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Berry Log 2: Thunderstruck

Posted on Mon Jan 14th, 2013 @ 6:55am by Berry

1,071 words; about a 5 minute read

[Accessing Work Log 54]
[Memory Wipe of Area Disabled for Maintenance]
[Begin Log…]

“G2!!” an excited squeal is heard.

“Bleep bloop.”

There is a slight rustling as the droid is jostled by an embrace.

“Sorry, I hugged you already but every time you do a cute beep boop I have to hug you again.”

The droid wisely says nothing.

Berry sighs, happily, it sounds. “Well, I’m back. I said I wouldn’t be last time we talked, didn’t I?”

G2 sounds off affirmatively.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. So I guess that’s the biggest question now…why did I come back?” She gasps. “No, even bigger: What happened when I was on Coruswant? NO, BIGGER is WHERE is Mister Kipster’s tail?!” She pauses, regaining her breath after her loud exhalations.

“Um, anyway…I found a lot of yummy food on the Shiny Planet. I found a sky garden in the city and almost got eaten up by a mean plant—but then I got to eat SO MUCH SALAD it was sooooo good! I wish I had saved some for Boomy, I bet he would’ve liked it…”

Her stomach growls just the slightest.

“Oh boy. And then I ran into this guy named Al and saved him from some mean guy and his wife (not mean guy’s, Al’s) gave me some food but then got mad at Al since Al needed to race to get some money but he broke his hand so yeah…”

“And boy, the races were so fun!! I’d never seen a bike that swoops before, I was actually FLYING. Yeah, sometimes I wish I could fly but I don’t know where I’d go…but I made Boomy mad, that wasn’t nice of me…”

There is a pause as she quietly muses to herself.

“Um, and then me and Eva lady had to go to a party where I totally freaked out on the mean handsome guy.”

She pauses again, but when she resumes speaking she is less rushed, and her voice quiet…serious.
“I…I dunno, something bad must’ve happened to Thane, because…because I felt really bad and mean when I pushed Jespy around. And you gotta know, G2, this was worse than usual. Usually at night on the Raptor I get uncomfortable and restless, like when we were sailing across the clouds and there was a thunderstorm coming and Nimo told me to get off the deck but I didn’t and then my hair started standing up on my head and arms and everything!! But it felt bad, but funny…"

“No, this time it was like…like a thunderbolt had struck me right in the heart. And I know how that feels because that happened when Bakis had me stuck in the stockhold and I was gonna have my head chopped off and…yeah.”

She chuckles, a bit amused as if reminiscing of a fond story. “But yeah…it got me. And it wasn’t my hair that stood up on end—it was my fist!”

She sighs, worriedly. “And…and Shady Lady said that I could try to protect myself from Thane’s surges like that, but…but I don’t know if I want to. Y’know, since I’m always listening to the water world around me, and if I don’t then it’s like…cutting of my arm, or going blind. I just can’t…not do it.”

She paused. “Although…maybe Morgogo was talking about something like…wearing sun eyes? Like when the sun’s too bright and you put something on your eyes that Najis likes to do, so you can still see and it’s not too bright…hmmmm…”

After a few moments her brain seems to have reached its limit of hard thinking.

“OH and speaking of Morgogo she got me all this yummy food, too! After she went shopping. Boy, what a Shady Lady. She’s so full of business, like Orza…doesn’t talk a lot and doesn’t smile…and she seems really smart. Which isn’t like Orza.” She giggles. “Well, smart enough to go hide because people are looking for her. Bad people…or is she the ‘bad’ person, since she killed someone? That word means so differently to different people…I know I don’t really care about it.”

“But you know who really cares about bad? Thane…because the word ‘bad’ is changing for him now. He quit his order, which is where he’s been living almost all his life…so a lot has to be changing for him to quit, right? I mean, even when I left the training room with Thane’s old light stick, I suddenly felt so…so cold. Well, maybe that’s because my shirt doesn’t have sleeves, but…no, it’s more like water cold. When something bad is happening or about to happen, and the water around me just suddenly gets cold…like there’s no sun warming it, and there could be so many monstrous fish waiting in the dark for me…the cold going all the way down to my bones, to my heart…”

Berry’s teeth chatter slightly as she shivers. “So cold…I could never do that. I need to be warm…to see the sun and EAT all the stuff that grows from the sun. Hee.” She chuckles, warmth returning to her voice. “Well, G2, I guess that’s why I came back. I don’t want him to freeze, and I have to do my best. And to do my best, I have to get stronger. Boomy and Thrane are nice enough to wanna help me…and if me being stronger isn’t good enough, oh well. I have to try at least, y’know? I have to help Boomy help him, because…Boomy’s gotta watch his friend-brother change, and that must hurt, especially since it’s probably not for the better.”

She sighs. “And y’know what else hurts? My tummy—because I’m hungry!!” There is a patter of her bare feet across the metal floor, the Aquar quickly exiting amongst the distant cry of “I have to find a taaaiiil!”

“Bloop-beep...” G2 hums quietly, almost thoughtfully, to himself.

There is a distant clattering of dishes noisily falling.

[Log End]


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