
Name Mandalore the Provider

Position Manda'toma Leader

Character Information

Title(s) Mand'alor
Other Names Unknown Birth Name
Gender Neuter
Species Unknown (Mandalorian)
Age ??
Class/Occupation Military Leader
Affiliation Manda'toma
Born Unknown
Homeworld Mandalore, Manda'toma
Weapon(s) of Choice Beskad

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3''
Skin Colour Unknown
Weight Unknown
Hair Color Unknown
Eye Color Unknown
Physical Description A physically-imposing figure, next to nothing is otherwise known about the true identity or appearance of the current Mandalore.
Form of Dress Mandalore wears the official ceremonial armour of Manda'toma's leader, along with the recovered ancient mask of the earliest Mandalores.
Prosthetics/Cybernetics Unknown

Important Figures

Mentor(s) Mandalore the Provider (previous Mandalore) - deceased
Mentee(s) Ganla'dat (roughly translates as "Chosen One") - chosen successor as Mandalore the Provider
Other Nearly all details relating to the current Provider's family and friends are unknown.


Personality & Traits

General Overview The current Mandalore the Provider has already established a firm reputation as a ruthless and cunning warrior and leader, having made astute and extreme decisions during Manda'toma's conflicts with rogue Bastion forces and skirmishes with the Mandalorian Exiles. Mandalore has shown little mercy to the foes of the Mandalorian people, but has never failed to provide suitably for the people of the empire.
Ambitions The current Mandalore is believed to hold ambitions of finally wiping out the scourge of the Exile blight. Whilst all have claimed this, Mandalore is known to have risked conflict with other nations by launching raiding parties beyond typical Mandalorian borders to pursue their quarry.
Languages Mando'a (presumably)


Melee Mastered
Marksmanship Very Good
Lightsaber Unknown/None
Force Sensitivity None
Force Ability Unknown/None
Engineering Average
Computers Poor
Piloting Very Good
Medical Average
Charisma Average
Stealth Very Good

History The current Mandalore the Provider's history is unknown to all outsiders and even to most Mandalorians. The Mandalorian state is at its largest and most formalised in history, leaving the nominations of its leader a more enigmatic affair dictated by the leading warchiefs of Manda'toma, with keen and close oversight of the previous Mandalore (as the "chosen"). As such, the common man has little to no knowledge of their leader, other than to know the wisest and most capable of their warriors has played their part in Mand'alor's selection.

It is widely believed the current Mandalore was selected during or following the Fifth Bastion War.