and Tyrus had allowed it, even though Egon was not his son. Temzyn, half-brother to Egon also felt the weight of his Father’s dark jealousy. One day it grew to be too much, and in a fit of rage, Tyrus slew his wife Sigunn as she was giving Egon his daily lessons in the language of the Jotunns.

She had fought back as much as she could, but between protecting her son and finding herself without a weapon, Sigunn was overpowered and brutally run through with Tyrus' blade. As Sigunn lay dying, bleeding into the snow, she reached out through her Force Bond with Konn the Jotunn, to share the last feelings of love she felt for him—and to convey the concern she felt for the fate of their son, Egon, with her last breaths. With her death came the breaking of a tenuous peace between the ice giants and the humans.


Feeling the death of his Human love through his Force Bond, Konn awoke from sleep, enraged. Calling upon his Jotunn brothers, he rode like fury itself to the village of Kraws—intent on wiping out the Humans for their transgression in letting his Sigunn die. When he arrived, he would butcher the warrior known as Tyrus and all his kin to avenge Sigunn. Fearing for their lives, the Humans panicked, their men and women readying for a battle that would certainly be a massacre, for the Jotunn were powerful Force-Sensitive beings, more deadly for their rage.

Yet when Konn and his Jotunn force arrived to slaughter the Humans he was stopped by a little boy at the gates. Small hand outstretched, Egon greeted the Jotunn force calmly in the face of hundreds of spears and axes.

Recognizing the child to be his son, raven haired with Jotunn eyes, Konn stood down. It is not known what was said that day, between the ice giant and his son, what wise words the child must have uttered to save the settlement, innocent of Sigunn’s murder. But Egon managed to quell an army of ice giants—swaying even the furious and grieving Konn. Like his mother had, years before.

When the boy, Egon, returned at dawn, the Jotunn army leaving, the humans of the saved village rejoiced and hailed Egon as their savior, just as they hailed Sigunn before him for saving them from the barren cold of Winter.

In honor of what he had done on their behalf when the Jotunn army had come, and in honor of what his mother Sigunn had done before him, they raised Egon up as their leader—only a boy, but gifted and wise for the Jotunn half of him. His first act as their leader was to bring justice for the blood of his mother, staining the snow red.

Casting Tyrus—his wicked step-father—into the black depths of the icy Sea for the murder of Sigunn, a just punishment in the eyes of the village, the man died frozen as a mighty Dracon Sea Serpent swallowed him whole, its great plume rising from abyss, fangs closing over his body before a great wave swept over the place he had been, the serpent disappearing once again into the Sea.

Tyrus’ son by Sigunn, Temzyn, had attempted to kill to save his father, and had been put in chains for his trouble, cast out from the village. An ice bridge which formed over the Sea from the Zkovos Isle led to an frozen archipelago, made from stone as black as the abyss. Egon named it the Abysstone Isle and left Temzyn there to die along with his band of followers who all rankled at the thought of a leader that was only a half-human, half Jotunn beast. Dubbed the Le’Shaad, “of the shade”, a name reserved for only the most dishonored of men, worthy of being cast into the Sea’s abyss, Temzyn and his followers were meant to die there, at Abysstone Isle. They should have.

But against all odds, they did not. By the brilliance of Temzyn they survived on their own until, at last, Dromache’s first winter ended, her atmosphere reconsolidating with the help of the Genesis Shield, the icy snows melting away to herald spring and summer once again. And there, on Abysstone Isle, Temzyn and his new family of outcasts flourished. And bided their time, nursing their hate for the Jotunnson.

  • Scions of Sigunn

  • The Unification of Dromache (29,983 BBY – 29,700 BBY)

"Blood has never meant anything to us. Sons of whores and daughters of thieves once pooled their blood into the Le'Shaad line, birthing brilliance from nothing. So what use is purity to us--the Dishonored? But blood is everything to the Jotunnson. It is what bestowed upon him his crown, his skills, his genius. It is what gives him the right to rule. And still does."

        -Acheron Le'Shaad to Morgo Le'Shaad

As time passed, word of Egon Jotunnson’s skill and wisdom in ruling reached the far edges of the planet. Word had also spread that those tribes and villages that allied themselves with him were spared from the wrath of the Jotunn, for being half ice giant himself, the Jotunn tribes recognized and respected his authority, and those protected under him.

Grasping at any respite they could get from the unrelenting attacks and raids upon themselves, thousands of Humans flocked to meet the young man known as Egon, willing to pledge their allegiances to him if he would just stop the bloodshed between the humans and the Jotunns.

And Egon did. As civilization began to blossom on Dromache and cities of stone built, Egon met with the Jotunn tribes regularly, working tirelessly to come to an agreement with all of them. And at last, a year later a treaty between the Humans and the Jotunn was signed in blood. So long as the North was left to the Jotunn, undisturbed—and so long as a Jotunnson sat on the Dromachean throne, the Jotunn would cease all attacks on the Humans.

And so it was. With the constant war between their two races ended, the Humans were free to flourish, to specialize in their trades and improve. And following their peace, a period of unprecedented advancement in the sciences and arts on Dromache began. For as the Dromacheans emerged from their Dark Ages, a Renaissance was surely long overdue.

Villages became cities, and cities to metropolises. Over the next 300 years, Dromache would multiply and expand over their planet, exploring, studying, and learning, becoming scientific experts of their own world—-innovating technology beyond the imaginations of their ancestors.


  • The Calling of a Planet and Achieving Hyperspace (28,600 BBY – 28,400 BBY)

Nearly 1,000 years after the Unification of Dromache, the 26th Grandsire of Dromache, Vikkon Jotunnson, stumbled upon the hidden ruins in the North that would change the course of the world’s history forever.

Whilst studying the technology that ran the planet’s Genesis Shield, Vikkon Jotunnson and a group of scientists managed to excavated an abandoned outpost that had once belonged to the Celestials of legend. Deep underground laid an endless network of rooms and chambers, holding hundreds upon hundreds of items and strange records in an alien language unknown to them. It would later come to light that this was once a storage facility for Those That Had Come Before. For what purpose or perhaps why it was all left behind would never be known—but the essence of what it had surely been remained, and struck Vikkon Jotunnson to his core.


In awe of the sheer amount of information left behind, and what vast collection of knowledge this Celestial outpost represented, Vikkon became determined to know it all—even if there was no chance of ever understanding this mysterious language before him. With such concrete evidence of a great progenitor civilization, along with the ancient legends of his Jotunn brethren that spoke of great gods that had once come to their world, bringing with them the burning warmth of Summer and the Weak Ones—Humans—floating high above the dome of the sky in floating mountains made of starlight and darkness, Vikkon was convinced that Dromache was not alone in the universe. That there was more to be found beyond the night stars.

And eventually, Vikkon Jotunnson discovered just that—incredible starmaps that correlated with many constellation positions of Dromache. Emboldened by such knowledge that beyond Dromache laid knowledge to be discovered and documented, just like the Celestials had once done, The Grandsire Vikkon Jotunnson commenced a planet-wide technological revolution that took the world by a storm.

It became a global sentiment that a purpose had been given to Dromache, beyond the knowledge of herself. Beyond the advancement of herself. Beyond the edges of her own system.

To seek, to know, to document, and to safeguard—as surely as the Celestials had done before them.

It would take another two centuries before Vikkon’s vision of star travel would become reality. But eventually, with the aid of some Celestial blueprints discovered, Dromacheans engineers managed to build a ship capable of hyperspace travel, fitted with the best technology and sensors needed to thoroughly explore and record the galaxy beyond.

  • Le’Shaad Rebellion and the Dromachean Civil War
To Be Continued....

Categories: Planets