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En Route: Mission Phase 2

Posted on Wed Oct 10th, 2012 @ 7:43am by
Edited on on Thu Oct 11th, 2012 @ 11:36pm

376 words; about a 2 minute read

Chapter: Chapter I: Web of Fate
Location: Kaddis, Frontier
Timeline: Current

Kaddis, a thriving frontier world off the established trade routes out towards The Rim, second planet around a g-phase white dwarf that put out a lot of light and radiation. The sun wouldn’t have probably been able to heat a third-slot planet in the green-belt of the solar system but due to the amount of radiant light hitting the planet and the level of carbon dioxide and moisture in the atmosphere, it trapped a lot of that as heat. Heat, water and light had produced advanced plant forms and eventually animals and Kaddis, a world with an intense magnetic field (which blocked most of the dangerous radiation) and a high percentage of Teniline in the deep crust had created a prosperous mining colony called Kadisity.

The swirling green and white marble spun through space around its bright white star as, just above it, a mass the size of a small moon burst out of hyperspace! The gigantic ellipse of smooth green and luminous purple striations looked like a seed pod thrown by a plant the size of a solar system. As big as an the Vindicator Imperial Star Destroyer once under the command of Darth Vader, the vast object altered its course slightly to slide between Kaddis’ two moons Edis and Madis and approach the polar region.

As it moved into a high orbit, the object slowed, coming to a stop in the LaGrange point of the magnetic pole, the pulsing green and purple striation pulsing brighter and brighter. After several minutes, as the people below on the planet were driving towards ships and attempting to get into space, the massive object broke apart into hundreds of thousands of obsidian-like elliptical shards, all of them spreading out along the magnetic bands of the planet, slowly enshrouding it in a thick haze of shiny black crystalline haze.

No one saw a tiny fragment, a broken ellipse rounded and torn discarded and forgotten now that its part was complete, tumbling into the gravity-well of Edis.

As the sun glinted off of the now-enshrouded planet, the multitude of black crystalline objects seemed to contract until they disappeared into the atmosphere of the planet, which began to roil and churn with menacing flashes of brilliant purple or emerald light.


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